The strongest soldier

Chapter 18 A thrilling moment

The intensive gunshots attracted people who were sniping at each other. Lan Xue glanced at the place where the gunshots were heard, with doubts on her face. Thinking of Luo Zheng, she shook her head in disbelief and braced herself to deal with the current enemy. When the two people chasing Lan Xue heard the gunfire, they looked back with surprise. They contacted each other through the headset and learned that the target had been shot twice and that his life was in danger at any time. They were frightened and evacuated quickly.

Lan Xue waited for a while and saw no movement from the enemy. She became surprised and thought that something might have happened on the enemy's side. Gritting her teeth, she took off her helmet and slowly raised the gun. No one was seen shooting. Lan Xue took back his helmet and threw it aside. He went there, but there was still no unexpected shooting, and the look of confusion on his face became even stronger.

After waiting for a while, Lan Xue decided to take the risk. He picked up the gun and rolled out of the bunker. He picked up the helmet and found that there was still no sniper kill as expected. He breathed a sigh of relief, no longer hesitated, and quickly rushed towards the place where the gunshot sounded. Quickly, Lan Xue came to a hillside. After hiding herself, she looked through the sniper scope and found a group of people gathered around, anxiously exchanging something.

"Eh?" Lan Xue was surprised, looked around, quickly climbed to the crown of a big tree, and continued to observe with a sniper scope. She soon found that the target was covered in blood, and his face was as white as paper. He was about to die, and couldn't help but I was overjoyed. Thinking of Luo Zheng, a smile appeared on the cold face, as if the ice and snow had just melted, it was amazing.

In order to ensure that the target was dead, Lan Xue did not move and stayed quietly in the treetop to observe. Through the sniper scope, he quickly found that the target was as angry as a gossamer, his face was pale, his eyes had slowly closed, and he was not far from death. He breathed a sigh of relief. , suddenly remembered that Luo Zheng was still being chased, and the gunshots in the distance could be clearly heard, so he quickly slipped down the tree and ran quickly towards the place where the gunshots were heard.

The mission could be completed only because of Luo Zheng's help. Lan Xue knew that Luo Zheng's strength was not high, but his potential was very great. He would definitely be an unparalleled sniper in the future. More importantly, Lan Xue discovered Luo Zheng is a lucky general. He is very lucky. He survived several times and even killed the enemy accidentally. Luck is a mysterious thing, but it is very important on the battlefield. He can live longer than others.

Luo Zheng didn't think he was lucky. When he saw a dozen enemies chasing after him, he ran forward desperately. Fortunately, he had been hunting since he was a child and was familiar with the deep forest. He ran faster than others. After running for a while, Luo Zheng discovered The enemy couldn't keep up, and he couldn't help but become curious. There was no reason for this given the enemy's strength. Could it be that these chasing soldiers were different from the enemies he had encountered before?

In any case, the top priority was to evacuate as soon as possible. Luo Zheng didn't dare to think too much and ran as fast as he could. He didn't know how long it took. The gunfire behind him became weaker and weaker. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and leaned behind a big tree to take a big breath. Take a breath and regain your strength.

After a while, Luo Zheng felt that his breathing became easier. He looked up at the sky. It was cloudless and the sun was dazzling. Luo Zheng thought that the national revenge had been avenged, and then it was the turn of personal revenge. He quickly checked the weapons and found that The bullets were used up, so I immediately changed the magazine and loaded the bullets.

Not far away, a person wearing camouflage camouflage approached quickly. The camouflage was covered with dead grass. It was impossible to tell at first glance. His face was covered with thick oil paint, and his appearance could not be seen clearly. When he heard the sound of a bullet being loaded, he immediately He turned around and came over, with a trace of cold murderous intent flashing in his eyes. He locked the muzzle of his cold gun on the big tree and advanced sideways on tiptoes. He held the muzzle level and made no sound. After he got closer, he shouted coldly: "Come out." .”

Luo Zheng, who was preparing to evacuate, didn't expect to be discovered. He could approach quietly. He must be the first powerful enemies discovered. He couldn't help being frightened. He held his gun and huddled behind the big tree without moving, thinking. As for countermeasures, my hand suddenly touched a grenade, so I took it out immediately. Just as I was about to pull the ring, I suddenly thought that the opponent might hit the thrown grenade, and then I would be the one to explode. What should I do?

There was no sound on the other side of the big tree. Luo Zheng didn't know where the other party was, but he estimated that it wasn't too far away. Waiting would only make him more passive. He had no choice but to fight. Thinking of the three-second delay of the grenade, a way to attack the east and west came to mind. , gritted his teeth, pulled open the grenade safety ring, threw the gun in his hand to one side, looked out from the other side, saw the enemy's position, and quickly threw the grenade out.

"Bang!" The gun flew far away.

"Boom!" A grenade exploded.

It’s all a long story, but it actually happened in the blink of an eye. Luo Zheng, who was hiding behind the big tree, didn't know what the outcome would be. He didn't dare to go out and pulled out his pistol. Lan Xue gave him the pistol during the last battle and he never returned it. After waiting for a while, there was no movement outside, which was very unreasonable. Luo Zheng took the risk, squatted down and quickly looked around, then retracted, and vaguely saw someone lying motionless on the ground.

"Could it be?" Luo Zheng was pleasantly surprised. He looked out again and saw that the man had been blown beyond recognition. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the tree and walked towards the man.

"Whoops!" Suddenly there was a gunshot. Luo Zheng was horrified. He lay down instinctively and touched his head. It was okay. He touched his body again and found that it was still okay. He couldn't help but be surprised. He looked around and soon found that he was only ten meters away from him. There was a man lying on the ground. He was wearing a disguise, and his face could not be seen clearly. The gun had been thrown far away.

Luo Zheng raised his gun and looked around, but found nothing unusual. He couldn't help but become curious, and heard a voice coming from the other side: "It's good that you're not dead. You're really lucky."

"It's so good to hear your voice. It scared me to death." Luo Zheng knew it was Lan Xue when he heard the voice. He couldn't help but get up quickly and saw Lan Xue hiding behind a big tree to observe. , hurriedly rushed forward, and heard Lan Xue shouting: "Don't come over, evacuate to the east, move quickly, I will cut off the rear."

"Huh? Okay." Luo Zheng was startled and saw Lan Xue raise his hand and shoot. A scream came from the woods. He no longer hesitated and ran away. When he passed by the sneak attacker, he saw someone on the ground. There was a gun. I bent down to pick it up and continued running. I checked the ammunition while running. It was still full. I quickly loaded the bullet and looked around vigilantly.

After running about two kilometers in one breath, Luo Zheng was too tired to run anymore. He stopped to rest. Just after taking a few breaths, he saw Lan Xue appearing in front of him like a ghost. He was startled. After seeing clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief. , smiled bitterly: "It's better that you hurry up, are you okay?"

"Well, are you okay?" Lan Xue's cold face was full of concern.

Luo Zheng could see Lan Xue's concern from the bottom of his heart, and his heart warmed up. Thinking of what happened one after another, he said proudly: "If you can't die, what will you do next?"

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