The strongest soldier

Chapter 1714 Hook builds his army

At dusk, other troops came to the valley to meet up. Hook arranged a running table to wait, and the food was placed in the open square outside. Everyone lined up to get it. Although it was very simple, it was good to have a full meal after the battle. After the meal, Luo Zheng called all the military chiefs together and formally announced the deployment. Hook had no objections, and Captain Li had no objections to the task of leading the sneak attack. The other brothers had agreed before, and so They all agreed.

After the meal, Hook held a meeting with his subordinates and elders alone. The meeting only took half an hour to determine the establishment of the army. The army was already there, but it was just to confirm the official number and organization, one to five regiments, according to the The size of the military merit determines the final number, but each regiment makes a military flag.

Xiongbi's regiment was identified as the Bear Regiment, with a bear's head as its military flag. Langsen's regiment was designated as a Wolf Regiment, with a wolf's head as its military flag. Leopard's regiment was identified as the Leopard Regiment, with a leopard's head as its military flag. Viper's regiment As a group of snakes, Senran is at the top of the food chain in this primeval forest. It is up to twelve meters long. Some people have seen 15 meters long. Senran is a kind of snake. Some tribes even identify Senran as a god. The pattern of the military flag is based on Senran's head. Viper's troops attach great importance to this military flag.

Hook identified his guard regiment as the Tiger Regiment. The pattern on the military flag was a tiger's head with an open mouth and terrifying fangs. After determining the unit number and organization, Hook followed Luo Zheng's suggestion and redesigned the weapons. After distribution, it can be regarded as a formal separation of the various armies. What they can develop in the future depends on their respective abilities. As for the seizures, they must be handed over and distributed uniformly. No one is allowed to hide anything. This is the principle.

Once the seizure is private, the cohesion of the army will be dispersed, and individualism and mountain-topism will be exposed. This is a taboo in the army. Hook attaches great importance to this. As for the establishment of the party, the practice of moving the party branch to the company is not yet done. Mature, although Hook knows the benefits of doing this, he can't rush it and can only wait until later.

An hour after the meeting ended, Hook followed Luo Zheng's suggestion and held a flag-presenting ceremony, and invited Luo Zheng to watch the ceremony to witness this historic moment. First, the tribe wizard prayed, then the elder representative spoke, and finally, Hook personally gave a speech to each member. The group awarded the flag. The flag is very simple to make. It consists of a piece of cloth and a tree trunk tied with thread, but the pattern is very realistic. It is painted with the root sap of a local specialty. It is not afraid of wind and rain and will never fade.

What Luo Zheng didn't expect was that Hook appointed Luo Zheng as military general adviser and in charge of military affairs. Faced with Hook's trust and the enthusiasm of the Hook tribe, Luo Zheng had no choice but to agree. After the flag-giving ceremony, each regiment came with The belongings left and went to their respective defense areas. Captain Li divided the army into four and went with the four regiments. Scholars, monks, gardeners, and farmers were also assigned to each regiment as instructors to assist in the construction of fortifications.

Things didn't end until midnight. Everyone had been tired for a day and went to rest. There were many wooden houses in the valley. The tribal people were not around, so the houses were vacant and enough for everyone to use.

Early the next morning, Shadow, Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard and others started intensive training for the guard group. Drunkard and Snow Fox went to build fortifications with Hook's people. The captured prisoners were all distributed with weapons. Captain Li's team Although I went on a sneak attack mission, I didn't need to go. I stayed in the valley to assist Luo Zheng in his work.

Shan Diao was responsible for making the sand table at Luo Zheng's request. Without a sand table, it was not conducive to command. Hook also knew about the sand table and arranged for people to cooperate with Shan Diao's actions. There was no need to investigate the surrounding terrain at all. Just let Blue Star help directly send the satellite 3D map. According to Making a sand table is much simpler, faster and more accurate.

Luo Zheng, Lan Xue, Captain Li and Hook were chatting in the tribe's largest wooden house. This wooden house was originally the tribe's meeting hall, but now it has been converted into a headquarters. If anyone has any difficult decisions, they can come and ask immediately. The entire tribe operates invisibly as a headquarters, and the brains of the headquarters are the four Luo Zhengs.

Someone is responsible for all the work, and everyone only needs to make decisions, which saves a lot of worry. At noon, someone delivered the food, and the four of them ate at the headquarters while answering questions from various departments. They were busy. The troops are being moved around, the army is being created, and defenses are being readjusted. Everything is new, and there are too many things to decide.

After lunch, everyone took a rare break. Luo Zheng turned on the signal transmitter to contact the headquarters. The satellite signal was quickly connected, and Lan Xing's voice came from the headset: "This is a secret call now, brother-in-law. The results of your request have been received. ”

"Great, what should I say?" Luo Zheng was overjoyed and asked.

"Fireline promoted scholars, gardeners, monks, and farmers to captains of the special brigade of the major military regions to which they belong. They are considered to be on the same level as Captain Li. Captain Li was promoted to one rank, but his positions remained unchanged. The military regions to which the four of them belonged mobilized manpower to rush Come to support, all special forces, temporarily allocate a hundred people, that is, you have 500 special forces available for use. The superiors asked me to ask you if you have enough. If not, the superiors will allocate more people, but it will take some time. "Blue Star said quickly.

"Great, that's the number of people for now." Luo Zheng said happily.

"Well, in addition, the superiors have dispatched a staff team to assist you. There are ten people in total. They are all staff officers of various military regions. What the superiors mean is that this opportunity is rare. It is just a good time to use this war to gain experience. You can't just train troops, but also train staff officers. , Captain Li also serves as the chief of general staff, you are still the commander-in-chief of this joint force, and my sister serves as the general political commissar and is expected to arrive within two days." Blue Star continued in surprise.

"Great. Having a staff officer will save me a lot of trouble. Get more individual radios and walkie-talkies. The radar station is a good thing, but it is not safe. One missile was discovered by Sam State and all were lost. This battle was won. I am frustrated and can only rely on individual radio stations and walkie-talkies to communicate. When will the electronic signal jammer and radar jammer arrive? By the way, the biggest shortage here is rice. How can I bear eating game every day?" Luo Zheng said in surprise.

"I want to eat game, pure." Blue Star smiled enviously: "Don't worry, the relevant departments are making urgent preparations for your request, and it should be airdropped soon. Be careful and take good care of my sister."

"Don't worry. By the way, your dad is living very well here and his health is fine. Don't worry. Your sister and I discussed sending him out first, but he didn't want to. He said that although there was a war here, the environment was good. It's just a good time to rest and rest on the battlefield. Fortunately, he can tell us that we will protect him, don't worry." Luo Zheng said with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

"Okay, I will tell grandpa about this situation." Lanxing smiled.

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