The strongest soldier

Chapter 1761 Escape intact

The heavy rain suddenly became sparse and the visibility increased a lot. Luo Zheng looked at the third helicopter rising into the sky and was convinced. With three armed helicopters joining the battle, the enemy was no longer a problem. He waited a moment and quickly shouted through the headset. : "Farmer, monk, gardener, report the situation."

"The bomb has been set up and ready to explode," the farmer said quickly.

"All parking bays have been checked and the enemies have been eliminated." The monk quickly replied.

"With the help of helicopters, the battle can be resolved within three minutes." The gardener shouted excitedly.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he heard this and shouted: "Monk, refuel the fighter jets, helicopters and transport planes and prepare to evacuate. Gardeners and scholars, come over to help after solving the battle as soon as possible. Snow leopards and mountain eagles, deal with the enemy and come over to help. I don't have time." There are too many, so we must deal with them quickly.”

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison.

"Haha, I'm here." Ghost Hand's voice sounded in the headset.

"You're here just in time, come and join us right away." Luo Zheng was overjoyed and shouted quickly.

"Understood." Guishou's promised voice sounded in the headset.

After a while, Guishou and his people hurried over. Everyone was covered in rain, but their spirits were extremely high. They all looked at Luo Zheng excitedly. Unexpectedly, they actually captured the enemy airport. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone, He quickly said: "We came at the right time. Find the monk immediately and refuel the fighter jets, helicopters and transport planes. Two fighter jets are enough. All armed helicopters will be driven away, and all transport planes will be used to transport fuel."

"Understood." Everyone stood up and shouted.

Seeing that Wei Jian was about to leave, Luo Zheng grabbed Wei Jian and told him: "Your people are responsible for driving the armed helicopters and transport planes. I will arrange for one person to assist. They will be responsible for attacking the Sam Kingdom base in a while. After success, we will go west. Remember , We will need these helicopters in the future, don't destroy them, my people will be responsible for protecting your people if something happens."

"I understand." Wei Jian quickly agreed.

Everyone in Guo Ren can fly a helicopter. The main reason why Wei Jian's people are allowed to fly is because they are not a combat unit. The way to retreat is still long and dangerous. It is not suitable to follow a large army. It is best to arrange to fly a helicopter to evacuate. Wei Jian Understanding the reason, he glanced at Luo Zheng gratefully and made arrangements.

"Hook, arrange for your people to help load the fuel onto the transport plane. It will be needed in the future. We have to improve our air power." Luo Zheng hurriedly warned Hook.

Hook was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly agreed, and left happily with his men. Luo Zheng looked at the busy troops and waited for a moment, then asked worriedly through the headset: "Blue Star, what's the situation with the enemy now?"

"The enemy hasn't responded yet. He is probably too scared to send fighter jets over. Could it be that there is a big shot among the hostages?" Blue Star said in surprise.

"Ignore them, even if there are big shots." Luo Zheng knew the principle of giving up when he was ready. He said coldly, looking at Lan Xue, who nodded knowingly to express support. At this time, the gardener's voice came from the headset. The battle was coming to an end. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and quickly asked through the headset: "Blue Star, what's going on with Shadow and the others now?"

"They acted last night and kidnapped a large group of people on their way to retreat. The situation is not good and they need support. However, he doesn't want me to tell you because it will affect your plan." Blue Star reminded anxiously.

"Tell him that we are about to finish here and send a helicopter to support immediately." Luo Zheng hurriedly warned, the murderous look in his eyes became stronger, and shouted through the headset: "We must retreat within five minutes, everyone is ready, everyone Move faster."

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison, and then there was a huge explosion in their ears. Everyone turned around and looked in the direction of the command building. They guessed that the farmer had succeeded. They were all excited and quickly prepared.

Three minutes later, the gardener cleared away the remnants and brought people over to help. Everyone refueled the fighter and moved the fuel to the transport plane. Soon the fighter was started and drove out of the parking bay to the runway. Soon it was It accelerated towards the front and took off into the air. The main driver was Wei Jian, and the co-pilot was Guishou.

The armed helicopter also took off. The personnel arrangement was the same. After all, Wei Jian's people were technical troops, non-combatants. They were assisted by ghost hands. They had protection in case anything happened on the road. After a few minutes, everyone was filled with fuel. All the planes took off and rushed to their respective goals.

Luo Zheng glanced at the remaining people, became proud, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, let's go, Shandiao, your people are responsible for breaking up the rear, setting off the time bomb, and blowing up this place for me."

"Understood." The mountain eagle shouted excitedly: "Brothers, go to the arsenal."

"Yes." Shandiao's man agreed excitedly, heading straight for the arsenal.

"Withdraw -" Luo Zheng shouted coldly. Everyone responded in unison and rushed outside. This great victory made everyone excited. The haze of the valley occupied by the enemy was swept away. As if he had been given a shot of chicken blood, his whole body was full of strength and he rushed out of the airport quickly.

The large troops rushed towards the mountains. There was an earth-shattering explosion behind them. The whole ground seemed to be shaking. They couldn't help but slow down and looked back. They saw a large ball of fire rising into the sky in the rain and fog. It was extremely terrifying.

Everyone guessed that it was the work of Shan Diao and others from the back. Such a big explosion would probably blow up the entire arsenal. They suddenly screamed in excitement and saw a dozen black figures rushing towards them in the rain and fog behind them. They knew it was The mountain eagle team rushed back, and they were even more excited.

Soon, the mountain eagle and his men rushed over, with excitement on their faces. Luo Zheng went up to him and shouted, "Well done, are you all okay, brothers?"

"Don't worry, it's okay. You led us to create a miracle. The military airport stationed by a regiment was actually cut off by us. This has never happened before in our country. Miracle, we showed up this time. "The mountain eagle whispered excitedly, speaking in Mandarin.

"It's just good luck. The enemy didn't expect that when we were defeated, he would come back and infiltrate into the enemy's territory to sneak attack the airport, catching the enemy by surprise. In addition, the enemy's defense was not good, information warfare was not good, and there were heavy rains. Cover, to sum it up, if the opponent is too bad, it would be absolutely impossible if it were a military airport in Sam Country." Luo Zheng calmly reminded in a low voice in Mandarin.

"Understood, brothers, we all know that the right time, the right place, the right people, and all the people we have won today's victory. No matter what, we won. This is a good thing, and the subsequent battles will be easier to handle." Shandiao smiled.

"The enemy will not be able to attack me within three months. During this time, we can prepare a lot of things." Luo Zheng said calmly, his eyes shining with wisdom as he looked into the dense forest in the distance.

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