The strongest soldier

Chapter 2013 Beautiful Valley

On the vast mountains, the sun is like fire, desperately emitting heat, taking away the moisture of the earth. The air is so dry that it can be ignited. The climate of the African grasslands is not something ordinary people can bear. Luo Zheng rushed with a cold face. , the heart must be heavy, the weird valley, the mysterious towering stone pillars, the man in black robe who dared to self-destruct, and the MP40 submachine gun, all of this is enough to show that these people are not simple.

You must know that the MP series guns are all weapons made in Japan, and there is not much market circulation. This is not a country. How can these people have MP40 submachine guns? Self-destruction definitely requires a lot of courage and willpower. The man just now was clearly in pain and pretended to be panic, but he detonated the explosives on his body fiercely and died calmly. Even a well-trained soldier may not be able to do it. His belief is that he is a brave warrior. This kind of person is obviously not a local government soldier, so there is only one possibility, which is supported by great faith.

Belief is often a means for terrorists to control believers. They have been brainwashed since childhood, have great trust and loyalty to the organization, dare to die for their beliefs, and are proud of it. Is it really a Cobra terrorist organization? Luo Zheng was thinking secretly, and suddenly saw the target running in front of him. He was not overjoyed, and immediately put aside his distracting thoughts and chased after him.

Based on his previous experience, Luo Zheng estimated that this guy also had a bomb, so he kept an eye on it and quickly raised his pistol and aimed at it. The other party did not notice that anyone was chasing him and was running away without looking back. Luo Zheng rushed Stopping on a hillock, the pistol quickly locked onto the opponent's leg.

"Puff puff -" Luo Zheng quickly pulled the trigger, and there was a rapid three-point shot. The three bullets rushed over, the sound was eliminated by the silencer, and the bullets filled the void with Luo Zheng's thick murderous intent and anger. Three air currents came out, releasing three strange lines of death.

The target stumbled and fell to the ground. He was obviously hit by a bullet, and his body was covered by the raised mound of soil. Luo Zheng quickly rushed over and said to Lan Xing: "Help me keep an eye on that one."

"Understood, the opponent fell to the ground and did not run away. He must have been hit." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset.

"Boom -" As soon as he finished speaking, there was an explosion from behind the mound in front of him, a red light rose into the sky, and black smoke filled the air, mixed with countless broken limbs and pieces of meat flying around.

Luo Zheng was shocked. He rushed forward and stood on a mound. He saw that the opponent had detonated a bomb and his body was blown into pieces. Every intact place was covered with blood. Even the weapons were changed. Shape, Luo Zheng looked at this scene in a daze, unable to believe his eyes.

Ants are greedy for life, so what makes these people not afraid of death? Why commit suicide? Is it hiding something or is it some kind of power of faith? All this made Luo Zheng confused and he couldn't figure out the reason. After a while, Luo Zheng walked up and squatted down to check, but still couldn't find anything that could prove his identity. Luo Zheng stood up and looked up at the scorching sun in the sky. Take a deep breath, turn around and leave.

Along the way, Luo Zheng kept speculating on the reason, but couldn't figure it out. Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset: "There's another explosion. Are you okay? What happened?"

"Another target detonated the explosives on his body after being hit. I'm fine." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his mood was extremely solemn, his eyes were slightly focused, his steps quickened a little, and he continued: "What are you doing over there? Condition?"

"After that group of people left, there was no movement in the valley." Lan Xue replied quickly.

"Hide still and wait for me to come." Luo Zheng said quickly.

Something seemed fishy, ​​Luo Zheng rushed over quickly, and soon he came to the valley. Looking at the towering stone pillars, Luo Zheng's slightly condensed eyes became wary. He rushed up a hillside and found a place to lurk. He carefully observed his surroundings and found nothing unusual. On the mountains opposite the valley, the fire weakened when it reached the edge of the valley. There were no shrubs around the valley, and the fire could not start and was spreading to the surrounding areas.

Luo Zheng glanced at the burned mountain. It was so big, and black smoke filled the air. With such a fire, not to mention the cobra, not even a human could hide it. Luo Zheng carefully observed the surroundings for a while, and quickly confirmed that there was no danger. He stood up and rushed forward, his body as strong as a running cheetah.

Not long after, Luo Zheng rushed to the edge of the valley and hid behind a slope. He looked around cautiously. After finding no danger, he looked around and saw that the valley was not steep, but a gentle slope going down, layer upon layer, as if one layer after another. There are many stone piles raised on the gentle steps, with different shapes and shapes, and the stone pillars stand out in front.

The bottom of the valley was bottomless, and only part of it could be seen. Luo Zheng stared at the surroundings curiously, and after confirming that there was no danger, he carefully continued to move forward for a distance, hiding among a pile of rocks, and looked down with full eyes. There are many stone platforms at the bottom of the valley, which are long or short and vary in size. The large ones can accommodate several helicopters, while the small ones can accommodate more than a dozen people. They are clean and flat. They are shady and cool below and cannot be exposed to the sun.

"It's weird." Luo Zheng didn't expect that he still couldn't see the bottom of the valley. He was quickly attracted by a wooden house. The wooden house was built on a platform halfway up the mountain. It had wood as the wall and a stone slab as the roof. No one was seen. There was a small road next to it. The canyon is winding, with a stream of clear water flowing slowly, forming a small waterfall after passing through the platform, cascading downwards. The sun shines below, and the red sandstone, clear water, green moss on the stone slabs, and the golden sunlight , several kinds of eyes intertwined together, especially beautiful.

"There is water." Luo Zheng did not expect that this place was so beautiful and there was water. This is very rare in the African grasslands. It is like a paradise. No wonder there are people living here. Is it really the former headquarters or sacrificial place of the Dark Church? Where have the people inside gone?

Luo Zheng lurked in place for a while, and after making sure there was no danger, he continued forward. He came to the edge of the valley and looked down. Due to the lack of sunlight, the valley was bottomless, cool and dark, and there was a wide stone platform halfway up the mountain. Many wooden houses were built on the mountain. The towering stone pillars looked like giants. Their long shadows intertwined together to form a strange pattern. Luo Zheng had a vague feeling that there were caves underneath.

Thinking of the cave, Luo Zheng's face became solemn and he looked intently. Unfortunately, the distance was too far. In addition, the complex terrain and jagged rocks below blocked the view and made it difficult to see clearly. Luo Zheng carefully looked at this naturally formed valley. There are winding canyons in the valley with gurgling water and beautiful scenery, but I feel uneasy inside. I feel that there is a murderous intention hidden under these beautiful scenery. I can't go down easily. What should I do?

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