The strongest soldier

Chapter 1763 Attacking the Pursuing Soldiers

Fighter bombing is no trivial matter. Jackson's first thought was a sneak attack launched by a nearby country, but on second thought it was wrong. Who would dare to suddenly launch an aerial sneak attack on Sam's country? Under questioning, the urgent voice of one of my own came from the headset: "Report to the commander-in-chief, the enemy's situation is unknown. According to relevant intelligence, the military airport of the host country was attacked by a sneak attack. Could someone have snatched the fighter jet and attacked us?"

"What?" Jackson was shocked and almost roared. His vicious eyes flashed with Senhan's murderous intent. This time, Jackson's mind immediately thought of Luo Zheng, thinking that only Luo Zheng could do this. He was shocked and asked: "How many fighter jets? How much damage was done to the host country's airport?"

"Two fighter jets sneak attacked our base. The damage to the host country's airport is unknown. We are currently unable to make contact. The fighter jets can take off calmly. At least it means that the airport is completely controlled by the attackers, and the losses should not be small." The other party explained eagerly.

"Asshole, damn it." Jackson cursed in horror. Thinking of the consequences of the fighter jets attacking the base, his back went cold and cold sweat broke out all over his body. He quickly asked: "What's the damage to the base?"

"The heavy rain is too heavy and difficult to estimate. We are counting and the enemy planes have left." The other party quickly replied.

"To the west, it's them, damn, bastards, these devils." Jackson roared angrily, looking ahead at the dense forest shrouded in heavy rain, his face as cold as frost, his eyes filled with cold murderous intent, and shouted: "Everyone There are all of them, follow me and kill them."

"Click - click!" Everyone pushed the bullet up and looked at Jackson indifferently, ready to pursue. There was a curious look in their eyes. They didn't know what was going on, so that Jackson looked like he was going berserk. There were signs, but no one dared to ask.

"Rumble!" Suddenly, the sound of a helicopter propeller rotating at high speed was heard in their ears. Everyone was startled and couldn't help but look up at the sky shrouded in heavy rain. The heavy rain blocked their sight. They couldn't see anything except the rain, but the roar of the helicopter But getting closer and closer, this voice is too familiar to everyone, and there is no mistaking it.

Jackson also heard the sound and couldn't help but become suspicious, thinking that he didn't send an armed helicopter to assist? Suddenly thinking of the information that the host country's airport had been hijacked, his face suddenly changed, and he roared: "Quick, spread out and take cover, pay attention to air defense, it's the enemy."

"Enemy?" Everyone was surprised. Can a group of indigenous people fly a helicopter to attack? But the soldier's instinct to obey orders still made everyone make the right choice and disperse one after another.

On a sunny day, everyone may be able to detect the helicopter attack in advance, but on a rainy day, it is different. It not only blocks the line of sight, but also covers up the sound of the helicopter. It is not heard until the helicopter is already approaching. At this time, it is too late to make any reaction. Two bombs The missile roared down, tearing apart the space barrier fiercely, and rushed towards the dense forest.

Before these two missiles exploded, two more missiles roared out and slammed into the dense forest, followed by four huge explosions, one after another. The huge shock wave knocked down the surrounding trees, and the red light rushed out. Coming out of the woods, black gunpowder smoke billowed up in the heavy rain, as if a devil was grinning. It was extremely terrifying.

Before the explosion subsided, two helicopters rushed out of the rain and appeared over the dense forest. Like two invincible gods of war rushing out from nine days away, the ferocious Minigun poured terrifying bullets into the dense forest, dense as rain, and they hit. It was a mess down there.

After the attack, the armed helicopter flapped its wings and left without looking back at the enemy behind it. The scene of the attack was full of desolation. Trees as thick as a bowl were blown up, and the people hiding under the trees fell into a pool of blood. They were in pain. Moaning and shouting something.

Under a big tree, Jackson climbed up with difficulty. He couldn't help but cough a few times. He felt a sweetness in his throat. A mouthful of blood came up and sprayed on the ground. It instantly merged with the rain, like a blooming blood flower. It was extremely strange. Jackson covered his heart tightly, looked around with a gloomy face, and found a corpse lying not far away from him. The body had been split into two, and the internal organs rolled all over the floor. The death was extremely miserable.

Jackson endured the grief and anger and quickly looked around, and found that many brothers were lying in a pool of blood, with either hands or legs broken, and some bodies were directly blown to pieces. There was no complete place to be found. Now it was like a Shura hell. Extremely terrifying.

"Ah——" Jackson roared in grief and anger, and a mouthful of blood surged up again. He felt like the world was spinning, and his body was limp on the ground, as if his strength had been drained. Jackson's eyes were empty and lifeless. All around, the brothers who once lived and died together are just gone?

"Failed, defeated again, you are a devil!" Jackson murmured, with a horrified face and no fighting spirit. The host country's airport was attacked, the base was bombed, and three Jarhead special forces were attacked by armed helicopters. Jackson had already guessed what was going on in the attack, and knew that he was defeated miserably once again, and was unable to fight back.

Failure has become numb to Jackson. He has suffered too many defeats, but this time it gave Jackson a strong sense of fear, as if the end of the world had come. This fear penetrated deep into his soul, and he lost his will to fight. Without the fighting spirit, he just stared at the countless injured brothers, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Jackson sat motionless on the ground, looking around with vacant eyes. His eyes were dull and his face was ashen. His whole body was like a stone sculpture. If his eyelids hadn't occasionally moved to prove that he was still alive, he would have been regarded as dead. , After a while, the reconnaissance team behind the team came up to check the situation. They saw the ground was full of broken limbs and pieces of meat, and the blood was washed away by the heavy rain and flowed into a river. The smell of blood was strong and terrifying. Everyone was shocked and didn't know what to do. The officer quickly contacted the headquarters, but found that he could not be contacted.

At this time, a Jarhead survivor staggered over from behind. His face was miserable, his eyes were red, and he was breathing heavily. His cold eyes swept over the brothers on the ground, and a line fell from his eyes. With hot tears, he roared in agony: "Quickly, hurry up and save the brothers. Damn it, why are you still standing there? Hurry up!"

The survivor yelled like crazy, looking around for something, and soon found Jackson with dull eyes. He ran up quickly, not paying attention to the trees and vines under his feet, and stumbled forward, almost falling to his knees. On the ground, he got up and looked at Jackson and shouted miserably: "My head is gone, my brothers are all gone——!"

The voice was sad and miserable.

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