The strongest soldier

Chapter 19 Observation Method

"Rest where you are." Lan Xue said, leaning on a tree to catch his breath. He was obviously very tired. Seeing Luo Zheng's suspicious face, he explained: "They have already withdrawn, and we can't catch up. "

"Withdrawn? We killed their people, and they just withdrew?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"What else?" Lan Xue asked angrily. Seeing Luo Zheng's confused face, he explained: "They are members of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. The mercenaries work for money. When the target dies, they get the money behind." We're here, why don't you stay and fight for your life? What's more, everyone is dead, what can the remaining ordinary soldiers do?"

"Wild wolf mercenary group? Miscellaneous soldiers?" Luo Zheng was surprised, thought for a while, and asked: "Are they really all dead?"

Lan Xue did not answer Luo Zheng's words. She seemed to have thought of something and her expression became painful. She looked up at the sky and muttered something. Luo Zheng didn't know what happened. Just when he was about to ask, he saw Lan Xue. With a painful expression on her face, Xue swallowed the words that came to her mouth and decided not to ask.

After a while, Lan Xue suddenly said: "Thank you, there are fifteen of them in total. We killed ten of them before you showed up. Then you killed three and I killed two. I don't know the identity of the remaining soldiers." , However, I guess I came to respond. Now that the target is gone, they will naturally evacuate. I can only tell you so much, I'm sorry."

"You're welcome. I should be grateful to you for being able to take revenge. As for the truth, it's better that I don't know. I understand discipline. You just mentioned 'us'. You still have companions, right? Is it the sacrifice I saw? Someone." Luo Zheng said seriously, pointing to the Type 88 sniper rifle in Lan Xue's hand.

"Yes, he is my comrade-in-arms. Tell me, how did you kill them?" A trace of pain flashed across Lan Xue's face, she changed the subject, and looked at Luo Zheng curiously and asked.

Luo Zheng was not an ignorant person. Seeing that Lan Xue was unwilling to elaborate, he stopped asking questions and explained the situation briefly in embarrassment. He finally added: "It's all luck. Maybe my comrades have spirits in heaven. Bless me."

Lan Xue smiled noncommittally, looked up at the sky, and thought about her own thoughts.

After a while, no pursuers were seen. Luo Zheng thought that the situation was probably the same as what Lan Xue said. The enemy had retreated. He was completely relieved. He saw that Lan Xue was still leaning against the big tree and thinking deeply. , with a sad face, couldn't help but remind: "It's almost time, aren't we?"

"Huh?" A trace of trance flashed through Lan Xue's cold eyes. She quickly regained her composure, looked at the sky, checked her weapons and said, "Withdraw."

The two of them headed east, and after walking for a while, Lan Xue suddenly said: "Are you really an ordinary soldier? To be honest, I doubt your identity. With your potential and understanding, there is no reason to be in the recruit company. Buried, it shouldn’t go down to the outpost.”

"Really? Am I really as powerful as you say?" Luo Zheng said nonchalantly, but there was a hint of helplessness on his face. What man doesn't want to stand out?

"It seems that there is a story in it. Okay, I won't ask any more questions. It's thanks to you that I can get revenge this time. You have made great contributions and will be rewarded. What do you want?" Lan Xue asked, with a look in his eyes. There was a flash of curiosity.

"Me? Just obey the organization's arrangements." Luo Zheng gave an ambiguous answer.

Seeing Luo Zheng being so naughty, Lan Xue secretly laughed, her cold expression on her face remained unchanged, and continued to ask: "I'm sorry, I can't tell you my true identity. Maybe we can meet again in the future. To thank you for your help, go back There is still some time on the road, let me teach you sniping, you have good potential, don’t bury it.”

"Really?" Luo Zheng was overjoyed and stopped to ask.

"Of course, you still have two magazines, right? I have three more here. There should be no danger now. Keeping the bullets is a waste. I might as well give you a test gun. It's up to you how much you can learn." Lan Xue said, as if by magic, he had three more magazines in his hand.

Luo Zheng had no idea where Lan Xue's magazine was hidden, so he happily agreed. Snipers are one of the core entities of the special forces and can affect the outcome of a battle. What Luo Zheng wants to do most is to join. Special Forces, he became a mysterious and powerful sniper. Unfortunately, it backfired and he became a border guard. Although he may never have the chance in this life, Luo Zheng was very excited to have the opportunity to learn sniping.

"Cities, mountains, jungles or grasslands, no matter what kind of terrain, the first thing you need to learn when sniping is to visually measure the distance. Only by knowing the accurate distance of the target can you carry out effective sniping." Lan Xue said, her face became serious: "After the bullet is fired, The trajectory is parabolic. The pistol bullet will produce a slight difference that can be distinguished by the naked eye at 15 meters. The rifle bullet is about 70 meters, so the offset must be judged based on the distance. I will first teach you several methods of measuring distance. , only say it once, how much you can remember depends on your own understanding."

"Understood." Luo Zheng nodded seriously and sounded attentively.

Lan Xue suddenly stopped, looked ahead, raised his right thumb, squinted his left eye and said seriously: "I will teach you the eye-tap technique first. The eye-tap technique is performed by estimating the width of the field seen by the eye. According to a rough measurement, the distance between the two pupils is about one-tenth of the length of one's arm. Multiply the width of the measured object on the ground by 10, which is the distance from the standing point to the target."

Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue in surprise. The war movies he had seen before came to mind. The artilleryman gave a thumbs up and observed for a while, and then accurately reported the shooting scale. At the time, he thought it was a bit nonsense. After hearing what Lan Xue said, Knowing this was true, my interest increased greatly.

"The measurement method is to straighten your arms forward, raise your thumb, close your left eye, align the sight of your right eye along the thumb side to the left side of the target, and determine it as the reference point, keep your head and hands still, and then close your right eye. Eye, make the sight of the left eye pass through the same side of the thumb, and remember the point on the ground where the sight is aimed, then visually measure the width from the reference point on the left side of the target to that point, multiply the width by 10, which is the distance from the standing point to the target ." Lan Xue explained with a serious look.

Luo Zheng chose a target, put his thumbs up and observed it for a while. He found that after observing the left and right eyes separately, there was indeed a gap. He estimated the distance, multiplied the distance by 10, and found that the distance he got was equal to the distance between him and the target. The distance was indeed about the same. He couldn't help but feel happy and said with a smile: "It's true. I used to see the artilleryman on TV giving a thumbs up and looking at it, and then reported the ruler. Now it seems that he really has a way."

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