The strongest soldier

Chapter 1712 On the way to evacuation

The sneak attack was so smooth that Luo Zheng couldn't help but doubt what he saw. There were many patrols outside the enemy camp, but they didn't rush to stop it. Even if they used Stinger missiles to counterattack from a long distance, they would still cause a lot of damage to the troops. Big trouble, and the helicopter was not attacked immediately and could quickly take off for combat. It was precisely because of Luo Zheng's worries that he separated the troops for a sneak attack. Unexpectedly, his busy work was in vain.

In any case, the sneak attack went smoothly. That was enough. Luo Zheng gave an order and the troops quickly evacuated. Faced with so many missile attacks and the enemy camp being bombed by missiles that exploded, it was impossible for the enemy missiles to survive. The troops quickly evacuated. Soon, other troops caught up and joined together.

Ten minutes later, all the troops gathered together. Luo Zheng saw Ying Ying coming with the scholar. He went up and punched Ying Ying in the chest. He gave a thumbs up and said with an excited smile: "Well done, right away. You knocked out the enemy's radar and communication equipment and paralyzed their command system. Not only did you cover our successful sneak attack, but you also made it difficult for the enemy to know how to counterattack. You have made a great contribution."

"Come on, this is too small a thing to be worth worrying about." Shadow said with a proud smile.

"I just couldn't understand why the enemy didn't fight back. Now it seems that it's not that the enemy doesn't fight back, but that the enemy doesn't know whether to fight back. The communication system has been destroyed. Officers can't find soldiers, soldiers can't find officers, and people on the periphery They dare not attack without orders. The officers cannot contact the soldiers and cannot convey the orders. It makes sense." The scholar laughed.

"It's not that the order couldn't be conveyed, it's that all the officers were killed. Think about it, don't the officers live in the center of the base? Aren't there many small tents around the large barracks? Such a big explosion, the powerful shock wave is comparable to The twelve-level tornado swept away everyone around, including the officers." The drunkard laughed.

"No matter what, this battle was fun and enjoyable." Xuehu said excitedly: "What should we do next?"

"Go to the original homeland of the Huk tribe. There is an enemy army stationed there. It's time to fight back. Without missiles, helicopters, and command systems, the enemy will become a tiger without claws. No matter how ferocious it is, it will be useless unless They are using fighter jets. This place is not far from the sea, so the possibility of dispatching fighter jets is very high, but it doesn’t matter. You can’t look forward and backward in a war." Luo Zheng looked at Hook coldly and said.

Hook knew that Luo Zheng's words were a warning to him, and he said happily: "Yes, there is no one who can't die in a war? Take advantage of the enemy's confusion to launch a counterattack, and capture as many prisoners of war as possible. Once the enemy reacts, they will suffer a loss." It’s us, we’ll listen to you.”

"Okay." Luo Zheng nodded approvingly and said, "Blue Star, immediately give orders to Ghost Shou, Snow Leopard and Captain Li, asking them to attack quickly, expand the results of the battle, and capture more prisoners."

The enemy's troops entered the dense forest to fight only more than 3,000 people. Without the assistance of missiles and helicopters, their combat effectiveness dropped sharply. In addition, the base was destroyed, and the morale of the army must be unstable. It was a great opportunity to counterattack. If you miss it, it would be gone. Luo Zheng's order was very The speed was quickly passed to others through Blue Star, and the counterattack began.

Luo Zheng and others rushed towards the original homeland of the Huk tribe and won the battle. They were all excited and seemed to have endless strength. When it got dark, there was a heavy rain in the sky, and everyone had to find a cliff. Caves provide shelter from rain. Such natural recessed caves are common in primeval forests.

It was dark and heavy rain was not conducive to the journey. Everyone burned a bonfire, washed and skinned a big black bear and a wild deer that were hunted on the road, and roasted them on the bonfire. Everyone sat around the bonfire and chatted. Luo Zheng sent some troops The system and methods of construction informed Hook.

Half an hour later, the game was roasted and everyone ate it. After they were full and drunk, Luo Zheng asked Shadow to arrange sentry duty, and the others sat around to rest. In order to sneak attack on the enemy's missile base, everyone rushed for two days and two nights. The road was very tiring, and with another high-speed run just now, my body had reached its limit, so I just took advantage of this rainy night to take a rest.

After a while, thunderous snoring came one after another. We were in a cave under the cliff. The enemy satellites could not be seen. With the heavy rain at night, we did not have to worry about being attacked by the enemy. The sentry was more to prevent wild beasts. This primitive forest could There are many deadly beasts, such as jaguars, wild wolves, and so on. They are all very terrifying.

Time gradually disappeared, and it was dawn before you knew it. After a night's rest, the troops recovered a lot of energy. After everyone ate some dry food, they continued on their way. While walking, Luo Zheng turned on the signal transmitter, connected to the satellite and asked: "Blue Star, What's going on now?"

"I just received intelligence that the enemy's reinforcements have landed, at least 10,000 people. What a coincidence." Blue Star said, with a bit of luck in his words.

"Ten thousand reinforcements?" Luo Zheng was shocked and couldn't help but stop. Other military officers around him also stopped and looked at Luo Zheng curiously. They didn't know what happened. Blue Star used a secret channel to communicate with Luo Zheng. Only Lan Xue could hear it.

"In other words, it would have been impossible if we had started a day later? What a coincidence?" Lan Xue also said in surprise, looking at Luo Zheng with a look of joy in his eyes.

"Yes, to be precise, if you chose to rest last night, you wouldn't be able to launch an attack this morning. The enemy is secretly reinforcing it. When it was dispatched is still a mystery. It was concealed so well that we didn't even know about this situation, so why? Okay, okay, we are lucky." Blue Star quickly added.

"What a risk." Luo Zheng said with a wry smile with lingering fear. He exchanged glances with Lan Xue and asked, "How are the brothers?"

"They fought several battles, captured a lot, and suffered no losses. The results of the battle are still being tallied. They are all moving towards the original homeland of the Huk tribe. The enemy has been defeated and left the virgin forest. The military bureau means not to pursue them, let them When they run away, there are not many defeated troops, and it is useless to capture them. Letting them go back will help create panic for the enemy, especially since they will bring back news about the prisoners of war, so the enemy will not dare to directly use weapons of mass destruction to attack you. "Blue Star quickly explained.

"Great." Luo Zheng smiled excitedly and said: "Captain Wu's decision is very right. The defeated army has been scared away. It will be good for us to keep it. Let me know the results after statistics."

"What's going on?" Hook came over and asked.

Luo Zheng told the story of the enemy's reinforcements and the victory of the battle. Hook smiled excitedly and said, "Great, we have another prisoner. The enemy has thrown a rat weapon, and we are safe for the time being."

"Well, let's go back to your original place." Luo Zheng said thoughtfully.

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