The strongest soldier

Chapter 2014 Difficult to Breakthrough

The terrain below the valley is complicated and conducive to concealment and ambushes. If there are really countless armed men hiding, like cobras hiding in the cracks of the rocks, if they go down hastily, they will die. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless. He took out his mobile phone and took some photos before quickly retreating. As he ran towards Lan Xue's hiding place, he thought about it. There was clearly a murderous aura in the valley. Could it be that there were really Cobra terrorists hiding in the valley, waiting for him to come?

When I think of this, I also think of the intricate terrain below the valley, with raised rocks everywhere, small canyons and mountain valleys everywhere. It can be said that there are many canyons lined up, peaks and valleys intertwined, cliffs and walls, cliffs and terraces, and flowing water and mountains. It is so beautiful. Beautiful, such a beautiful place also means danger. The complex terrain is too easy to hide. If you are not familiar with the terrain, you will be blinded or even lost.

Running wildly all the way, Luo Zheng quickly came to the place where Lan Xue was lurking, and quickly lay down on his side. He swept his sharp eyes around and said in a low voice: "Are you okay? Did you find anything?"

"Nothing was found except for the people who left. What about you?" Lan Xue whispered.

"The valley below is very beautiful, but I feel there is a murderous aura, maybe there is someone hiding there." Luo Zheng said angrily, while introducing the terrain of the valley, Lan Xue frowned and thought deeply.

After a while, Lan Xue suddenly said: "I understand, there must be someone."

"Why?" Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue curiously and asked.

"It's very simple. The whole valley is made of British sandstone. This kind of stone is extremely hard and stacked in sheets. Even if it is bombed by missiles, it will not collapse easily. There are tall stone pillars in the valley. If someone acts as a lookout on top, even if Without radar, incoming missiles or helicopters can be detected in advance, and there is enough time to notify people in the valley to quickly hide in the cave. This valley is simply a natural defensive position. If you are not familiar with the terrain, it will be useless. Maybe the valley There are other exits." Lan Xue analyzed thoughtfully.

"It makes sense. If this is really the place of the Dark Church, it has been here since ancient times and has been operating for at least two thousand years. It is not surprising that there are stone caves and other exits. Maybe a large amount of food is stored, and there is an underground spring for drinking river water. It is simply a natural meat grinder. No matter how many people go in, it will not be enough. No wonder they are not worried about being attacked and hide in the valley without coming out." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his sharp eyes locked on the towering stone pillars.

"You want to say attack the stone pillar?" Lan Xue knew Luo Zheng too well and knew what he wanted to do with just one look. She couldn't help but asked in a deep voice. When Luo Zheng nodded, she smiled bitterly and said: "It's impossible, it represents religion. It’s a church. Once attacked, the people from the Dark Church will immediately launch public opinion propaganda. Attacking the church is not a wise move.”

"Yes, this is what I'm worried about. The church cannot be attacked. If there is a telescope above, it will be easy to detect the attack from the air. It will not be able to catch the enemy below by surprise. The attack will be counterattacked by the sect, and may even attract unnecessary attacks. There is pressure from international public opinion. After all, there is freedom of belief. Attacking the place of belief is equivalent to erasing the spiritual home of believers. This pressure is not small. It is such a powerful calculation. It seems that the people below have already thought of this, or the people of the Dark Church have already thought of this. Even if we get this right," Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with deep worry.

"Open attacks are definitely not possible. Attacking at night is most suitable, but I guess there are many cobras hidden underneath. Even if we wear thermal imaging tactical goggles, it is difficult to find them. It is indeed powerful. It seems that these people are indeed not simple. They have thought of this a long time ago. ." Lan Xue also said in a deep voice.

"Unless a large number of troops are mobilized to clean it up bit by bit." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He thought of something and immediately denied it: "That won't work either. There are tunnels below that extend in all directions, just like our tunnel battles back then. Cleaning them one by one won't work either. , the best way is to attack them with poisonous smoke and smoke them to death. The problem is that we can't make such a big poisonous smoke. There are definitely six to seven hundred acres of land in the valley below, which is too big to handle."

"It seems that we can only go back and make a calculation." Lan Xue suggested angrily.

"That's all we can do. The defense here is excellent, and it may be a sacred place for sacrifices. The people inside have to protect the church on the stone pillars. They won't abandon the defense. Don't worry about this day, go back." Luo Zheng also said angrily , this kind of tiger eating a turtle, the feeling of having no way to eat is very frustrating, and the pace is actually blocked by a valley.

The two people quickly evacuated and contacted the ambassador to arrange a car to pick them up. An hour later, the two people came to the roadside and saw the same car coming to pick them up. They quickly got in the car and walked toward the embassy. , were silent all the way, thinking about their thoughts.

The car returned to the embassy unknowingly. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue got off the car and returned to the guest house. They took a shower first, put on clean clothes, and met in the cafeteria to eat something. Things did not progress, and both of them were in a bad mood. Okay, I have no appetite, so I ate something and went back to the room to discuss countermeasures.

After discussing for a while, there was no good solution. Luo Zheng turned on the signal to contact Blue Star and asked about Gui Shou and the others. Blue Star immediately said: "Gui Shou and the others are still lurking and observing. There is no further news. There is nothing abnormal in the power plant. Situation, in addition, Jackson called your phone and you turned off your phone."

Luo Zheng quickly picked up the phone and took it out. After turning it on, he saw that there was a missed call. He immediately said: "Monitor my phone immediately. Be careful of information leakage. There are photos taken in the phone. Copy and back them up immediately. I will be back soon." Call me." He said and dialed again.

The call was quickly connected, and Jackson's calm voice came: "Old friend, it's not easy to find you. If you are free, we will meet and sum up."

"Okay, come here, I'm at the embassy." Luo Zheng said calmly. After hearing the other party's answer, he quickly hung up the phone. Sam's country's information capabilities are too strong. If a Trojan horse or monitoring or positioning program is implanted by the other party, , that would be troublesome, Luo Zheng immediately asked through the headset: "How is it?"

"The other party probably didn't do anything with your phone. The photos have been copied." Lanxing replied.

Luo Zheng immediately turned off his cell phone and removed the battery to prevent Sam's secret attack. He threw the phone on the table next to him, looked at Lan Xue and said, "I'm going to meet Jackson, you wait here. "

"Well, be careful." Lan Xue agreed, but suddenly thought of something and reminded: "In addition, we promised to give him Sadie, but we haven't given it to him yet. You have to think about it carefully. I guess he will ask questions later. ."

"Just give it to him. There is no use value anymore, but not now. Jackson feels guilty when Sadie is in our hands. Let's take a look first. I don't know what Jackson's real purpose is. If you ask, Qian, let's see if he can attack the valley, I'll go first." Luo Zheng said thoughtfully, got up and walked outside.

"I understand, be careful." Lan Xue warned.

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