The strongest soldier

Chapter 1898 Pursuit

The early morning sun shines quietly on the earth, there is no wind, no clouds, and the sky is as blue as washing. On the vast wilderness road on the border of Alubang in the southern part of the Western Region, an off-road vehicle rushes past like a wild horse, with countless people chasing after it. The policeman driving the off-road vehicle glanced coldly at the rearview mirror, smiled disdainfully, and slammed the accelerator.

In the previous encounter on a narrow road, Guishou gave full play to the advantage of the off-road vehicle's high ground, rushed to the roadside, and turned his side towards the intercepting police. Luo Zheng and others understood it by heart, and used precise marksmanship to hit the police who could not lift their heads. Off-road The car went around the interception point and onto the road again, but the police also pursued it.

If it is the army that is blocking the way, the ghost hands will not dare to do anything and turn around and run away. However, it is different when facing the police. The police are accustomed to handling emergencies according to procedures and will not shoot easily. The chance of shooting is very high in ordinary times. There are few, the accuracy is not enough, the lethality is very poor, and it is difficult to target the running off-road vehicles. The army is different. Once it enters the range, it will shoot wildly without hesitation, and its marksmanship is much better.

While running, Luo Zheng looked back at the policemen who were chasing him, and his expression became serious. There were quite a few policemen coming, including more than a dozen cars, but no troops were seen. It wouldn't be worthwhile if they just attracted some ordinary policemen, but , the plan has been launched, the police are chasing after him, and he has no choice but to run away. Luo Zheng looked solemn and shouted to Guishou: "Proceed as planned, hurry up, rush out and talk about it later."

"Understood." Ghost Hand responded murderously, driving the car very fast.

The police also pursued fiercely, but their driving skills were not as good as those of Gui Shu, and they gradually distanced themselves. After a while, everyone went up the mountain road, and the police were still chasing him, looking menacing. Luo Zheng was not sure who Jackson was. Did you get mixed up among the police? Look at the Huchou Gorge in front of you, and immediately shout: "Stop the car."

"Crunch -" Guishou made a sudden stop, rushed out dozens of meters and stopped. Everyone got off the car one after another. Luo Zheng came to the roadside and looked down. It was a hundred-meter-high cliff with thick trees below. He looked up again. When he saw that there was a mountain slope above, he looked solemn and shouted: "Push it down, quickly."

"Understood." Everyone took out their belongings from the car, pushed the off-road vehicle off the cliff, and then left in a hurry, climbing up towards the mountain. There was an explosion behind them. When they looked back, they saw a thick cloud rising from the bottom of the cliff. Smoke billows up.

The mountain was not very steep, and there were no trees or weeds. Everyone did not pay attention to the exploding off-road vehicle. They quickly climbed up using their hands and feet. After a few minutes, a large number of police officers came over. After parking, they got out of the car and arrived. Look down from the edge of the cliff.

At this time, a colonel officer came out of the police car and looked around with a cold face. He immediately saw something unusual on the slope of the road. He was startled and quickly rushed to the slope to take a closer look. He saw some soil that had been trampled over, withered grass. He was also trampled and fell down. He couldn't help but sneered and shouted loudly: "Come up with me and give chase!"

"Yes." Everyone understood, no longer paying attention to the off-road vehicle under the cliff, and chased towards the mountain. There were police and heavily armed soldiers. The soldiers came in police cars, and the colonel was among them, and they quickly climbed up the hillside. , everyone saw the evacuating target in front, and immediately became energetic and chased faster. While running, the colonel shouted: "Correspondent, we want the headquarters."

"Yes." A correspondent carrying a personal radio on his back shouted and ran up, picked up the phone, called the headquarters, and then handed the phone to the colonel.

The colonel stopped and shouted into the phone: "Report to the headquarters, we are still pursuing. The target abandoned the car and went up the mountain. It is about 500 meters away. There are five people in total. Please give instructions."

"Five people, why did you abandon the car?" A cold voice sounded from the microphone, it was Jackson.

"The reason for abandoning the car is unknown. The car exploded on the cliff. It is suspected that it was pushed down deliberately, which confused us into thinking that the car overturned. The cliff is more than 100 meters high. It will take time to go down to check. This time is enough for them to run far away, but the person ran away over the mountain, brother. We are in pursuit." The colonel quickly explained.

"It seems that they wanted to create a fake death scene to buy time for evacuation. They did a great job. How did you discover the abnormality?" Jackson waited for a moment, but still asked uneasily.

"There are no obvious traces on the ground. I have seen the driving skills of this group of people. They are very good. It is impossible for the car to overturn. It is obviously a scam. So I paid attention to the mountains and found subtle abnormalities. I pursued them and found the target who was evacuating." The colonel explained with a proud look on his face.

"Great, catch up and bite them, we'll be there soon." Jackson ordered in surprise, completely relieved, everything seemed reasonable and there could be no fraud.

The colonel agreed and led the troops to continue the pursuit. Although there was no trace of the enemy, they still pursued them all the way. They gradually came to a high mountain plain with lush green grass, as high as half a man. Someone was burning a fire in the distance, and the colonel became vigilant. , quickly signaled the troops to stay put, called in investigators to investigate, and told them to only watch from a distance and not to get close to avoid being exposed.

The investigators came over ten minutes later and brought information that made the colonel curious. The target was barbecuing hares to satisfy his hunger. He probably came out early and did not have time to have breakfast. This made the colonel very puzzled. How could he light a fire while escaping? Isn't he afraid of being exposed? ? Or do you mean you didn't know there were soldiers chasing you?

With doubts, the colonel called the headquarters. The person who answered the phone was Jackson. Upon hearing the situation, Jackson pondered for a moment and asked: "Mr. Colonel, what is your judgment?"

"I judge that they didn't know that there were pursuers behind them. The fake death plan almost deceived us. These bastards may have thought that the plan was successful and had no worries. This is a high mountain plain. Although it is conducive to an ambush, the incident happened suddenly and they didn't care. Troops may be mobilized to ambush us in such a short period of time, but it is best to conduct a reconnaissance, just in case." The colonel quickly analyzed.

"Your analysis is not unreasonable. Everyone is on standby and waiting for my news." Jackson immediately warned, while arranging satellites for precise reconnaissance.

A few minutes later, the reconnaissance satellite sent intelligence. There were no signs of an ambush around the target. No one could be seen within a hundred kilometers except the target and the pursuers. The sky was high and the clouds were clear, and the field of vision was wide. This kind of good weather was conducive to reconnaissance. Jackson was secretly relieved after hearing the undiscovered information.

Jackson pondered for a moment. To be on the safe side, he decided to let the colonel's people test it. If there was a trap, he would be able to deal with it in time. If there was no trap, the colonel's people would be entangled with the target and the target would not be able to escape. He could lead it. The follow-up troops caught up and picked up the ready-made ones, then dialed the colonel's phone number. After being connected, they quickly ordered: "The people leading you will rush up immediately and catch them."

"Yes." The colonel agreed without doubting that he was there.

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