The strongest soldier

Chapter 1858 Attacking the Prison

In the dark underground prison, Xue Bao watched Shi Qian throw something down. After waiting for a while, the staff in the equipment room became motionless, like sculptures. He finally saw the power of smoke with his own eyes, and his face was filled with emotion. He looked at Shi Qian with admiration and said, "You're a great boy. I've been wronged by my brother before. Leave the rest to me." He gave an order and rushed down with his men.

The staff who were fascinated did not react at all. Everyone almost jumped down and kept shooting the staff with silent pistols. Seeing that everything was under control, Snow Leopard quickly rushed to the big iron gate and looked at the passage outside. No one was there. , quietly, the big iron door was blown away by something, and fell to the ground. It was deformed and looked a little desolate. Shi Qian rushed up, looked outside and said: "There are many corridors outside, like a maze. It is recommended to go out immediately. Look at the terrain plan to avoid getting lost, there is a plan on the monitoring platform.”

"Do you know how to get there?" Snow Leopard asked curiously.

"Of course, I took a quick glance and wrote it down. Don't forget what I do." Shi Qian said with confidence.

"Yes, you are the person who stole the door. Your stealing skills are top-notch, and your memory is definitely not bad." Snow Leopard praised, looked at his brother, had cleared out all the staff, and immediately shouted through the headset: "Brothers, immediately Take note of the floor plan.”

"Yes." Everyone responded in a low voice.

At this time, the people from Shandiao also rushed down, followed closely by the people from Ghost Hands. Everyone knew their mission and immediately looked for the floor plan. It happened that the people from Snow Leopard were looking at it, so they immediately joined in. Reading maps is a required skill for special forces. , everyone basically remembered it after just one glance. To be on the safe side, everyone took a few more glances.

At this time, Luo Zheng came to the door and glanced at the quiet corridor outside. He couldn't help but be surprised by Qia Li. He looked at Xue Bao affectionately and solemnly and said, "Why is there no one there?"

"Who knows, the warden took more than thirty people down, and fifteen more people went down behind him. We killed them all in total, forty-five people. How many guards can there be in a prison?" Snow Leopard said nonchalantly.

"Maybe, but you can't take it lightly. You lead the people to attack from the left, and Brother Shandiao's people attack from the right. Your task is to clear out all the guards and staff in the prison. You can't let anyone go. This is a war now, not a game. Don't be lenient, being kind to the enemy is cruel to your brothers. After completing the task, quickly come to the place where the prisoners are detained to meet up." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"I understand, don't worry, I know what to do." Snow Leopard agreed with a solemn expression.

Luo Zhen looked at Shi Qian and continued: "Come with me and find a weapon yourself."

"No problem." Shi Qian promised, ran to the side and picked up an automatic rifle on the ground to check it over, then looked at Luo Zheng with confidence, waiting for orders.

"Let's go!" Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue, then at the brothers in the action team who were ready, and rushed out at the lead, heading straight to the quiet corridor outside. Lan Xue and Shi Qian stood on the left and right, closely following each other. Following him, his face was filled with murderous intent.

Seeing Luo Zhen rushing out, the others naturally rushed out one after another not to be outdone. Luo Zheng rushed to the intersection of the corridor and happened to see three patrols approaching. He opened fire without hesitation and fired directly. Three patrol members were shot to the ground.

The three of them rushed forward in an arrow shape. Luo Zheng believed that Lan Xue and Shi Qian would look at both sides. He focused all his attention on the front. When he saw several guards rushing towards him, he quickly raised his gun, his face was cold and calm. He kept pulling the trigger, charging hard and hitting hard.

"Puff Pu Pu" the pistol bullets accurately penetrated the target's eyebrows, and the guns bit the flesh. The guards fell to the ground and died before they could react, without any power to fight back.

Luo Zhen rushed forward like a tiger, without even looking at the corpse on the ground. Many guards rushed towards him from one side of the passage. Luo Zhen glanced at it, then rushed forward quickly, leaving the guards on one side to the people behind him to deal with it, relying on his memory. Dash forward for a short distance, and in front of you is the first checkpoint leading to the passage where prisoners are imprisoned.

The guard at the checkpoint stood up in a panic and took out his gun. Just as he raised it to take aim, a bullet hit the opponent's forehead accurately. Luo Zheng knew that this shot was done by Lan Xue without even looking. He rushed up with a quick step and glanced at the guard. , already dead, quickly shouted to Lan Xue and Shi Qian who rushed up: "Hold the entrance to the passage."

"Understood." Lan Xue agreed knowingly, squatting at the entrance of the passage, watching the corridors on both sides vigilantly. When he saw someone coming, he opened fire without hesitation. Shi Qian also quickly opened fire in support, killing the guards who tried to rush up. Suppress him with all his strength and buy time for Luo Zheng.

Luo Zhen placed a button bomb on the big lock and quickly took a few steps back. In an emergency, the problem could only be solved violently. He heard a loud bang and the big lock was blown up. Luo Zhen rushed forward and opened the big iron door. , before he had time to rush in, he saw a guard aiming a gun at him. He was shocked, twisted and rolled to the ground, and the gun in his hand quickly went off.

"Poof!" The gunshot rang out and people were knocked down. The guard stared at the ceiling with unwilling expressions on his face, refusing to close his eyes.

Luo Zhen quickly got up and rushed inside. He took out the key from the guard and continued to rush inside. He soon came to the second checkpoint. He did not open the lock immediately, but looked inside vigilantly. Sure enough, he saw A guard rushed over with a vigilant face, and Luo Zheng quickly shot the guard to death before unlocking the door.

After passing the second checkpoint, Luo Zhen took out the key from the guard he had just killed and continued rushing inside. Soon he came to the third checkpoint. Before he could open the door, he heard noisy shouts and banging steel coming from inside. Knowing that the remaining prisoners heard something and were causing trouble, they quickly unlocked the door and entered.

Soon, Luo Zhen rushed through the third checkpoint and came to the place where the prisoners were detained. He found that many of the iron cages were empty. He estimated that they were beaten to death after escaping from the prison. The remaining people were only fifty or two hundred people. With so little left, it can be seen that the Dark Prison has also dealt a fatal blow before.

When the remaining prisoners saw Luo Zheng, who was dressed in a desert camouflage military uniform, they stopped shouting. Their eyes were full of curiosity. One prisoner shouted curiously: "Which country are you from? They look like oriental yellow people. Yellow people." Except for the Huaxia Kingdom, the Japanese and Koryo Kingdoms are all the bastards of the Sam Kingdom. Just now, some Chinese people were rescued. It seems that you are the Chinese people, and you killed them with a plan. Can you rescue us?"

"Yes, rescue us. Our country has close relations with China and is a friendly country. Our country will definitely repay this favor." Someone shouted, with eagerness and expectation in his words.

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