The strongest soldier

Chapter 1949 Corpse Rats Retreat

In the dark dense forest, countless corpse rats climbed up the trees fiercely, moving quickly, but Luo Zheng keenly discovered that although these corpse rats moved like the wind, they were larger in size and could not move as well in the trees as on the ground. Everyone Hidden on a branch, you only face one direction, so you don't have to worry about attacks from the left, right or behind. The branch on which you stand is as thick as a bowl, allowing only one corpse rat to pass through. It can't accommodate too many, so you don't have to worry at all.

"Climb up." Lan Xue urged.

"Don't panic, everyone. Find a branch as thick as the mouth of a bowl and sit on it. It's sturdy and won't break after a long time. Use the Dragon Fang Saber to chop down the corpse rats that will attack you. Don't worry, use the other hand. Have a pistol as a backup, do you understand?" Luo Zheng quickly warned.

"Understood." Everyone responded in a low voice.

Luo Zheng quickly climbed forward with a branch in his arms. Halfway through the climb, he turned around and sat down. He pulled out the Dragon Tooth Saber and his pistol. He sat down and prepared for battle. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw many corpse rats crawling around. He came up and was very close to him. He tightened his heart and tightened his grip on the Dragon Tooth Saber and shouted: "Brothers, we are used to killing enemies. Killing rats is a good change. Kill with me -"

"Kill--" Luo Zheng's words immediately relaxed everyone's nervousness, and they roared with fighting spirit. They all clenched their dragon-tooth swords and stared closely at the charging corpse rats.

"Chirp--" A fat corpse rat rushed up and ran towards Luo Zheng along the branches. It had a fierce look in its eyes, grinned its teeth, and a long stream of saliva flowed from the corner of its mouth. The stench must be, maybe a bit. Fearful, the corpse rat slowed down, looked at Luo Zheng warily, and tightly grasped the branches with its limbs.

Luo Zheng saw that the corpse rat was getting closer and within the attack range, he roared, "Kill--" The dragon tooth saber slashed across, creating a dark black streak. The corpse rat couldn't avoid it and actually jumped up. , but was cut into two pieces by Luo Zheng, who was well prepared, and fell downwards.

Countless corpse rats were crowded under the tree, waiting for the result of the battle between their companions. They were all startled by the fallen kind, and scattered, chirping wildly. After they saw clearly what they were, many corpse rats screamed strangely. He pounced on it, and in the blink of an eye his companion had eaten it all, leaving only a pile of bones.

Luo Zheng, who was killing the enemy, did not pay attention to this scene. He was wielding his dragon fang sword and chopping at the corpse rats that were coming towards him. In the blink of an eye, he chopped down five or six of them. He was unscathed and did not feel refreshed. He shouted: "Brother." You guys, this beast is nothing more than that, kill me ruthlessly."

"Kill--" Everyone saw that this was a good idea, and they immediately became convinced. They all started chopping, and kept cutting down the corpse rats that rushed towards them. Everyone had trained in the non-returning sword technique and had certain attainments in the sword technique. He no longer had any fear of the zombie rats rushing towards him, and his fighting power quickly increased a lot, and the cries of killing kept coming one after another.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Some brothers who had no time to kill quickly fired at the zombie rat. The powerful kinetic energy of the bullet produced by the close-range shooting knocked the corpse rat down. Life or death was unknown, and everyone had no time to go. Observing these, there are endless corpse rats in front of you.

A large number of corpse rats swarmed up the big tree, but only one branch could pass through. The branch could only accommodate one corpse rat. More corpse rats gathered on the branches and trunks and chirped strangely. Some of them were irritable. They pushed forward even more, but the space was only so big, so some corpse rats were squeezed and fell down. The tree was more than 20 meters high. At this height and the weight of the corpse rats, they fell very quickly.

The corpse rat that fell down struggled and chirped strangely. It caught something when it let go of the Buddha statue, but it still fell heavily to the ground, making a dull sound, making a strange cry, rolling twice, and stopped moving. As more The corpse rats climbed up the tree, and more and more fell down. If they fell to a height of more than 20 meters, they would almost die, and they would be eaten up by the corpse rats waiting to climb up under the tree.

Luo Zheng and others continued to kill the corpse rats on the branches. The scene was extremely strange, and the thick bloody smell spread far away.

Suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded, as if a child was crying and shouting, and it spread far away. Immediately afterwards, as if they heard some command, the attacking corpse rats stopped their movements one after another, looked around warily, and then the tide He rushed under the tree, and the furious and restless corpse rats on the ground also turned around and ran away.

Rustling! Countless corpse rats rushed up in one direction, and went very far away in a few jumps. Hundreds of corpse rats disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. They were terrifying when they came, but strange when they left, leaving everyone stunned. , not knowing why, he stayed motionless on the branch, watching this scene in a daze.

Luo Zheng watched this scene vigilantly, wondering what was going on. After waiting for a while, the corpse rat didn't return. His face darkened, and he thought that it might be related to the weird whistling sound just now. He couldn't help but said in a deep voice: " Don't move, just wait, I'll go take a look." He said and acted quickly.

Soon, Luo Zheng jumped down from the tree and chased forward for a distance. He saw the ground was in a mess, full of footprints, and the corpse rat was nowhere to be seen. Then he turned back and said to everyone: "Come down, everyone. Disperse the defense, the officers will come over for a meeting, let's discuss it." He said and walked towards Cao Xi and Shi Qian.

Soon, everyone slid down the big tree and dispersed to be on guard. The officers came towards Luo Zheng and everyone gathered together. Luo Zheng looked at Cao Xi and said, "Is the corpse rat's lair in the mausoleum? We Can we find the entrance to the tomb by following the footprints of the corpse rat?"

"In principle, it is possible, but the owner of the mausoleum must have thought of this and will arrange many passages. These passages are only for corpse rats to enter and exit. People cannot enter, and they will be attacked by corpse rats if they go in. We are definitely no match for the corpse rats inside." Cao Xi quickly reminded.

"Is there any way you can find the entrance?" Luo Zheng thought about the truth and did not ask further.

"No problem, just give me some time and I will definitely find the entrance." Cao Xi said with certainty, most confident in his family's secret knowledge.

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed casually. Since Cao Xi could find the entrance and exit, there was no need to follow the corpse rat. It was too risky. He glanced at the golden-scaled snake with only a pile of skeletons left not far away, and two more. The corpse with a skeleton continued: "These corpse-eating rats are so fierce that they even dare to eat their natural enemies, golden-scaled snakes. They are difficult to deal with. What do you think?"

"Dead golden-scaled snakes are just snacks for corpse-eating rats. Don't forget that corpse-eating rats eat corpses. This corpse is not only human, but also other animals, including snakes, but living golden-scaled snakes are definitely not corpse-eating. Rats can be dealt with. With the size of the golden-scaled snake, it can swallow more than a dozen in one bite. It is not a problem to swallow hundreds in one meal. It is also the natural enemy of corpse rats. The tomb master is very powerful. There is balance in it. Way." Cao Xi reminded.

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