The strongest soldier

Chapter 2012 The target explodes

Working with Jackson is like dancing on the tip of a knife. If you are not careful, you will be doomed. Luo Zheng does not dare to be careless. This fire not only disperses the cobras and burns out the lurking enemies, but more importantly, identifies the identities of these people. , if these people are indeed Cobras, Luo Zheng wouldn't mind having a big fight, but what if they weren't? Could it be that he was taken as a messenger by Jackson? He also got into unnecessary trouble, something Luo Zheng would not do.

As the saying goes: Be careful when sailing the boat that lasts ten thousand years. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue lurked and waited cautiously. After a while, Lan Xing said angrily: "There is nothing identifying these people. When comparing the photographed people with the database, there is no match. Even the United Nations database does not match them." There is no match.”

"No identity?" Luo Zheng's face darkened, and he became embarrassed. He must not act rashly if he didn't know his identity. Luo Zheng's eyes tightened and twisted into the Chinese character "Sichuan". It was such a pity that he didn't know who the other party was despite all his efforts. , staring sharply ahead, he suddenly spotted two figures from the corner of his eye. He was stunned for a moment, and when he looked closely, he found that they were two people in black robes leaving in a hurry.

"You continue to monitor here. I will catch those two people and question them. Be careful that they flee the mountain and escape. Be careful yourself." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Lanxing also saw the two people, nodded knowingly, and stayed to continue to monitor. Luo Zheng left quietly, quickly detoured through the dense bushes around him, and ran quickly, like a wild wolf chasing its prey, very fast. , his resolute face was as calm as water, and his eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

As he ran, Luo Zheng's ears stood up and his eyes were alert to his surroundings. His whole body tensed up and he was on high alert to be ready for any sudden danger. After running for a while, there was no danger or enemy. Luo Zheng quickly surrounded him. After climbing over the hills, I saw the two people hurriedly walking in front of me.

"No, a team came out of the valley and trotted away in the opposite direction. There were seventeen of them in total. They were all in black robes. They couldn't see their appearance clearly. They couldn't see their weapons. The black robes were too big and might have blocked the weapons. These The person is very fast, with firm and powerful steps, like someone who is used to running on mountain roads." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

The two were not too far apart, and the signal could be transmitted via Bluetooth. Luo Zheng's face changed drastically as he was running, and he said in a deep voice: "It's true that he is trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain. It only takes two people to distract us. Don't worry, continue to lurk and observe, don't act rashly. Be careful yourself, I guess there are still people in the valley."

"Understood." Lan Xue responded in a deep voice.

The two men could not see anything below the valley from where they were lurking and observing. They were not sure what was below. Luo Zheng warned him and sped up to pursue them. They climbed over a hill and saw the two people running in front of them, so they sped up and rushed forward. , and just as they were about to catch up, the two men in black robes who were walking quickly under the hill suddenly dodged and hid behind the slope, and fired a hail of bullets in the direction of Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng was taken aback. He threw himself on the ground, rolled twice, and avoided the opponent's shooting angle. His face became solemn, and he quickly looked around, found a roundabout route, and quickly reached behind a slope. Luo Zheng slowly poked his head forward, looking down from a high position, and saw that the two men in black robes had dispersed, each finding a place to hide, and stopped shooting.

The two people may not have expected Luo Zheng to chase so fast. They hurriedly turned invisible and counterattacked. The position they chose was not very good, and there was no suitable place to hide around. Luo Zheng stared at the two people below coldly, raising his gun and aiming at one person. After thinking about the head, the muzzle of the gun shifted and was aimed at the shoulder.

"Pfft--" A bullet rushed out of the gun barrel. The sound of the bullet was eliminated by the silencer, but the bullet's attack power was not reduced at all. It swooped forward and accurately penetrated the target's shoulder, splashing a bloody arrow.

The target fell to the ground with a scream, and his body was covered by the mound of earth. Luo Zheng did not move, waiting patiently, listening to the target's painful wails, searching around with sharp eyes, but there was no trace of the enemy, and asked in a deep voice: "Lan Star, give me satellite support and find another asshole location.”

"Understood." Blue Star agreed immediately.

Soon, Blue Star continued: "Your one o'clock direction is running away."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was shocked and rushed down the hillside quickly. He saw a man in black robe running wildly down the hillside. He had already gone very far. There were constant wailing sounds from under the mound not far away. Luo Zheng did not pursue him. I immediately rushed to the mound and saw a man in black robe huddled together, clutching his shoulders. An MP40 submachine gun was thrown aside. There was a large pool of blood on the ground.

Luo Zheng jumped down from the mound, vigilantly kicked away the submachine gun, and locked the target with the pistol. Seeing that the target looked frightened and showed no intention of resisting, he was startled. He walked over vigilantly, and suddenly saw the panic flashing on the other person's face. A cruel sneer, a very strange expression.

"Not good." Luo Zheng was greatly excited. He exerted force on his feet and his body flew backwards. With a strange twist, he fell down behind the slope and held his head in his hands.

"Boom -" There was a loud noise, and the ground seemed to shake half of it, and countless pieces of soil were blown away.

Luo Zheng felt a strong shock wave raging past. The air felt like it was burning. Countless dirt fell on him, causing pain. He did not dare to move. He held his head tightly and waited for a while until the explosion shock wave dissipated. , Luo Zheng quickly raised his head, and seeing that there was no danger, he climbed up.

Looking around, he saw that the man in black robe had been blown into pieces, everywhere, and blood covered the surrounding area. It was extremely miserable. Luo Zheng looked at this scene coldly, and was very angry. He didn't expect that he almost died at the hands of this man. His face darkened, he stepped forward, picked up the MP40 submachine gun and checked to see if it was still usable. He quickly checked the scene and found nothing that could prove his identity.

"Are you okay?" Lan Xing's concerned voice sounded in the headset.

"Asshole, I'm fine. Blue Star, give me the coordinates of the other person. I must catch him. These people dare to blow themselves up. They are definitely not ordinary people." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, looking up in the direction where the other person escaped. There is no trace of the other party. The surrounding terrain is complex, with hills everywhere blocking the view, and the view is not far away.

"We're heading towards three o'clock." Lanxing quickly agreed.

"Xue'er, don't act rashly. Pay attention to lurking and continue to observe. I think the big fish is behind you." Luo Zheng warned as he quickly ran towards the three o'clock direction.

"I understand, what happened to you over there? Why was there an explosion? Are you okay?" Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset, with deep concern.

"The target self-destructed. It's okay. These people are not simple. You should be careful. I will chase the one who ran away. I must find out their identity." Luo Zheng replied angrily, with a cold murderous aura in his words.

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