The strongest soldier

Chapter 2044 Close Counterattack

The enemy's fixed-point rocket attack put a certain amount of pressure on everyone. Luo Zheng was furious and took the initiative to kill these people. After killing two groups in succession, Luo Zheng picked up the RPG on the ground and prepared to counterattack the enemy. Suddenly he heard The sound of noisy footsteps came, and Luo Zheng's eyes froze. He quickly put down his RPG and aimed his pistol again. He soon saw some enemies rushing towards him at the corner in front, all hunched over and moving very fast.

"Puff puff -" Luo Zheng shot at the enemy without hesitation, and rushed forward while shooting. The enemy was caught off guard, and five or six of them fell on the spot. The people behind them raised their guns and prepared to fight back. At that moment, Luo Zheng had already rushed up, roared angrily, and slashed at the enemy with his dragon tooth sword.

"Puff, puff, puff -" The dragon tooth sword flew up and down, hitting the enemy's body continuously, making a dull sound, and the blood surged. Luo Zheng was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, using his invisible sword skills to the fullest, every time A knife is as fast as lightning, and each knife harvests a life.

The black dragon-tooth sword flew around, tearing the space, making a buzzing sound, forming a series of black swords. The sword was at a vital position, and the sharp blade easily tore through all obstacles. The trench was narrow, and the enemy had no tools suitable for his use. The remaining ten or so enemies were chopped down by Luo Zheng like melons and vegetables. In the blink of an eye, they were all knocked to the ground, with no one left alive.

After killing the surrounding enemies in one breath, Luo Zheng squatted in the trench and pricked up his ears. After listening for a while, no one came. The night was deep, and the moon hid behind the dark clouds. The surroundings were eerily quiet, even the gunfire. The sound of rockets and rockets coming out also disappeared. Luo Zheng was suspicious, frowned and shouted in a low voice: "What's going on?"

"There is no trace of the enemy." A brother replied in a low voice.

Luo Zheng waited for a while, but still no enemy was attacking. He quickly picked up the RPG, loaded the rocket into it, put it on his shoulder and aimed it at the enemy camp in front. Soon, Luo Zheng found a place to hide. Many people immediately adjusted the shooting angle and coldly pulled the trigger.

"Pass--" The rocket roared out of the barrel, whizzing away with Luo Zheng's endless anger, drawing a long flame under the moonlight, and the scream that tore through the space was overwhelming. In the blink of an eye, the rocket The bomb hit the target hard, with a loud bang, and fire shot into the sky. The surrounding area was in a mess, and some people were killed on the spot.

Luo Zheng looked around and saw that there were no more rockets. He felt regretful. What a great opportunity. He threw the RPG to the ground and quickly set up his sniper rifle. Before he could take aim, he felt a dangerous feeling of being targeted by a poisonous snake. His brows were twitching as he thought something was going to happen, so he quickly shrank back.

"Pfft--" A bullet whizzed out and sank into the soil of the trench. Luo Zheng was shocked. He looked at the bullet point. If he hadn't shrunk quickly, this shot would definitely kill him. The opponent had a master. , Luo Zheng quickly hunched over and swept the battlefield, picked up all the enemy magazines and put them away, while whispering through the headset: "The enemy has sniper masters, aim at the enemy camp for me, find the snipers, and cover my evacuation." "

Being targeted by snipers was definitely not fun. Luo Zheng had to ask his brothers to help cover the fire. After collecting almost all the ammunition on the ground, Luo Zheng quickly took a circuitous route along the trench, ran about ten meters away, looked at the direction above his head, and quickly He jumped out of the trench and rushed forward. With the agility of a cheetah, he quickly rushed to a mound. The tiger pounced on the ground, rolled to the corner of the mound and huddled up to reduce the attack surface.

"Puff--" Almost at the same time, two sniper bombs whizzed after them and disappeared in the mud. Luo Zheng did not expect that he would still be targeted by the enemy. His face darkened and he did not dare to move. He looked at him warily. Looking around, he asked in a deep voice: "Have you found the target location?"

"Whoosh whoosh--" Three sniper gunshots came from the headset, and then a brother whispered while running: "I found the position and shot him three times. I am changing the sniper position."

When Luo Zheng heard that one of his brothers had found the target, he fired three shots at the opponent. It was a rare opportunity. He quickly rushed out of the mound and rushed towards the hillside. His feet were as fast as flying, but every step was firm and powerful. The soil he stepped on collapsed, almost The rabbit rushed up a hundred meters as the falcon fell. Luo Zheng estimated that he had run long enough for the enemy to react, so he did not dare to continue running. A tiger threw himself on the ground, rolled twice and stopped moving.

"Puff--" Two more sniper bullets followed. The difference was only a tenth of a second. The bullets were empty again. Luo Zheng's face changed drastically when he saw this scene. Not only did the opponent react quickly, but his marksmanship was also very accurate. , who was a skilled sniper, quickly asked in a low voice: "Has anyone noticed the enemy?"

"I have locked the enemy's position and will fire in three seconds. Three, two, one, whoosh -" A sniper gun sounded, breaking the quiet night again.

Luo Zheng did not run away despite the gunfire, but waited for two seconds. This time was enough time for the bullets from the top of the mountain to fly to the canyon, scaring the enemy back. In two seconds, Luo Zheng climbed up and retreated. They continued to rush up to the top of the mountain, not daring to be careless at all. They almost rushed to the top of the mountain in one breath, jumped into the trench with a tiger leap, and using their hands and feet, they continued to rush towards the front without daring to stop at all.

"Boom -" The position where Luo Zheng jumped in was attacked by rockets. A powerful shock wave raged around, causing countless mud and sand to fly. The fragments formed by the explosion also flew all over the sky. Luo Zheng was horrified and quickly held his head. He remained motionless, his whole head buried in the sand, and he waited patiently with bated breath. His ears were filled with the popping sound of fragments piercing into the sand.

Soon the explosion passed. Luo Zheng raised his head and shook it vigorously. After shaking off the soil, he held it up with both hands. He got up and walked forward for a while. He lay on the trench and looked down. It was quiet below. There was no movement, as if nothing happened just now. Luo Zheng's face darkened and he asked: "Where did the rocket attack just come from? Did anyone see it?"

"The report was fired from the trench below. It seems that there are still enemies in the trench below." A brother said in a deep voice, with strong anger in his words.

"These beasts are smart and know how to stay apart, so they can take aim and hit me." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes." The brothers agreed.

"What happened?" Lan Xue's voice sounded in his ears.

"There are enemies ambushing in the trenches on the mountainside below. They are attacking with RPGs. It's a trivial matter. I can handle it. How about you?" Luo Zheng replied in a deep voice. He did not say anything about going down to fight back, so as not to worry Lan Xue, but his heart became more serious. The enemy's tactics are not bad, and with expert command, this battle will not be easy to win.

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