The strongest soldier

Chapter 2045 Continue to counterattack

The enemies that Lan Xue and Shan Diao faced were a little different. Because there were no trenches, the enemies hid far away to avoid the shooting range of sniper rifles. However, they also fired a few cold shots from time to time. They were enemy snipers, forcing everyone to do nothing. Let go of the counterattack, there is no danger to defend on the sandy slope, and there is nowhere to hide. Everyone has no choice but to hide in the trench, try not to expose the position as much as possible, and fire when they find an opportunity. The two sides are evenly matched, and no one can do anything to the other.

After listening to the descriptions of Lan Xue and Shan Diao, Luo Zheng guessed that the enemy was trying to attract his troops to deploy. No one could tell what would happen after dawn. It was best to take advantage of the night to make a difference. How to fight? Luo Zheng looked at the gray distance and began to think deeply. Suddenly, the corner of Luo Zheng's eye fell on Shi Qian who was lurking not far away. He couldn't help but move, he thought about it, and quickly bent over.

Shi Qian, who was maintaining his weapon, couldn't help but turn around when he heard the footsteps. Seeing it was Luo Zheng, he asked curiously: "There is sand everywhere in this damn place, and it has even gotten into the gun. It's really troublesome to clean it up. Why don't you find me?" ?"

"Well, didn't you bring a stealth suit? Do you dare to touch the enemy's position?" Luo Zheng asked.

"What are you afraid of? What do you want me to do?" Shi Qian asked curiously.

"The enemy has RPGs, which put a lot of pressure on us. It's best to destroy their RPGs overnight, or blow up their rockets. You are responsible for infiltration, and I will snipe and cover you from behind. Are there any problems?" Luo Zheng said seriously? He looked at Shi Qian and said.

Shi Qian thought for a moment and then said: "No problem, I have a stealth suit and the enemy can't see it. With your cover, it will be safer. But then you are in danger. It's best to have more than one person with you. Someone Take care of.”

"What you said makes sense, so it's settled." Luo Zheng agreed: "Zhou Gang, come here."

Zhou Gang was the officer specially arranged by Shan Diao to command the other ten people. Not only did he have outstanding military skills, but he was also very familiar with Luo Zheng. Shan Diao was relieved to have Zhou Gang here. When he heard the shouting, Zhou Gang quickly trotted up with his waist bent and squatted down. Looking at Luo Zheng from the side, he asked: "Boss, what are your instructions?"

"Come down with me for a walk." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Okay." Zhou Gang agreed nonchalantly.

Luo Zheng pointed to the canyon below and continued: "There are enemies hiding in the trenches. The number is unknown. We must pass through carefully. The ammunition should be behind the position. Time will change. We will cover you with firepower in a while. Are you sure you can get behind the enemy?" "

"No problem." Shi Qian said confidently.

"Okay, let's move, Zhou Gang, you are on the left, I am on the right, Shi Qian, you follow us first, let's go." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. After seeing the two of them nodding in agreement, he picked up his weapons and rushed down the mountain. The hillside was not very steep. Luo Zheng spread his legs and rushed down. Like a tiger going down the mountain, with an indomitable momentum, he rushed down a hundred meters in the blink of an eye. Luo Zheng was worried that he would be targeted by enemy snipers if he rushed further. A tiger pounced towards the side mound, shrunk his body, and stared ahead warily.

At this time, Zhou Gang also rushed down from the other side, jumping constantly as he ran. The route he ran was also very irregular and difficult to lock. After rushing for nearly a hundred meters, he found a place to hide, preparing to take a breath before rushing again. This kind of charge requires the fastest speed and consumes the most physical strength. Once the physical strength cannot keep up and the speed slows down, the enemy's snipers will immediately target them, and the consequences will be very serious.

Luo Zheng lurked in the mound and gasped for air. After waiting for a while, he estimated that Shi Qian had changed into his invisibility suit. He lowered his voice and shouted: "You on the top of the mountain, find an opportunity to shoot. After the gunshot, Shi Qian rushed forward quickly. Come down."

"Understood." Shi Qian responded in a deep voice.

Soon, a brother on the top of the sand slope found an opportunity and fired a shot. The gunshot broke the tranquility of the canyon and successfully attracted everyone's attention. Shi Qian, who had changed into his stealth suit, also quickly rushed down the hillside. Qian's body is well hidden and cannot be found unless he is in front of him.

Shi Qian rushed to the trench in one breath and saw two people squatting in the trench, tinkering with RPGs. There was no one else, so Shi Qian didn't panic. He pulled out his tiger-tooth saber and rushed down. He raised the knife with his hand and cut open it easily. One person's throat, the tiger-tooth saber pierced the other person's heart. Shi Qian twisted hard, pulled it out, and kicked the other person to the ground with a flying kick.

After successfully killing the two people, Shi Qian quickly whispered through the headset: "Head, the two enemies in front have been eliminated, you can come down."

Luo Zheng was overjoyed and rushed down quickly. He looked like a ghost under the moonlight. In a blink of an eye, he was near the trench. He jumped over and landed firmly in the trench without moving. His sharp eyes looked at the dead people on the ground. Tohru's enemy picked up the RPG and said in a deep voice: "I'll give them a guy, and then you go over immediately."

"No problem." Shi Qian promised. With RPG attacks to attract enemies, he would be more sure of infiltrating them.

Soon, Luo Zheng loaded the rockets, aimed in the direction of the enemy camp and pulled the trigger. The rockets roared into the sky, and the dazzling tail flames looked like death's scythe under the moonlight. It was chilling, and a strange parabola was drawn. , the rocket landed on the ground, making a loud "boom" sound, and a red light rose into the sky.

"Let's go." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice.

Shi Qian agreed, rushed out of the trench, and rushed down. Under the moonlight, there was no trace at all. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He looked around and saw that there were still rockets around. He immediately picked up one and loaded it again. Resisting on his shoulder, he suddenly heard subtle footsteps on the side. He was startled and quickly turned the rpg around. He saw someone rushing over from the trench on one side, hunched over, holding a gun, walking as fast as flying, with cold eyes.

Luo Zheng was taken aback and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The rocket launcher rushed out with a "ping" sound. The enemy who rushed up never expected Luo Zheng to attack with the rocket launcher. His face was horrified and pale as paper, but it was already too late. Before he could react in time, he was thrown backwards by the rocket.

"Boom——!" There was a loud noise, the ground shook, and powerful fire shot into the sky. The surrounding trenches collapsed one after another, and mud and sand flew all over the sky.

Luo Zheng's face darkened when he saw this scene, and he quickly loaded up the rockets. His sharp eyes were locked in front of him to prevent the enemy from attacking. Suddenly, he heard rapid and subtle footsteps coming from above, followed by "Whoosh" "——" There was a gunshot, and I couldn't help being startled, and I quickly turned my head.

It was Zhou Gang who came. He raised his sniper rifle while running, aimed at the other side and continued shooting. Luo Zheng was shocked. He turned around and saw some people rushing towards him from the other side. Fortunately, they were suppressed by Zhou Gang's sniper attack. Luo Zheng was shocked. Furious, he quickly picked up the RPG and aimed at it with a cold face, his cold eyes full of murderous intent.

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