The strongest soldier

Chapter 1764 Jackson is afraid

Jackson did not move or even blink his eyelids. He stared blankly into the empty space ahead with no expression on his face. The survivor screamed in pain several times. Seeing that Jackson did not respond, he gradually regained his composure. , realized something was wrong, stared at Jackson for a few seconds, then suddenly reached out and slapped him hard with two hands. The crackling sound was clearly audible in the sound of the rainstorm.

"Huh?" Jackson was beaten awake a little and looked at the survivors in surprise. At this time, memories flooded into his mind. Jackson suddenly looked up at the sky, his whole body bent back, and he opened his mouth in pain. He roared: "Ah——!" like a wounded and desperate beast.

The sound rolled away like thunder and spread far away. It echoed in the dense forest for a long time, but was quickly covered up by the sound of heavy rain. Jackson raised his head, eyes wide open, looking at the endless sky with a miserable face, letting the heavy rain hit his head. , face, endless despair and humiliation came up, filling his mind.

"Boss, take revenge, take revenge for your brothers." The survivor roared, his eyes full of unwillingness and hatred.

"Revenge?" Jackson was startled, and then murmured: "Revenge, yes, revenge." He couldn't help but regain some consciousness, slowly stood up, looked at the corpses all around him, and continued sadly: "It's gone. , are all gone, and all the brothers are gone, how can we take revenge?"

"There are me, brothers in other troops, and the support of our powerful country. This revenge must be avenged. Brothers cannot die in vain." The survivor shouted with firm eyes.

"Yes, there is still a country." Jackson seemed to have seen hope. His mind was much clearer, and his empty eyes were a little brighter. He glanced at the survivors gratefully, then turned his eyes to the battlefield again, and saw the investigators following behind. The troops couldn't help shouting: "Why don't you save people quickly?"

The reconnaissance team hurriedly took action, but there were body parts and pieces of meat everywhere, and it was impossible to piece them together. Jackson's eyes gradually became cold, and his mind was full of hatred and fear. He looked at the survivors. Said: "Quickly, see if any of the other brothers are alive."

"Yes." The survivor agreed angrily and quickly went to check the situation.

Jackson looked coldly to the west. There was his biggest enemy in his life, his enemy. Something strange came into his heart. Can such a powerful enemy be defeated? Why do I always lose? Why? Endless loneliness surged up. For the first time, Jackson doubted whether he could defeat a powerful opponent, and for the first time, he felt fear of a powerful opponent.

This sense of fear made Jackson wonder what to do next. After a while, the survivor hurried over, with a bit of surprise on his face, and said quickly: "Head, there are eleven brothers who were stunned by the missiles." , they were rescued, but they were seriously injured and I’m afraid they won’t be able to fight.” At this point, the survivor’s face became full of sorrow. As a soldier who cannot go to the battlefield, is he still a soldier?

"There are eleven survivors?" Jackson was overjoyed when he heard this, and felt a lot better inside. Each of the three Jarhead Special Forces is the elite of the elite. It is not easy for the country to pick one out of ten thousand. , a missile attack was all explained here, which made Jackson furious, but helpless. Fortunately, there were survivors, which gave him some comfort.

However, when Jackson thought that the survivors were also seriously injured and could no longer fight, he was filled with anger. Is this result no different from the annihilation of the entire army? The survivor next to him also knew what this result meant, but he was unwilling to accept it and said: "Boss, I will lead the reconnaissance team up and I will not stop until I kill them."

"No, you can't go." Jackson suddenly felt that doing so would be very dangerous, and quickly stopped him. Seeing the unwillingness on the faces of the survivors, he persuaded him: "Brother, we can't be in a hurry. In our current situation, we can't even catch up. , and can’t kill the enemy, it’s better to keep him useful for the future.”

"But did the brothers die in vain?" the survivor yelled unwillingly.

"Who said that our brothers died in vain?" Jackson also roared: "This revenge must be avenged. I swear that I will risk my life and fight until death. But not now. The base was attacked by two fighter jets and suffered heavy losses. I have to go back and take charge of the work. Besides, given our current situation, it is impossible to pursue us. What if the enemy sends a helicopter to attack again?"

"What? Damn it." When the survivor heard that the base was being attacked by fighter jets, his face changed drastically and he cursed angrily.

When other surrounding reconnaissance troops heard the news, they stopped what they were doing and looked sideways at Jackson. Their expressions changed drastically, and their eyes were full of doubts. How could the base be attacked? But as soon as they saw Jackson's angry expression, everyone knew that this was true. They all became angry and stood up to look at Luo Zheng. A major ran up, saluted and shouted: "Commander in chief, please lead us to pursue him. , revenge, we want revenge."

"Yes, revenge." Others gathered around and roared.

If it were in the past, Jackson would have agreed without hesitation and led everyone to catch up. If they couldn't defeat it, they could call helicopters for help. If that didn't work, they would still have missiles. But now the base has been destroyed, all the vehicle-borne missiles have been blown up, and the helicopters have also been blown up. Destroyed, unable to fly into the air to participate in the battle. After experiencing this disastrous defeat, Jackson became fearful and unconfident, and instinctively refused everyone's invitation to fight.

"Boss, I will take some people there. At least I can bite them and know where they are hiding. You can go back quickly and take charge of the overall situation. Many of our senior officers have been captured. It's okay if there is no one to take charge of the work. Maybe they are waiting at home. Don't worry about your recovery, I can bite them to death." The survivor suggested confidently.

"No, you can't go." Jackson refused instinctively.

"Why?" The survivor clearly felt that Jackson had become timid and lost his previous vigor. His face darkened and he couldn't help but worry, but he still asked.

"Because we cannot launch an attack on the enemy in a short period of time. This process may take three months, half a year, or even longer. What can you do if you follow the enemy? Once discovered, more people will die. Too many people have been killed, and I don’t want to see any more people die.” Jackson explained coldly.

"Why not attack?" the survivor asked unwillingly.

"Yes, why?" the major of the reconnaissance force also echoed.

"Because we have no air strike force, no armed helicopters, no missiles, and no fighter jets. Do you think that with our combat power, we can defeat the indigenous people who are familiar with this primitive forest? If we could, we would have won long ago, and there is no need. Wait until now?" Jackson shouted coldly, with an unquestionable tone in his words: "Everyone listen to my order, take your brothers and retreat."

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