The strongest soldier

Chapter 17 Keep an eye on the target

"You must shoot as quickly as possible." Luo Zheng warned himself, carefully judging the enemy's approximate position and waiting patiently. He was going to die anyway, and he only had one chance, so give it a try.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Luo Zheng didn't know why the enemy didn't find his hidden position. He kept carefully searching every direction around him. Luo Zheng huddled his body into a ball as much as possible to reduce the possibility of being discovered. By this time The enemy was still searching, rather than attacking in a targeted manner. Luo Zheng knew that he had not been exposed yet, and his heart completely calmed down, integrating with the big tree.

The rustling footsteps were getting closer and closer. Luo Zheng estimated that the enemy was only about ten meters away from him. At this distance, the spray gun would be 100% accurate. Since there was no time to aim, he would not aim. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth. He struck out like lightning, shooting at the enemy's likely location, then quickly retreated, pulled out his Mitsubishi Army Thorn, and prepared for hand-to-hand combat.

However, no one was seen attacking. On the contrary, there was a bellows sound of "Hoo ho!". Luo Zheng was surprised. He put his wary general's hat on the muzzle of the gun and stretched it out. There was no bullet attack as expected. He couldn't help but put his head out and saw a man. The man fell in a pool of blood, blood was pouring out from his neck, and most of his neck had been beaten to pieces.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng didn't expect that he was so lucky that he accidentally killed the opponent. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He quickly stepped forward to check. Seeing that the opponent's eyes were full of unwillingness and confusion, the Mitsubishi Army Thorn stabbed into the opponent's heart without hesitation. Just in case, seeing that the opponent's eyes were open motionless, obviously dead, he breathed a sigh of relief, searched for information, and found three magazines and two offensive grenades.

Luo Zheng saw that the other party's weapons were the same as his own, and the bullets matched. He solved his problem, put all the weapons on his back, and quickly evacuated the scene. He took two steps and then stopped, remembering the booby traps Xue Mao had mentioned. Come, retreat, take off the disguise on the opponent, put it on yourself, take out a grenade and press it under the opponent, arrange it like a booby trap, look left and right, make sure you are not discovered, and quickly move towards the place where the gunshots were heard. go.

Accidentally killed an enemy, which made Luo Zheng furious. He had another supporter, and he had no regrets about dying. Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng saw someone shooting in the bushes on a hillside, and he quickly lay down on the ground. , carefully observing, Luo Zheng soon discovered that someone was shooting in another place. The two shot in the same direction. From this, it can be determined that both of them were attacking the same target. Lan Xue was only one person, so it could not be attacker.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was sure that Lan Xue was hiding in the attack direction, more than two thousand meters away from him, and the nearest enemy was one thousand meters away. Looking left and right, he quickly found a high ground, where could he see the nearest enemy? The enemy immediately hunched over and advanced quickly.

Not long after, Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw a gunshot ringing from the high ground. He quickly lay down to check and saw a man quickly evacuating the high ground and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"It's so fast." Luo Zheng said secretly, lying on the ground and not daring to move. He was wearing the disguise of an enemy. I wonder if he would be recognized? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng looked around and saw nothing unusual. He thought that going up now might not be able to help, so he might as well go to the enemy camp to have a look, maybe he could gain something.

Luo Zheng chased after him just for revenge, but after learning that Lan Xue's target was a traitor, between personal hatred and national hatred, Luo Zheng put national hatred first. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng immediately changed direction and headed towards the enemy camp. Go. After about ten minutes, Luo Zheng felt like there was someone in front of him. He quickly lay down, stretched out the muzzle of his gun, and looked through the sniper scope. He found nothing. Luo Zheng thought about it and saw a big tree not far away, so he With the gun on his back, he rushed over quickly and climbed up to the top of the tree in twos and twos.

The surrounding woods were dense and obscured. After climbing to the canopy, the view became much wider. Through the sniper scope, Luo Zheng quickly discovered that there were many people hiding in the woods ahead. They were wearing casual clothes and looked like bandits. Their equipment was completely different from the people he killed. , couldn't help but become curious, searched carefully, and soon found a middle-aged man who looked like a professor in the crowd, looking around anxiously, communicating with the people around him.

"Is this Lan Xue's target?" Luo Zheng was startled, thinking that the other party might be a traitor, and he suddenly felt heroic. Since Lan Xue was being stared at from a distance, I believe these people would never have thought that he could accidentally kill someone. In these situations In the eyes of others, I am just a rookie, who can be dealt with by myself. In other words, I have become an unexpected variable. Wouldn't it be a loss if I don't take advantage of it?

Thinking of this, Luo Zhengji slipped down the big tree, and followed the method taught by Lan Xue, constantly hiding himself in blind spots, using the cover of trees to move forward quickly. When he was much closer, he was worried that the sound of footsteps would attract the enemy's attention, so he slowed down He slowed down his steps and groped forward carefully.

In the dense woods, there were too many dead branches and leaves on the ground, which made noise easily. Luo Zheng did not dare to move forward, but took a circuitous route to one side. After arriving directly opposite the target, he quickly climbed up a big tree and hid his body under the tree. On the tree branch, he slowly stretched out the gun and aimed at the target.

Luo Zheng judged that the distance was about 600 meters. Luo Zheng was not sure about this distance. After thinking about it, he adjusted the gun to three bursts. The target was Lan Xue's mission. Lan Xue was temporarily trapped, so he would Do it for you, Luo Zheng adjusted his breathing, relaxed himself as much as possible, and slowly pressed his finger on the trigger.

The breeze gently blew the leaves, and the sunlight fell from the gaps between the leaves and fell on the ground, mottled, but the golden light interfered with people's vision. Luo Zheng observed it for three minutes, but still wasn't sure. He raised his head and looked at the sky. For the first time, I discovered that the sun was so hateful. I took a deep breath, forced myself to calm down, cleared away the negative emotions, and took aim again.

"Can't put it off any longer." Luo Zheng warned himself that success or failure would only happen once. Since he couldn't use his shooting skills to kill effectively, he should use his gun as a troll. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's heart calmed down. After aiming at the target, taking the wind direction and speed into consideration, slightly offset the muzzle, regardless of whether it works or not.

"Boohoo!" Luo Zheng pulled the trigger, three bullets roared out, and the gun in his hand rebounded. Luo Zheng ignored the damage caused to his shoulder by the rebound force and quickly searched through the sniper scope. He found that the target had actually been hit by him, one shot in the right shoulder and the other in the thigh. Blood gushed out from the two wounds. With little medical treatment and lack of medicine, it would be difficult for him not to die.

"Ta-ta-ta!" Countless bullets were fired at him. Luo Zheng knew that he was exposed, so he quickly slipped down the tree and ran like crazy.

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