The strongest soldier

Chapter 1859 Release the Prisoner

The prisoners imprisoned in the dark prison were worthy of being elites from all over the world. He guessed the identities of Luo Zheng and others based on the various phenomena he saw. Luo Zheng couldn't help but look at these people. Such people attracted the enemy's attention. The success rate of his own escape will be higher. It is related to the country. Naturally, Luo Zheng will not admit his true identity, but he will not deny it. Instead, he said with a solemn face: "You can go out if you want, but you must obey my order. Who can If you don’t accept it, don’t blame me for being unkind, can you do it?”

"No problem, if you can't do it, don't go out." Everyone shouted in agreement, and they were very excited. Who would want to stay here and wait to die if they could go out? Anyway, it is death, it is better to give it a try, maybe it is a chance to survive. We are all smart people and know how to choose.

Luo Zheng shouted for everyone to calm down. When he saw Shi Qian and Lan Xue running in a hurry, he couldn't help but startled and looked at Lan Xue. Lan Xue rushed up and whispered: "The attacking enemy was blocked by the brothers. The situation is It’s basically under control, but I’m worried, so come and take a look.”

"Yes." Luo Zheng nodded in agreement and looked at Shi Qian and continued, "Can you please unlock it?"

"No problem." Shi Qian agreed and went to unlock the door.

The iron cages were opened one by one, and a celebrity prisoner rushed out. He came to Luo Zhen with a grateful face and thanked him. He did not run around. Everyone was smart and knew that only by following Luo Zhen would they have a chance to survive. Will die faster, everyone gathers together and waits for the others.

After a few minutes passed, about fifty iron cages were opened. Everyone admired Shi Qian's skills. Luo Zheng was even more happy. It was convenient to have a lockpicking expert. All the prisoners gathered around, Everyone looked at Luo Zheng eagerly, waiting for orders.

The gunfire outside gradually stopped, and soon, a heavily armed man trotted in. It seemed that many prisoners glanced at Luo Zheng and walked up. The prisoners stepped aside one after another, secretly becoming curious and guessing about Luo Zheng. How many people did Zheng bring here, and he actually took down all the guards of the dark prison? Isn't this fighting power too fierce? When everyone thought of this, their expectations were even higher.

The person who came was Shandiao. He walked up to Luo Zhen and said in a low voice: "The guards have been basically cleared. The situation is under control. The battlefield is being cleaned. The elevator, the only tool for getting down from the ground, has been damaged and the people above can't get down."

"Bring more food, flashlights and things to keep out the cold." Luo Zheng whispered, secretly excited, and took down the dark prison. The regular troops stationed above could not get out, so the rest of the matter would be much easier to handle.

"Understood." The mountain eagle whispered and left in a hurry.

Luo Zhen then looked at everyone and shouted solemnly: "Follow me, everyone. Bring the things you see to keep out the cold, food and weapons. No fighting over them. There are plenty here. Don't worry. Anyone who dares to come here will be killed." No forgiveness.”

"I understand, don't worry." Everyone agreed.

"Follow me." Luo Zheng shouted and walked forward. He released the prisoners just to lure the enemy. It was a favor and it was a matter of killing two birds with one stone. As for the internal fighting and killing of the prisoners, Luo Zheng didn't bother to care about it. Just don't cause trouble for himself. Fortunately, these people seem to be very smart and know what to do and what not to do at this time.

Everyone walked outside. When they saw the guard's body, they rushed up to the two of them. They took off the other's clothes and put them on themselves. When they saw the weapons, they immediately collected them. The team continued to move forward, passing through three checkpoints, and came to In the corridor outside, there were corpses on the floor. Everyone rushed forward and collected their clothes and weapons.

Luo Zhen did not stop him and waited patiently. After everyone had plundered everything, he continued to move forward. Soon he saw many corpses. Everyone was about to rush up to clean the battlefield when a fully armed team rushed up and issued endless murderous orders. The people's hearts were chilling, even though the prisoners were well-informed, they were frightened by this iron-blooded army and did not dare to move.

It was the Snow Leopard team that came. When Snow Leopard saw the rescued prisoners, his eyes fell on Luo Zhen. After signaling the team to disperse on guard, he hurried up. The prisoners could feel the bloody murderous intent on Snow Leopard's body, and they all said: Opening the way, eyes full of admiration and curiosity.

Snow Leopard came to Luo Zheng and said in a low voice: "We have eliminated the remaining enemies and found the warehouse. The mountain eagle people are guarding it. What should we do next?"

"Let's go and have a look." Luo Zhen was overjoyed and said quickly, motioning for Snow Leopard to lead the way.

Soon, everyone arrived at the warehouse. The mountain eagle came up and said in a low voice: "There are a lot of things in there. What we need has been taken out, and the rest can be given to them."

"Yes." Luo Zheng nodded with satisfaction, looked at the prisoners around him, looked solemn, and shouted: "It's a warehouse inside. You know what you need. You are not allowed to fight after entering. Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy. I will give you three minutes to prepare." , go."

"Thank you." Everyone was overjoyed and rushed into the warehouse.

Luo Zhen and his people were waiting outside. At this time, Guishou led people over and whispered: "The elevator won't be repaired for a while, and the people on it can't get out. Should we evacuate?"

"Well, you two take the people to set the fire. The mountain eagle brothers stay. Be careful of these people causing trouble. We will assemble in the equipment room in three minutes." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Understood." Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle agreed and took action.

Setting fires was not a problem at all for the Ghost Hands and Snow Leopards. They left with murderous looks on their faces and set fires. Three minutes later, the prisoners came out of the warehouse and put on guard uniforms one by one, from head to toe, from inside to outside. There are also weapons and food outside. Everyone is understanding and knows that it is time to escape. The more supplies you prepare, the greater your hope of survival.

Luo Zheng gave the order and led the people towards the equipment room. He heard the piercing sirens and the fire sprinklers started spraying water. Knowing that the brothers had successfully set the fire, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and urged everyone to speed up and wait until they reached the equipment room. At that time, Guishou and Snow Leopard came in with people.

Retreating with a large number of people is a problem. Luo Zheng first asked Gui Shou to lead the people in. Gui Shou was a good man. He knew that Luo Zheng arranged this to seize the upstream passage and prevent prisoners from running upstream. He led the people in knowingly, and then the prisoners , Luo Zhen let half of it in and asked Snow Leopard to take his own people in as well.

After that, Luo Zheng let other people go in, and he was the last one. This move made people a little confused but also grateful. After all, the last person to evacuate was in danger, and Luo Zheng left the danger to himself. This move was invisible. After stabilizing the prisoners' minds, everyone's actions became orderly.

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