The strongest soldier

Chapter 1899 Missile Bombing

On the high mountains and plains, the colonel led his men to surround them in a fan shape, and then they advanced quickly under cover of dense bushes. An invisible murderous aura spread in the air. The colonel couldn't help but get excited. The enemy in front of him was the enemy of the country, whether he was alive or dead. With this great achievement, it is expected that the rank of colonel will be replaced by the rank of senior colonel or even major general.

Thinking of the excitement, the colonel waited until the distance was no more than two or three hundred meters away, no longer concealed his whereabouts, and quickly ordered the troops to rush forward. Nearly a hundred people roared up from different angles, like a pack of wolves suddenly emerging from the dense forest, with guns in their hands. It kept ringing, and suddenly I didn't pay attention. How could the target be close to two or three hundred meters without alerting me? They are not well-trained elite special forces. There are many ordinary policemen in the crowd. These people's penetration ability is not very good and their whereabouts will be exposed easily.

The colonel was dazzled by the victory, and with the wide view around him, it didn't look like there was an ambush. He roared away with his people. Suddenly, he saw the target looking back. Not only was there no trace of panic on his face, but there was more of a sneer. What's going on with that smile of victory, which is clearly a calculated success?

In surprise, the colonel found that the target suddenly disappeared into the ground, disappearing like a ghost. It was so strange that he couldn't help but be horrified. He was about to order the troops to stop charging when he suddenly heard a piercing scream coming from a distance. Looking up in surprise, he saw a missile flying out of nowhere in the blue sky, tearing through the space barrier and rolling in like a god of war. It was extremely terrifying.

The colonel was horrified, his face instantly turned pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. He turned around and ran away. The other chasing troops also turned around and ran away, but most of them were so frightened that their feet became weak, as if their feet were filled with lead, and they lost the courage to escape. , paralyzed on the ground, stunned, not knowing what to do.

"Boom -" a huge explosion sounded, and the tactical missile exploded in the crowd instantly, rising into a huge red light and billowing smoke, forming a mushroom cloud in the void. No one could be seen around the explosion. The countless pursuers on the periphery seemed to be overturned by a violent hurricane, flying helplessly in the void.

The shock wave caused by the huge explosion was extremely horrifying. There was no grass around, and a huge crater appeared. When the mushroom cloud dissipated, there were torn pieces of debris everywhere. Blood stained the ground red. Internal organs could be seen everywhere, even weapons. The bombed ones were deformed.

The terrifying missiles easily eliminated all the pursuers. The mountains and plains were quiet. Only the fire ignited by the explosion spread on the wild grass, making a popping sound. The strong smell of blood filled the air. It was extremely terrifying, and it lasted for a while. , a head emerged from the ground a hundred meters away. It looked around with vigilance and showed a shocked expression. Then it suddenly became pleasantly surprised and quickly crawled out of the ground. It was none other than Ghost Hand.

Guishou looked around cautiously, and after confirming that there was no danger, he shouted: "Haha, brothers, come out and see the scenery. Our brothers' troops are so generous."

Soon, several more people emerged from the underground. It was Luo Zheng and the others. Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. Guishou said with some fear: "Fortunately, the explosion was a little far away from us, and the hiding hole below was reinforced with steel plates. , otherwise we will not be spared."

Luo Zheng looked at the rocks around him that had been shattered by the impact. They were all turned into powder, and he said with lingering fear: "It's a good thing it's hidden underground, otherwise I would have to die. How powerful is this missile?"

"I don't know. Those brothers in the military are reliable in doing things. They should have calculated the power of the explosion. Otherwise, why would they reinforce the underground hiding hole? Who cares, what should we do next?" Guishou said nonchalantly.

"With such a big event happening, enemy satellites will definitely come over for reconnaissance. Jackson's people are coming up soon. I don't know who was killed by this explosion. I don't know if Jackson is here or not. Let's withdraw first." Luo Zheng responded and looked up. Looking towards the sky, his eyes quickly fell on the dense bushes ahead, and he rushed over, followed closely by the others.

Less than five minutes after Luo Zheng and others withdrew, Jackson rushed up with a large number of heavily armed people. Looking at the explosion site, with billowing black smoke, spreading fire, and stumps of body and flesh everywhere, his heart felt like a knife. , a mouthful of blood welled up, his vision went dark, he fainted, and the guards around him were frightened and rushed to rescue him.

A minute later, Jackson woke up after receiving first aid, but he wished he would never wake up again. How could he explain such heavy casualties? Fortunately, the people who died were all Indians. He cheered up and asked with a livid face: "Clean the battlefield immediately to see if there are anyone alive?"

"Brothers have just checked briefly. There are no survivors. All of them were sacrificed. More than 60 policemen and more than 30 special forces from India were not spared." The guard said in a low voice.

"Asshole!" Jackson was furious and almost fainted again. After countless calculations and careful calculations, he finally fell into his opponent's trap. The only good thing was that the elite special forces from various countries were still there, and the only ones who died were Indians. , otherwise there would be no way to explain. He glanced at the people around him, all of them looked solemn, and Jackson shouted in distress: "This is the territory of China, evacuate the scene quickly, let's go."

Those who died were all Indians. No one shouted for revenge, but they were in a low mood, with a suppressed murderous intent. Jackson knew that not handling it well would affect the morale of the army, but it was hard to say anything until he understood the situation. He looked cold. , evacuated back with the help of the guards.

Along the way, Jackson was thinking about a question: Was the target killed in such a big explosion? Is this a prearranged trap or an impromptu air strike? If it is temporary, how can the target avoid the explosion? If it was arranged in advance, there should be hiding places around. Isn't this strategy too cruel? Unfortunately, there was no time to check. Thinking of this, Jackson wanted to send someone back to investigate.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Suddenly, there was a faint muffled sound in front of him, like thunder. But Jackson, who was well versed in military affairs, knew that it was a grenade explosion. He couldn't help being shocked. He quickly checked his surroundings. The surroundings were all empty mountains and there were no enemies. , it’s not far from Huchou Gorge, isn’t it?

Thinking of this, Jackson's face changed greatly, and he hurried up with his men. From a distance, he saw a raging fire in the direction of Huchou Gorge. He quickly signaled the troops to spread out and hide. Looking at the billowing black smoke, Jackson As if seeing Luo Zheng's provocation, his face turned livid with anger, and another mouthful of blood welled up.

Jackson spat out the blood from his mouth, tried hard to control the anger that was about to go berserk, and thought to himself, this should have been done by his opponent. Not only was his opponent not dead, but he also deliberately exposed his whereabouts. He had only one purpose, to challenge. In that case, then Just fight. Thinking of this, Jackson tightened his grip on the gun in his hand, and the murderous look in his eyes became even colder.

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