The strongest soldier

Chapter 1950 Shocked by gunshots

"What do you mean by the way of balance?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He looked at Cao Xi and asked, nature is about balance. Does this tomb also have a way of balance? Luo Zheng didn't understand this at all. In order to better complete the mission and take his brothers back alive, he had to find out more about Cao Xi, who was familiar with the situation.

"That's right, the way of balance. Without golden-scaled snakes, corpse rats will overrun. Without enough food, there are only two choices. Leave and starve to death. Corpse rats are born in sexual nests and will not If you leave, there is only one result. If you have golden-scaled snakes, you can control the number of corpse-eating rats within a certain range. However, golden-scaled snakes have limited reproduction, and it is even more difficult to grow. The number is limited, which invisibly constitutes a kind of Balance." Cao Xi explained quickly, his face serious.

"That makes sense. What are you worried about?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"It is not easy for this golden-scaled snake to grow up. Now it is killed. It has destroyed the balance invisibly. I am afraid it will lead to a riot among corpse rats. I am afraid that the road ahead will be difficult. I don't know how many golden-scaled snakes are still there. Will they take revenge?" ? Snakes, like wolves, are also very vengeful animals. Once revenge is launched, there may be a snake-rat war, and we will also be affected. We must enter the mausoleum as soon as possible to get things." Cao Xi reminded in a deep voice.

"Well, what you said makes sense. Brothers are all tired. Let's spend the night here tonight and then take action after dawn tomorrow. Mountain Eagle, all your people will go up the tree to be on guard. Ghost Hands, Snow Leopard, your people will also disperse. , pairs of two, take turns to rest for two hours, go and make arrangements." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice, and there was someone to take care of the two of them.

"Do you want to make a fire?" Shi Qian reminded.

"No, although there are golden-scaled snakes and corpse-eating rats here, there is no guarantee that people from Japan and polar bears will infiltrate and check. Making a fire just exposes the location. Everyone, be careful, hide well, and don't be careless. Our enemies are not only animals, but also Someone is there." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

Everyone dispersed and all kinds of hidden precautions were taken. Luo Zheng also found a place to sit down and rest. He called Cao Xi and Shi Qian over and asked with concern: "Are you tired? Have a good rest. I'm afraid the road ahead will be difficult. It’s even more difficult, you two must tell me in time if anything happens.”

Cao Xi agreed, and sat back-to-back with Shi Qian on a thick tree root exposed on the ground, whispering thoughtful words. Luo Zheng also snuggled with Lan Xue, whispering his views on the war situation and analyzing various things. Maybe, the woods soon became quiet, and the strong smell of blood was blown away by the wind. The cold air poured into the body, as if it was being cut with a knife, making people feel uncomfortable and unable to sleep.

Although everyone is wearing a variety of thermal clothing, chemical protective clothing, bulletproof tights, etc., they still can't stop the cold air from entering the body from the nose and mouth. The heart and lungs seem to be frozen. The woods are quiet, only the cold The wind shook the leaves and made a heart-stopping sound, as if the devil was grinning.

Luo Zheng looked up at the swaying tree crowns and the clear moonlight, feeling extremely heavy. He kept thinking about what was going to happen next. One corpse rat already gave him a headache, plus the golden-scaled snake, these two things were very deadly, and there were enemies. Looking around, if the research base is in the mausoleum, then the mausoleum must be full of mechanisms. Although the Japanese pirates have occupied the mausoleum, for the sake of safety, the mechanisms inside will definitely not be cracked. What should I do?

Unconsciously, Luo Zheng used the breathing method passed down by his family to adjust his breath, and gradually fell into trance. All the sounds around him entered his mind, clearly discernible, and very mysterious. He gradually fell asleep. I don’t know how long it took, but Luo Zheng was I woke up to the sound of footsteps and voices walking around. When I opened my eyes, I saw that it was already dawn.

Luo Zheng stood up, feeling very energetic and unable to relax. In this terrifying primitive jungle, mental state is an important prerequisite for survival. Without a good spirit, reaction will be slow, which means that at any time, something will happen. After dying, Luo Zheng looked up at the sky. The rising sun shone through the dense leaves, bit by bit, swaying on the ground with the wind, as if golden butterflies were dancing. In the void, water vapor on the surface rose, filling the sky. Go, the bunches of transmitted halo shine in the water vapor, colorful, like a rainbow, especially beautiful.

In the distance, there were calls of birds and unknown beasts from time to time, adding a bit of life to the dense woods. Luo Zheng secretly relaxed. It was much safer during the day than at night. The field of vision was relatively wide, and people's reaction ability and safety were Sex is much stronger than the night, and I couldn't help shouting through the headset: "Brothers, are you okay? Check on each other."

"It's okay." Everyone's reporting voices sounded in the headsets.

Being able to spend the night safely is very important for the troops. We have never been exposed to such terrifying existences as corpse rats and golden-scaled snakes before. It will take some time to digest and adapt. After a safe night, everyone's psychological quality will be improved. Everything has changed. At least he won't panic when he encounters similar animals again. Luo Zheng knew this very well. He was secretly grateful and shouted: "Brothers, pay attention. Eat and get ready to leave."

"Understood." Everyone responded solemnly.

The troops quickly replenished food to restore their strength. Ten minutes later, the large troops continued to advance. The mountain eagles led the people to open the way. All snipers were very keen on danger and had very strong observation skills. The ghost hands and snow leopards led the people. One on the left and one on the right, they formed an attack formation with Shan Diao's people. Luo Zheng led Shi Qian, Cao Xi and Lan Xue forward in the middle of the triangle formation.

This walk lasted about an hour. Luo Zheng observed the surrounding terrain along the road. Cao Xi was also observing the terrain. He took out the aerial terrain map for comparison, made sure everyone was locked in position, and provided direction guidance to the troops. The team walked silently, without People were noisy, and no one dared to be careless in the presence of corpse rats and golden-scaled snakes that were so terrifying and dangerous that they could hurt people at any time, and no one was in the mood to finish talking.

About an hour later, gunfire suddenly rang out in front. The sound was very weak and intermittent, which showed that the distance was still quite far. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and quickly ordered: "Everyone spread out and build a circular defensive position." , Brother, please arrange the team, I’ll go take a look.”

"I'll go with you." Lan Xue responded in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue but did not dissuade him. The two of them were close to each other and depended on each other for life and death. They were together no matter what they did. This way they felt at ease. Luo Zheng looked around and continued: "Shi Qian, Cao Xi, you two stay. "Speaking of which, Lan Xue ran forward and chased after him without saying a word.

The two of them charged in the dense forest like two cheetahs. A few rabbits and falcons went very far away. As they ran, the sound of gunshots in front became clearer and clearer. Luo Zheng's face became stern and he sped up. Lan Xue also He gritted his teeth and chased after him, following Luo Zheng to support him, just like a hungry wolf chasing its prey in the dense forest, moving like the wind and extremely fast.

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