The strongest soldier

Chapter 1762 Bombing the enemy camp

Dark clouds covered the sun, and the violent rain continued as before. The whole sky was gray, and there was a heavy rain. Apart from that, it was difficult to see or hear anything. In the open area on the edge of the vast primeval forest, a huge military camp shimmered. With the lights on, these lights looked a little weak in the heavy rain, as if they would be extinguished by the rain at any time, but they were particularly conspicuous on this rainy day.

With the faint light, you can see that the military camp is crowded. Many people are patrolling outside. They are leading wolf dogs, wearing raincoats, loaded with guns, and marching with steady and powerful steps. The formation is neat and uniform. Many people are running around in the middle of the camp. , I don’t know what you are busy with?

Suddenly, piercing sirens sounded throughout the base, more searchlights turned on, shooting in all directions, and more people rushed out of the barracks, shouting something, driving as if a war was coming, and some soldiers were commanded by officers. He rushed down to the anti-aircraft cannon position, controlled the anti-aircraft cannon and aimed it at the gray sky. He looked up to check, but his eyes were squinted by the heavy rain and he had to lower his head.

An officer with the rank of major roared: "Quick, get the missile truck out."

"Report, the missile vehicles were destroyed last night." An officer with the rank of second lieutenant shouted quickly.

"Damn it, are there no more cars left?" the major roared unwillingly, like a wounded lion in the heavy rain, staring at the second lieutenant with wide eyes, eyes full of longing, longing for the second lieutenant to give up. Come to yourself with exciting news.

However, the second lieutenant lowered his head in shame and said nothing, but the meaning was already clear. The major's face changed drastically and he shouted coldly: "Quick, have the troops evacuate the barracks immediately and evacuate in all directions."

"Yes." The second lieutenant quickly agreed and ran out to deliver the order.

Soon, an angry voice sounded on the base broadcast: "Every unit listens, evacuate the military camp immediately, break out in all directions, and find a place to hide. Quick, soon, the enemy fighter jets are coming!"

"Enemy fighter jet?" At this moment, everyone realized the meaning of the alarm. Their expressions changed drastically. The fighter jet was unusual. Everyone understood the meaning of this order and ran for their lives. They quickly rushed out of the barracks one by one and braved the heavy rain to rush around. Rushing forward, in the face of life and death, what does this heavy rain mean?

Soon, countless people rushed around, not caring about anything. Some wounded people also used crutches and limped outside, but the speed was very slow. Everyone was focused on escaping, and no one cared about these wounded people. There were shouts and calls for help, and the whole camp seemed to explode.

Before the troops from the base rushed out of the camp, two fighter jets roared over, like two invincible gods of war, rolling in with unmatched momentum, roaring and roaring, looking extremely terrifying in the heavy rain. Suddenly, Two fighter jets dropped two air-to-ground missiles respectively.

The fighter jets roared away, but four air-to-ground missiles fell towards different areas of the base below, with a screaming sound, as if the god of death was grinning. They landed in an instant, making a loud bang, and exploded into a huge fireball. , the fireball rose into the air, forming a mushroom cloud-like shape.

Boom boom boom—there were three more huge explosions, as if the entire sky had been shaken down. A huge red light exploded on the ground, swallowing up everything around it. It looked extremely terrifying, but it quickly disappeared again. In the rain and mist, no one knew the outcome of the explosion.

Buzzing - The fighter jets turned around and rushed over again. They were high above the ground and the anti-aircraft cannon attacks could not reach the fighter jets. The fighter jets calmly dropped two missiles again.

The missile screamed and rushed toward the ground. The harsh sound made people panic, as if the God of Death was grinning triumphantly. After landing, there was a loud bang. The terrifying explosion sound was frightening. Two huge red lights rose up and illuminated the surrounding ground. It was bright. Through the bright light, you could see that countless people were blown to pieces in an instant, and countless body parts and pieces of flesh were flying across the sky. It was extremely terrifying.

The explosion was quickly engulfed again by heavy rain and mist, and the horrific explosion site was also obscured by the heavy rain. However, the fighter jets fluttered away, turned around, and headed west, as if they were invincible and calmly evacuated after successfully decapitating thousands of troops. The god of war, tyrannical, mighty and arrogant, quickly disappeared into the heavy rain without a trace.


In the vast primeval forest, the violent raindrops were blocked by the dense canopy of trees, but a lot of them still fell through the gaps between the leaves, hitting the ground with a crackling sound, converging into a river, and flowing to low-lying places, along with the withered Leaves are also washed away.

In a dense forest, a heavily armed team was resting under a big tree, eating dry food. Each one of them was silent, staring coldly ahead. Their whole body was tense and on high alert. There was a tall person in the middle of the team. Strong, wearing a camouflage combat uniform and a helmet, with a cold expression, his face as cold as frost, and his blue eyes shining with anger, he was none other than Jackson.

Just last night, someone infiltrated into the base and kidnapped more than fifty officers without any warning. What's even more terrifying is that all the vehicle-mounted missiles were set with time bombs. Just when everyone discovered that the enemy was pursuing them, the missiles were detonated. , a large number of troops were killed alive by their own missiles.

Forget it, the dignified military base of Sam State was infiltrated. More than fifty senior officers were kidnapped and missiles were blown up. It would be a huge shame if word spread about this. Jackson hated these infiltrators. , led the last three Jarhead special forces to pursue them all the way, and would not stop until the enemy captured and rescued the hostages.

However, the fact made Jackson crazy. The enemy not only left traps along the way, but also evacuated so fast that Jarhead's combat ability could not keep up with the speed. This made Jackson suddenly realize that the opponent was not simple anymore, and even more so. He strengthened his determination to encircle and suppress these enemies, and quickly dispatched a reconnaissance force to support them.

Chasing from dark to dawn, the enemy got closer and closer, but traps along the way caused certain casualties to the troops. Jackson planned to rest in this dense forest for a while before pursuing again. Looking at the violent heavy rain, Jackson was very angry. If Without the heavy rain, the enemy would not have been able to successfully impersonate themselves and easily infiltrate the camp. At this time, a correspondent ran up with a cold face, saluted and drank something: "Report, urgent call from headquarters."

"Bring it here." Jackson took the phone and drank something with a cold face: "It's me, what's the matter?"

"Report, the base was attacked by fighter jets and suffered heavy losses." A voice shouted in horror.

"What? The base was attacked by fighter jets? Say it again?" Jackson's face changed drastically, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and he asked in horror.

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