The strongest soldier

Chapter 1857 A shot back at the horse

"Well done, you have completed your mission very well. If it weren't for the enemies you confused, the enemies would definitely search the underground. At that time, none of us would be able to escape, let alone complete the mission. If we can send the target out, you should be the residents. First achievement." Luo Zheng praised seriously.

"Thank you for the compliment, leader." Niu Gang said with excitement on his face: "Please tell me what we need to do next. Brothers can still fight, as long as they kill Sam's troops, there will be no problem." He was captured helplessly last time. , the Ghost Hand team all suppressed their anger. They didn’t say anything in their mouths, but they were holding back the energy in their hearts. Now that they have the opportunity, they naturally don’t want to miss it.

"I just want to be fine. You've done everything. Why should we go?" Shan Diao said unconvinced.

"Uh." Niu Gang was stunned, but in his heart he knew the relationship between the mountain eagle and the ghost hand, and also knew the strength of the mountain eagle. He didn't talk back and said with a smile: "How can that be possible? There are so many enemies that we can't kill all. You have made great achievements in battle, so our team cannot fall behind, right?"

"You're a good talker. I'll leave the general tasks to your team. Don't argue with me about important matters, otherwise I won't spare you." Shan Diao said with a smile.

Luo Zheng looked at the two people with a smile. Military morale is useful. It is a good thing for brother troops to compete with each other. Luo Zheng did not want to break this trend. After the two quarreled for a while, he smiled and said: "Okay, we are all one family, what else should we divide? You and me? Another brother is coming down, everyone is ready to respond."

One brother came down, Niu Gang went up to help him, and then more brothers came down, and finally Guishou. After standing firm, he looked at Luo Zheng and everyone with a happy face. Seeing that everyone was fine, he was even more happy. He smiled and said, "How are you all, brothers? That's great."

"You did a good job, you made the enemy confused." Lan Xue said with a smile.

"No, you still need to work hard, but you, I heard from my little sister, you sent the people out quietly. I'm afraid the enemy is still in the dark at this moment, right? Then he turned around and took a good look. Fire burned down the dark prison, this tactic is so good!" Ghost Hand shouted with approval.

"Okay, brothers, please stop complimenting each other. Have you brought all Cao Xi's tools?" Luo Zhen asked in surprise as he looked at the tools in Guishou's arms.

"Well, I found a dead Populus euphratica and tied a rope to it. The Populus euphratica was buried under the yellow sand, and some dead seabuckthorn branches were piled up. You can't tell from the outside. This tool is Cao Xi's beloved treasure. Cao Xi deserves credit for us, we can't throw away her things." Guishou explained, pushing the tool into Shi Qian's arms, and added: "I'll leave the things to you."

"Okay, brother, thank you." Shi Qian said gratefully.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We have fought together, and we should be brothers who have been in the trenches." Guishou pretended to be dissatisfied and said, looking at Luo Zhen and continuing to ask: "Brothers have come down, what should we do next?"

"Let's go and kill him right away." Luo Zheng shouted arrogantly.

"Yes, kill him with a quick reaction. At this moment, the enemies are searching outside, but there is no one in the camp. The people in the dark prison did not expect that we would kill him. They happened to attack in a sneak attack and burned this place. The evil spirit in our hearts was released. Let's Let's go, I will be the first to fight. I will fight with whoever fights with me." Guishou shouted excitedly.

The troops quickly marched forward. When they arrived at the lake, they found that the Snow Leopard team had killed a guard team of the dark prison and was cleaning the battlefield. There were about fifteen guards. The Snow Leopards guarded the drainage channel with a vigilant look. Luo Zhen and others came over and immediately asked someone to guard the drainage channel for him. He ran to Luo Zhen and said solemnly: "This group of people came down a few minutes ago and captured them all in a surprise attack. It seems that the prison guards are here." Already taken seriously.”

"Yeah, it seems we have to fight quickly." Luo Zhen's face became solemn, he took a serious look at the corpses on the ground and said, "Take your people and enter the drainage channel quickly. Shi Qian, you are responsible for leading the way. When you get to the drainage channel, Once above the canal, quickly seize the passage, which is the passage we passed through last time, so don’t go there yet.”

"Understood." Snow Leopard agreed, looking at Shi Qian, who nodded knowingly and followed.

"Brother Guishou." Luo Zheng continued: "Your people have worked hard in the battle. Follow the team. Brother Shandiao, bring your people with me. Let's go."

"Yes." Everyone agreed. Seeing that Luo Zheng had made a decision, Guishou no longer insisted on taking the lead.

Snow Leopard and his men quickly got into the drainage channel. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue also got in, followed by the Mountain Eagle Team and the Ghost Hand Team. Everyone passed through the drainage channel and came to the exit. Luo Zheng saw that the steel mesh lock had been locked. After exploding, the enemy was probably impatient. He couldn't help but laugh secretly. He looked up at the passage on the wall, and his eyes fell on the Snow Leopard team with a fighting spirit on their faces. He said, "Shi Qian, lead the way. Brothers Snow Leopard, follow up. After going out, use the smoke to quickly seize the equipment room, kill the people inside and then set up a defensive formation so as not to alert the enemy."

"Understood." Xue Bao and Shi Qian agreed excitedly. This was the first battle. Xue Bao looked at his brothers and said murderously: "Brothers, this is a rare opportunity. Show your true skills and let's go."

"Yes." Everyone shouted excitedly.

Shi Qian's blood was boiling, he had never felt prouder, and his whole body was full of energy. He was the first to climb up the ladder. He climbed up like a monkey, came to the passage, and quickly got in. The snow leopard followed closely, like an agile animal. The leopard moved very quickly and caught up with Shi Qian in a few seconds and got into the passage.

When Luo Zheng saw that the Snow Leopard team had entered, he looked at the mountain eagle with excitement and said: "After your people enter, they quickly locate the distribution of the guards and kill them. Brother Ghost Hands, after your people enter, they quickly find the path leading to the ground." Area, seal off the area and prevent any ground troops from entering."

"Understood." Mountain Eagle and Ghost Hand agreed excitedly.

"Do you have anything else to add?" Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue and asked affectionately.

"We must fight quickly without delay. There are many guards in the Dark Prison. It may take a long time for the Mountain Eagle Brothers alone. We need the cooperation of the Snow Leopard Brothers. I propose that two troops advance forward, one on the left and the other on the right. As for me, The two of us, rush to the place where the prisoners are being held as quickly as possible to avoid the guards from jumping over the wall and committing murder." Lan Xue suggested seriously.

"It makes sense, it's settled, let's take action." Luo Zhen shouted murderously, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes, he loaded the bullet and rushed towards the ladder.

"Kill!" Lan Xue shouted in a deep voice and chased after him.

"Kill -" everyone roared, followed closely, and quickly got into the passage.

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