The strongest soldier

Chapter 1897 Quick Evacuation

The entire Arubon was in a state of excitement. Intelligence agents and law enforcement officers were everywhere in action, tracing the whereabouts of Luo Zheng and others. Hotels, guest houses, guesthouses and rental houses were all searched. The place where Luo Zheng and others lived was naturally Not missing, the TV immediately broadcast emergency news, characterizing the murderers in the parliament and court as terrorist attacks, asking local residents to cooperate in the investigation.

The mountain forest hut where Luo Zheng and others were hidden was quiet, enjoying the peace and quiet, taking turns to watch and rest. Unknowingly, the sky became brighter. Everyone gathered at the door of the hut, looking at Luo Zheng, waiting for the latest fate. The **** has been launched, and there is no concrete progress. Naturally, Luo Zheng will not play cards randomly. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Blue Star's number. After he was connected, he said in a deep voice: "What's going on outside now?"

"It's such a mess, you've been labeled as terrorists, hehe!" Blue Star said with a smile as if he was afraid of the world being in chaos: "Your whereabouts are being traced everywhere. In addition, satellites have detected more than a dozen large-scale armed forces. A very small convoy rushed to Alubang overnight. The identity is unknown and it is still on the road. It is impossible to determine whether it is Jackson."

"What about in the air?" Luo Zheng asked.

"According to the surveillance, no helicopter was found coming to Alubon." Blue Star responded.

"So, they still chose to infiltrate by land. The dozen or so small-scale convoys should be them. They are just broken into pieces. I don't know how many people were sent this time. I'm really looking forward to it. How are the preparations of the brother troops? ?" Luo Zheng continued to ask.

"It's ready. I'll send the specific location to your mobile phone right away." Blue Star promised.

"No, someone is coming." Guishou hurriedly came over to remind him, hunched over.

Luo Zheng was shocked and cut off the call with Lan Xing. He led everyone to evacuate quickly and hid in the surrounding woods. When he saw two lamas coming and leaving with some dry firewood, Luo Zheng hid in the woods and watched carefully. The two of them keenly noticed that one of them was looking around a few times, as if he was looking for something. He was obviously suspicious, and his face changed involuntarily, and he became thoughtful.

The two lamas left quickly, and Lan Xue whispered from the side: "We may have been exposed."

"Yes, that tall and thin lama is very suspicious. He must have discovered something." Luo Zheng said angrily, looking at the brightening sky, he looked at the brothers around him and said: "We can't stay here any longer, we must evacuate. Jackson may have arrived in Alubang. Since we can’t hide anymore, let’s carry out the original plan.”

"Okay, where are we going now?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"Let's go fishing. Let's get the car first." Luo Zheng said confidently and walked down the mountain.

Everyone agreed and followed them, and soon walked out of the forest. They were surprised to see Luo Zheng walking towards the hotel. Lan Xue curiously asked: "This is the direction to the hotel we stayed at before. Are you here?"

"The hotel must have been searched, but it is safe. Let's go there first, get the car back, and then rush out of Alubang as quickly as possible. The information we found will definitely be sent to Jackson in time. Jackson learns that we If they run away, they will definitely think that we are scared. If they lead a large force to catch up, we will take a gamble." Luo Zheng's face became solemn and he explained seriously, looking forward with murderous eyes.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it works for you." Lan Xue agreed.

"Let's bet, with a small gain, we will succeed once and for all." Guishou understood Luo Zheng's tactical intention, smiled excitedly, and walked ahead. The snow leopard and mountain eagle also quickly dispersed, watching the surroundings vigilantly. , secretly pulled out the pistol he was carrying.

It was dawn, and ordinary people had not yet gotten up. The streets were quiet. The Indian intelligence officers and law enforcement officers who had searched all night were probably tired, or they had not found anything in the city, so they went to the suburbs to search. Everyone moved forward quickly. Went there and didn't meet anyone suspicious.

Soon, everyone arrived at the hotel parking lot and found the off-road vehicle. Guishou jumped into the driving position and started it. Others got in the car one after another. Suddenly, they saw three police-looking people rushing out of the hotel lobby, shouting something. , with a menacing look, Luo Zheng saw one of them take out a walkie-talkie and quickly opened fire.

With a "pop" sound, the bullet roared out of the barrel, penetrated the space barrier, and accurately penetrated the opponent's eyebrows.

The mountain eagle and snow leopard also opened fire, one each, killing the other two police-looking people. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "These people should be guarding the hotel, waiting for us to show up. I didn't expect them to be so exposed." Quick, Guishou, speed up the evacuation, everyone be careful, if you find anything wrong, shoot immediately and use a silencer."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a low voice. They took out the silencer from their pockets and bumped it against the pistol. Their faces became grim and they looked around cautiously.

Guishou slammed the accelerator, drove the car and rushed over. After running for a while, a harsh siren sounded from the quiet surrounding streets. Apparently someone was chasing him. Guishou snorted coldly and continued to increase the accelerator and rushed over. Luo Zheng Then he took out his mobile phone, dialed Blue Star's number, and immediately said after being connected: "Quickly locate and plan a safe route."

"Understood." Blue Star agreed quickly with understanding.

The off-road vehicle's engine roared, and it rushed forward. The speed was very fast, and the piercing siren was thrown away. Luo Zheng turned on the hands-free mobile phone, and the ghost hand rushed forward under the guidance of Blue Star. Come soon. When they arrived at the outskirts of the city, Lan Xing's helpless words rang on his cell phone: "There is a roadblock in front of us and the only exit around. We have to force our way through. There are three groups of pursuers coming from behind. We are only five minutes' drive away from you, so hurry up."

"Understood." Guishou said confidently, slamming the accelerator and rushing over.

"These bastards react very quickly. This roadblock has been set up a long time ago. They are obviously preventing you from evacuating. Be careful." Blue Star reminded angrily.

"This shows that Jackson wants to keep us. The more so, the less likely it is to go as planned. As long as we rush out, Jackson will become angry and chase us. Brother Guishou, it's up to you." Luo Zheng reminded coldly.

"Watch it." Guishou shouted confidently, staring ahead. He soon discovered that there were several police cars crossing the intersection in front of him, blocking the road. Many policemen aimed their guns at them, as if they were about to shoot, and their expressions turned pale. Shen quickly looked to both sides. It was a wasteland. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He suddenly turned the steering wheel and rushed to one side, shouting: "Brothers, I'll give you a chance to show off your skills."

"Puff, puff, puff!" Everyone understood that they were shooting out of the open car window on the other side, murderous intent rising into the sky. When they met on a narrow road, the brave would win, and they all fought with all their might. Each bullet was like a death talisman, and it hit each and every one of them accurately. Target, the police officers who intercepted him all retracted.

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