The strongest soldier

Chapter 20 The Way to Find Water

"How can the combat skills learned by our ancestors through their lives be fake? Outsiders just don't understand." Lan Xue said noncommittally, her face returned to a cold expression, and she continued: "I will teach you the pacing method, which is to measure the distance by stride length. . It is suitable for situations where the standing point and the measured point can pass in a straight line." After saying this, Lan Xue looked Luo Zheng up and down.

"What's wrong?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"You are 1.76 meters tall, and the step length is about 1.5 meters. How many steps are there from the starting point to the target? Multiply by 1.5 meters to get the distance. However, when traveling, you must align with the measured end point and march in a straight line. The stride length must be even, and when encountering undulating ground, the stride length must be adjusted appropriately to prevent excessive deviation." Lan Xue said with a cold face.

"Huh? That's great, so I don't need a ruler wherever I go. My feet are the best rulers." Luo Zheng said with a smile. He secretly wrote down Lan Xue's words and suddenly saw some bushes not far away. Feather took a closer look and saw a pheasant nest in the bush, and immediately said, "In order to repay your kindness, how about I treat you to a beggar's chicken for lunch?" Lan Xue quickly ran over without waiting for Lan Xue's agreement.

Lan Xue looked at the direction in which Luo Zheng was running, and also found Feather. The corners of her cold mouth raised a nice arc, but she soon regained her coolness. Looking at Luo Zheng's back, there was a hint of complexity in her eyes. His expression, his brows furrowed slightly, and he lowered his head in thought.

Not long after, Luo Zheng caught a fat pheasant and shouted with a smile: "You're lucky, let's find a place with water to wash and skin it. The barbecue is too unpalatable, so it's better to simmer it, it's fresh and sweet." some."

Lan Xue nodded noncommittally, looked around, and said, "Okay, I'll teach you how to find water by the way."

"Okay, thank you." Luo Zheng said sincerely.

Lan Xue took a deep look at Luo Zheng, and the complex look in her eyes became more intense, which made Luo Zheng feel uncomfortable. Lan Xue looked away and looked forward and said: "Finding water in the jungle is nothing more than listening and listening. Smell and look three times. With your sensitive hearing organs, pay more attention to whether there are the sounds of streams or waterfalls at the foot of mountains, mountain streams, cliffs, basins, valley bottoms, etc., as well as the sounds of frogs and water birds. If you can hear these sounds, It means that you are not far from a water source, and it can prove that the water source is flowing water and can be drank directly, but special attention should be paid to not mistaking the "swish" sound of the wind blowing leaves as the sound of running water."

"Yeah." Luo Zheng had been hunting since he was a child. Of course he knew some ways to find water, but he had never summarized it. Hearing what Lan Xue said, he felt enlightened.

"Smell means to smell as much as possible the smell of moisture, or the smell of earth and water plants brought by the wind. Then look for the water source in the direction of the smell. Of course, this requires a certain amount of experience; seeing means relying on rich experience and Knowledge. You can also find water sources by observing animals, plants, weather, climate and geographical environment. For example, there is often groundwater at the foot of mountains. The groundwater level is high in low-lying areas, rainwater concentration areas, and downstream of reservoirs. In addition, in dry river beds, Below. At the lowest point outside the bend of the river, you can find water by digging a few meters down. But there is a lot of mud and it needs to be purified before it can be drunk." Lan Xue talked eloquently, with a serious look on his face.

Luo Zheng carefully wrote down this knowledge, listened carefully, sniffed hard, and looked around. In addition to the woods, there were also woods, but there was some earthy smell in the air. He really didn't notice it when he wasn't paying attention, so he immediately pointed to a place. Said: "There should be water over there, is my guess right?"

Lan Xue nodded and walked in the direction of the water, while saying: "In hot summer, the groundwater level is higher in places where the ground is exposed to the sun for a long time but is not dry or hot. In cold winter, when there is white frost in the cracks on the ground surface, the groundwater level is also high. Relatively high; places where cattails, salix, cattails, daylilies (also known as goldenrod), and katydids grow, the water level is relatively high, and the water quality is good; places where gray cabbage, pengum, and salinia grow, there is also groundwater, but the water quality Not good, it has a bitter or astringent taste, or is rusty; a single tree is sprouting or not yellowing, and there is water in the ground; there must be water in places where mosquitoes gather in summer and fly into a cylindrical shape; there must be water in places where frogs, large ants, and snails live. Water; in addition, the routes that swallows fly and the places where they hold mud and build nests are places with water sources and high groundwater levels. Furthermore, quails fly towards the water in the evening and fly with their backs on the water in the morning; turtle doves fly to the water source in the morning and evening , these are also the basis for judging water sources.”

Like a dry sand bed absorbing water, Luo Zheng firmly remembered the knowledge taught by Lan Xue. He had relevant experience in hunting before, but it was not comprehensive and systematic enough. After listening to Lan Xue's words and combining with his previous experience, Luo Zheng Zheng's eyes suddenly became brighter.

“Where there is a rainbow in the sky, there must be rain; under the dark cumulonimbus clouds with thunder and lightning, there must be rain or hail; in the valleys where there is always thick fog, there must be water sources; collecting dew can also alleviate some urgent needs; In addition, drinking water can be obtained directly from plants, such as wild plantain, also called cactus, and vines such as kudzu vine, grape vine, kiwi vine, and sage vine. In addition, in spring, when trees are about to sprout, , you can also get drinking water from the trunks and branches of trees such as Yelu and Shanshan elm. Note: Never drink the sap of vines or shrubs or trees with emulsion, which is poisonous. In addition, you can also get drinking water from the reed moss. , cacti and their fruits to obtain drinking water." Lan Xue continued.

The two of them came to a stream unknowingly. Lan Xue looked at the slowly flowing mountain spring and said, "You also need to pay attention to drinking water in the wild. Generally speaking, you need to put water purification tablets into the water container, or use medical iodine instead." Water purification tablets can be used to disinfect water. Bleach and vinegar can also disinfect the water. If neither is available, boiling water for 5 minutes is also a good way to disinfect it. If the water you find is salty, use peppergrass and water. Boiling for a while can prevent abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea. If there are heavy metal salts or toxic minerals in the water, boil it with strong tea and water. Do not drink the sediment that appears at the end. Of course, this knowledge is not useful now, you just need to Just remember, the mountain spring here is good, and you can drink it directly after being purified with a helmet." He said and used his helmet to collect the water.

The two drank some water. Luo Zheng quickly mixed some yellow clay and smeared it on the pheasant. The two found a clean place and found some firewood. Luo Zheng used the method of making fire out of nowhere taught by Lan Xue to light a bonfire and dug it. He made a pit and buried the pheasant, moved the bonfire to it, clapped his hands and said excitedly: "Okay, we can eat it later."

"Yeah." Lan Xue snorted noncommittally and said, "I'm going to teach you sniping skills. Listen carefully."

Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue and felt something was wrong. He couldn't understand why Lan Xue was so eager to teach him skills. There was still more than a week to go and there was plenty of time. He couldn't help but asked doubtfully: "Are you okay?"

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