The strongest soldier

Chapter 1951 Goodbye Rat Pack

Ten minutes later, the two came to a hill and saw gunshots coming from the valley in front. Luo Zheng quickly checked the surrounding terrain, quickly located a big tree and climbed up. He stood on the tree crown and followed the sound. There were gunshots in the valley. It was two groups of people fighting each other. They were fighting each other very resolutely. No one was willing to give in. His face sank. He raised his sniper scope and observed carefully. It was not a good time to encounter a confrontation between two forces. Good thing.

The sniper scope could only see the bright light and the sound of bullets flying in the void. The trees were high and the forest was dense. No one could be seen and no one knew who they were. Luo Zheng observed for a while and found that the two groups were evenly matched. No one was there. Unwilling to give in, his face darkened, and he lowered his voice through the headset and said to Lan Xue: "Let's go and have a look."

"Understood." Lan Xue agreed knowingly.

The two of them slid down the big tree, one behind the other, taking turns to cover their advance. They advanced about 500 meters along the hillside toward the valley. They were a few minutes away from the battle scene. They could vaguely see people dodging shots in the woods. They were all wearing jungle camouflage combat uniforms. They moved too fast and were blocked by trees, making it difficult to identify them.

Luo Zheng quickly gave Lan Xue a signal to hide on the spot. The two of them each found a big tree to hide under. They squatted under the tree and continued to look forward. With limited vision, they raised the sniper scope and continued to observe carefully. After watching for a while, Luo Zheng discovered that one group was of the yellow race, and the other group looked like polar bear men. The yellow race should be from the Japanese country.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng's face turned cold, and he quickly gave Lan Xue a calming gesture. After continuing to observe for a while, he found that both groups of people were quite large, with more than fifty people scattered among them. Shootings were exchanged on both sides of the valley, and the battle became a stalemate. For a while, no one could do anything to the other.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and quickly gave Lan Xue a retreat gesture. Lan Xue nodded knowingly. The two quickly climbed up the hill and rushed forward along the ridge. They ran all the way and soon arrived at the camp to join the large army. , Luo Zheng quickly gathered the officers and said breathlessly: "The Japanese country and the Polar Bear country are fighting to the death. Let's go around. Cao Xi, do you have any suggestions?"

"The location of the mausoleum should be here." Cao Xi turned on his mobile phone, zoomed in on an aerial map, pointed at a location and said with great care. After everyone had finished reading, he continued: "The location we are at is still far from where we want to go. There is some distance to go, and we can get there before dark at normal speed. I propose to go around it, avoid the battle scene, enter the mausoleum first, and get what you are looking for."

"Are you sure this location is the mausoleum?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

Everyone also looked at Cao Xi. They were surrounded by vast mountains and dense forests. They were searching aimlessly. It would take a day, not to mention a month, to find the entrance to the mausoleum. If Cao Xi could lead everyone to find the entrance directly, they would have to save money. How much time? How many dangers are avoided? There was a little more anticipation in everyone's eyes.

"Don't worry, I can't fight, but I will definitely have no problem finding the tomb." Cao Xi said confidently.

"Okay, everyone go around. Cao Xi, you plan the route and tell Guishou. Brother Guishou, you lead people to open the way. Brother Mountain Eagle leads people to support behind. Brother Snow Leopard splits his people into two, covers both sides, and marches urgently. To advance, we must reach the entrance of the mausoleum before dark and get inside first. Do you have any questions?" Luo Zheng knew Cao Xi's prowess in the field of tomb robbing and said immediately.

"No." Everyone said in a deep voice. It would be best to avoid the enemy and go directly to the destination.

"What I can guarantee is that you can directly find the entrance to the mausoleum, but I don't guarantee that what you are looking for is in the mausoleum. If the research base is not established in the mausoleum, you will have to search again." Cao Xi said cautiously, not daring to say anything.

"Don't worry, brothers won't blame you. Just do your best and take action." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

Cao Xi felt relieved. After all, he had just joined this group and didn't know everyone well enough. With Luo Zheng, Cao Xi felt relieved and immediately pointed out the specific route to Guishou. Guishou was very familiar with aerial maps. He knew it clearly and quickly led his troops to rush over after knowing what was going on.

When the others saw that Ghost Hand had already taken action, they followed quickly and quickly followed. The large army started marching urgently again, all the way over the mountains and ridges. Unknowingly, at noon, the troops stopped to rest on a hill, which was a hundred meters above the ground. Duomi, in Cao Xi's words, is a place of extreme sunshine. Yin-loving animals such as corpse rats and golden-scaled snakes will not visit it. It is relatively safe. Luo Zheng doesn't understand this, but he believes in Cao Xi.

The troops sat silently in the woods eating dry food while massaging their sore muscles to regain their strength. Luo Zheng also leaned against a big tree to drink some water and ate compressed biscuits. The compressed biscuits had no taste and were difficult to swallow. But the advantage is that you can eat enough and supplement the various nutrients your body needs.

After about ten minutes, everyone's physical strength gradually recovered. Luo Zheng raised his hand to look at his watch, planning to rest for another ten minutes. Without good physical strength and mental state, it is easy to die in this terrifying primitive forest. Luo Zheng did not dare Carelessly, he whispered: "Brothers, maintain your weapons and continue on your way in ten minutes."

"Yes." Everyone agreed knowingly.

Luo Zheng disassembled the weapon in his hand, wiped it carefully, then applied some gun oil, and quickly assembled the spare parts together to form a terrifying murder weapon. He closed his eyes and leaned against the big tree and fell asleep, his ears full of music. It's the sound of the wind blowing by, the leaves rustling and singing, and the quiet forest is relaxing.

Not long after, Luo Zheng keenly heard a strange sound coming from the distance. He couldn't help being startled. He stood up and pricked up his ears to listen. He just heard the sound, but couldn't tell what it was. He wasn't shocked. Looking towards the place where the sound came from, he found that the big bird was flying in fright, only about two thousand meters away from him. He suddenly thought of the corpse rat, his face changed slightly, his eyebrows were furrowed, and he shouted in a low voice: "Brothers, prepare to fight."

"Yes." Everyone's expressions changed drastically and they responded in unison. They listened carefully but heard nothing. However, they had absolute trust in Luo Zheng and stood up to prepare.

Luo Zheng rushed to the edge of the hill and looked around. He found that the woods in the valley in front were flashing, as if something was running and something was chasing behind. It was very strange. Luo Zheng raised his sniper scope and looked around. Not long after, he saw two people. An adult bear was running very fast, but the things catching up behind him were not slow either.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng was shocked. Bears are also at the top of the food chain in the forest, and there are two of them. They have fighting prowess that almost no one can easily provoke. Now they are being chased. Their panicked look makes people doubt that the bear is still at the top of the food chain. Invincible existence, what's going on? Luo Zheng observed carefully through the sniper scope with deep curiosity, and soon found a group of corpse rats swarming towards the running bear.

"It's a pack of rats hunting for food." Cao Xi reminded in surprise.

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