The strongest soldier

Chapter 1713 Strategic Adjustment

At noon three days later, the troops arrived at the original place of the Huk tribe after a long journey, and found that the enemy had evacuated, leaving only a bunch of empty wooden houses. The enemy may have evacuated so hastily that they did not take away a lot of food. Luo Zheng led The man looked at the wooden house carefully and couldn't help but be surprised. Could it be that the enemy had changed his tactics? Why give up here in such a hurry?

Things were so weird that Luo Zheng couldn't figure it out and didn't bother to think about it. He asked Hook to arrange for the tribesmen to check the surroundings carefully, not leaving any corner unattended to prevent the enemy from planting bombs, and arrange a room for his brothers to rest and do all this well. Later, Luo Zheng called the military commander and Hook to the largest wooden house, the tribal meeting hall.

There were also some office supplies of the Sam Army in the wooden house. Apparently they also regarded this place as a headquarters. They evacuated too fast and ran away before they had time to sort it out. There were small things scattered everywhere on the ground. Everyone simply kept the wooden house. After tidying up, he sat on the floor and looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng looked at Hook and said: "All other troops should be able to arrive before dark, and they must be prepared to welcome them. This is temporarily used as a military base. Family members should not move here. I am afraid this war will not end in a short time. What do you think? this problem?"

"I remember you once said that you have fought for eight years for the dignity and independence of the country. What does our time mean? Don't worry, the tribe has been mentally prepared for a protracted war from the bottom up. Sam's country will not Will admit defeat. If we don't admit defeat, we have no choice but to keep fighting. We have no choice. This is a virgin forest, which is not conducive to large-scale troop deployment. As you said, we can fight guerrilla warfare and drag them to death. I want to know how to tell you specifically. " Hook explained nonchalantly.

"Your troops must be organized into an army immediately. I have discussed with you how to do this in the past two days. We will not participate. After you form an army, the troops will start actual combat training. I will send people to be your instructors and train your people. And guide them to fight. In less than a month, the combat effectiveness of your troops will be doubled." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Okay, great, but, so we won't have a large-scale war with Sam Country in the short term?" Hook asked in surprise.

"The enemy has over 10,000 reinforcements, but we don't know how they will be deployed. We have no way of formulating a tactical response. We can use this period of time to conduct large-scale military training and combat training. Small groups of troops can harass the enemy. The accumulation of a small amount of troops will make a greater number. At the same time, it will also force the enemy to speed up as soon as possible. Start a war." Luo Zheng explained.

"Okay, it's settled." Hook agreed.

"Your army has a total of five regiments. Centered here, it will be stationed a hundred kilometers away. One regiment will be stationed in each direction. I will arrange for people to help you build the garrison fortifications, leaving one regiment to garrison here. In addition, the reserve regiment We are also training here, and as for the prisoners, we will drag them all to build fortifications and hollow out the bottom of the highest mountain in the east into an air raid shelter." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Understood." Hook had already experienced the attack power of enemy missiles and knew the importance of caves for air defense, so he agreed.

"The results of the battle were calculated two days ago. As you know, we captured a total of 360 prisoners this time. This is a free labor force. Let them exchange labor for food. With their help in building air-raid shelters, the speed will be Much faster." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

After chatting for a while, Hook hurriedly deployed. Luo Zheng looked at his own people. They were all haggard and tired. He couldn't help but said with shame: "Brothers, I have made you tired. Let's take a good rest during this time. Recover your strength and wait until the enemy takes action."

"Why don't you take the initiative to attack?" Shadow asked curiously.

"Small-scale sneak attacks are okay, but large-scale operations are not. We can't hold on anymore. The people of the Huk tribe have reached their limit and urgently need to rest and recuperate. Besides, it takes time for the Huk army to build up an army. It is best not to have large-scale attacks during this period. In the battle, it would be good if the enemy does not come to attack us, so while we are building fortifications, we will conduct small-scale sneak attacks to harass the enemy, delay the enemy's war, and buy time for the Huk tribe to recover their strength." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

Everyone nodded knowingly, Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "Captain Li's people are responsible for leading the sneak attack. Scholars, gardeners, monks, and farmer brothers, you will go to the other four regiments to camp, and you will be responsible for training and instructing the fortifications." Are there any problems with the construction?"

"No problem." The four scholars exchanged looks and agreed.

"The training here will be left to the Shadow Brothers, and my people will also assist in the training. The construction of the air-raid shelter will be left to the Snow Fox and Drunkard Brothers. Do you three have any problems?" Luo Zheng continued to warn.

"No problem." The three of them agreed.

"Okay, everyone, let's go and rest for a while. The other troops will arrive in the evening." Luo Zheng said.

Everyone stood up and left, and soon only Lan Xing and Luo Zheng were left in the wooden house. Luo Zheng turned on the signal transmitter to contact Lan Xing, and whispered with a solemn face: "Secret passage."

"Wait a moment." Blue Star agreed and said, "Okay, what's the matter?"

"Connect me with the military bureau and the commander." Luo Zheng said seriously.

Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, her eyes full of curiosity, but she didn't ask any more questions. She listened carefully. After a while, the voices of Wu Jin and Mr. Li rang in the headset. The connection was successful. Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue. He glanced at it and said seriously: "Two chiefs, the enemy's reinforcement of 10,000 regular troops is obviously to escalate the war. On the other hand, it is to warn the surrounding countries not to have second thoughts. I am afraid this war will not be fought."

"I understand the situation. Your mission objectives remain unchanged, but they can be handled flexibly. At the appropriate time, you can support Huk to be established as a country. We have better response through contact through diplomatic channels, recognize the legitimacy of this country, and strive to be adopted by the United Nations. , as long as you become a member of the United Nations, Sam Country will not be able to attack openly, you can seize this opportunity." Mr. Li's words rang in the headset.

"It is difficult to seize this opportunity. It is not yet mature. I suggest that Hu Ke build an army first, and then consider building a country after the army is mature. This process may be long or short. It depends on the situation. The top priority is to train troops. , the enemy's troops have increased, and we don't have enough manpower." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"No problem, I will consider this and solve it for you as soon as possible." Mr. Li said seriously: "What specific requirements do you have for reinforcements? What other requirements do you have? Tell them all and I will solve them together. In a word, you must This matter of giving guns to others has spread in the international community. Although we have not publicly admitted to supporting the Huk tribe, no one is stupid, so we cannot lose this battle. If the Huk tribe loses, our country will lose. , the international community is watching, we cannot afford to lose."

"Yes." Luo Zheng's face froze, and he suddenly felt a lot more pressure. He responded in a deep voice, frowning and thinking, this is no longer a simple war, it must be viewed and planned from a higher level.

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