The strongest soldier

Chapter 2043 Luo Zheng attacks

"Boooooooooo-" The brothers hiding in other places found the opportunity and opened fire. The sniper bullets whizzed away, penetrating the gray moonlit space, accurately finding the target, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood, and after shooting, the brothers They carefully chose to change positions, and the RPG rocket attack that followed proved that Luo Zheng's judgment was very accurate. The enemy used human lives to attract everyone to shoot, find the firepower point, and then eliminate them at targeted locations.

I have to say that this tactic is very sharp, a life-for-life style of play. If Luo Zheng hadn't judged the enemy's plot in advance, and if there were no trenches to hide his body, it would be hard to say who would win. Luo Zheng quickly changed positions after firing again. After taking cover, I heard a sharp whistling sound and knew it was an enemy rocket. A tiger jumped in the trench, holding his head with both hands, motionless.

"Boom!" With a loud sound, the explosion blast shook the surrounding mud and sand flying all over the sky. The red light flashed, dispersing the surrounding night. The fragments flew all over the sky, making a buzzing sound in the void, but the red light of the explosion quickly Swallowed by night again, tranquility returned.

Luo Zheng, who was covered by countless sands, quickly got up. He ignored the sand on his body and quickly observed the situation below. He saw that the enemies were still climbing up, but there were only a few of them. He raised his sniper rifle and aimed at them without hesitation. , after locking on one person, he calmly pulled the trigger, without even checking whether he hit or not. Luo Zheng was very confident about his shooting, and quickly changed positions while holding the gun.

The enemy should have someone who is responsible for observation, such as infrared thermal imaging telescopes. Shooting will reveal the position. You must be the first to hide in the trench so that the enemy cannot see your position, and then move to another place to continue shooting. This This tactic was not difficult. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that everyone was using it with great proficiency and kept shooting enemies without anyone getting hurt.

After several rounds of fighting, all the dozen or so people who were touched were killed. Luo Zheng lay down in an inconspicuous place and continued to observe, while whispering through the headset: "Mountain Eagle, Xue'er, report the situation."

Soon, the two reported the situation. The enemy also used the same tactics. The two were reminded by Luo Zheng. They fought very skillfully and killed the people who came up. The result was good. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. I glanced at Balu who was ambushing nearby, and I couldn't help but be startled. I was so immersed in the fight just now that I forgot about Balu's existence. I couldn't help but quickly touched it and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, you guys played well." Balu said sincerely in a low voice.

"As long as it's okay, go to the top of the sand slope. No need to shoot. We can handle it here ourselves and protect ourselves." Luo Zheng warned.

"It's okay, I am also a warrior, one more person brings more strength." Balu said seriously.

"Then be careful." Luo Zheng did not persuade him anymore, but warned him. He went to another place to ambush and continued to observe. He found that the enemy had sent people to attack again. This tactic is very annoying. If you don't fight, you will reach the top of the mountain. The position would be exposed again, attracting fixed-point rocket attacks. Luo Zheng whispered angrily: "The enemy is coming, continue to use the same tactics to kill the enemy." As he said that, he picked up the sniper rifle and rushed down the hillside quickly.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, but no one asked or stopped him. Luo Zheng was the supreme commander. Everyone was accustomed to obeying Luo Zheng's orders and concentrated on shooting. Luo Zheng rushed down the mountain like a cheetah. He immediately opened fire and kept shooting at the enemies that came up. Luo Zheng killed five or six of the dozen enemies in one breath, and the remaining few were also killed by the brothers on the mountain.

The running speed of Luo Zheng was too fast for the RPG to lock on. Soon, Luo Zheng rushed to the mountainside about a kilometer away from the enemy. He jumped down like a tiger. He was in the air and raised his hand to shoot towards the enemy camp. There was no time to see the result. After landing, he rolled and his body hit a mound of dirt and stopped.

The mound was very large and the desertification was serious. Luo Zheng quickly detoured to the other side and laid an ambush. Suddenly he saw a rocket roaring towards him and erupting where he had just been hiding. The powerful shock wave overturned most of the soil in the mound. Luo Zheng Zheng left early and hid tightly on the other side, thus surviving the disaster.

The explosion made Luo Zheng extremely angry. The enemy relied on the heavy firepower of the RPG to show off their power. These people must be killed. Luo Zheng quickly searched for the enemy in front and saw two people hiding next to a mound about 500 meters away. In the trench, one person was carrying an RPG and another was loading ammunition.

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he suddenly became furious. There was a trench 500 meters away, which the enemy had dug earlier to hide troops and lay ambushes. This location was still 500 meters away from the canyon, so he could attack the canyon from a high position. Luo Zheng Zheng and others did not go through the canyon, and the ambush plan failed, but the trenches were good. These enemies used the trench cover to carry out precise bombing on the top of the sand slope.

"Wha-" Luo Zheng fired, and the sniper bullet roared away with Luo Zheng filled with rage, penetrating the night and hitting the target's exposed RPG in an instant.

"Boom——" There was a huge thundering sound, and the rocket in the RPG exploded, exploding into a large ball of fire. Countless fragments raged away, and the smoke filled the air. Two targets were killed on the spot, and blood flowed wildly. The body parts and pieces of meat were strewn all over the place, and no intact piece could be found.

Luo Zheng looked at this scene coldly. He quickly changed his hiding spot like a civet cat just in case. After waiting for a while, no one bombed him. Luo Zheng looked around calmly and looked around. His sharp eyes were particularly bright under the moonlight. , and soon discovered that there were two places not far away carrying out targeted attacks on the top of the mountain.

"Son of a bitch." Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly put the sniper rifle on his back, pulled out the Dragon Fang Saber, kicked his feet hard, and rushed downwards like an unloaded cannonball, constantly jumping over the obstacles in front of him. The pile of sand looked like a tiger descending from the mountain, with only an afterimage visible in the moonlight.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Zheng rushed into the trench and quickly hunched over to avoid exposing his position. As he ran, Luo Zheng pricked up his ears, grabbed the dragon tooth sword tightly with one hand, and pulled out a pistol with the other hand. With a push on the thigh and a bullet loaded, Luo Zheng's feet were as fast as flying, his cold eyes staring straight ahead, full of terrifying murderous intent.

Soon, Luo Zheng saw someone firing a rocket in the trench ahead. It took time to change the ammunition. Luo Zheng was not sure whether the other party knew that he had touched it. He accelerated his feet and rushed up like a strong wind. After passing a bend, he discovered Two people are loading rockets.

"Puff--" Luo Zheng raised his hand and fired two bursts. The bullets pounced on the heads of the two targets respectively. They were only five or six meters apart. The incident happened suddenly. The two people had no time to react before they were killed by Luo Zheng. Their bodies collapsed. There was no movement on the ground, and Luo Zheng rushed forward with a single stride.

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