The strongest soldier

Chapter 1669 Sneak Attack on the Enemy

Night has fallen, and the moonlight gazes at the vast forest forever, without sadness or joy, and selflessly sheds light, bringing some light to the dark earth. The sky above the dense forest is gray, and the forest is pitch black. From time to time, the calls of various birds and animals were heard, adding a bit of eerieness to this silent forest. On a hill, in the dense forest, Luo Zheng and others were sitting tightly under a big tree to rest.

After having dinner at the valley base, he hurried out and marched continuously for more than two hours. Seeing that this hilly area had a good view, Luo Zheng stopped to rest and waited for others to assemble. The order to assemble had been sent out through the signal transmitter. Shadow, Drunkard and Snow Fox are coming quickly with their respective teams.

Luo Zheng drank some water, put away the general pot and looked at Lan Xue, asking with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay. This amount of exercise is nothing. They will arrive soon. I don't know what's going on with my little sister." Lan Xue replied casually, looking at the guarding mountain eagle team not far away, each one invisible in the dense forest. It is so deep that it blends in with the surrounding nature. You can’t see the location if you don’t pay attention. The hidden angle is also very sophisticated. Almost all routes are blocked. No matter where you come from, you can find it immediately, even the big trees. There are observation posts hidden all over the city, and the security is extremely tight.

"I have applied for radar scanning. It will take some time. It will be soon." Blue Star's answer rang in the headset. As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Blue Star say excitedly: "There is a team about 30 kilometers southeast of your location. , unidentified, this is the closest, there are two troops further away, both stopped to rest."

The radar can be detected through radar waveform scanning and analysis as long as it is not concealed. Luo Zheng is not sure whether his position has been detected by the enemy. Maybe the enemy will not care if he is detected. After all, there are only a dozen people. A team of this size is here. There are virgin forests everywhere.

"Thirty kilometers to the southeast corner?" Luo Zheng was startled, then overjoyed, and immediately shouted through the headset: "Shadow, Snow Fox, Drunkard, hear your reply."

"I heard it." The three of them agreed almost in unison.

"The troops are about to move thirty kilometers to the southeast corner. Let's assemble there. Everyone gathering together and marching will easily arouse suspicion." Luo Zheng quickly reminded.

"Yes." Everyone agreed.

The headset regained its composure. Luo Zheng stood up, looked towards the southeast corner and said, "Mountain Eagle, get ready. We will act in two minutes. We must rush over as soon as possible."

"Yes." Shandiao agreed and organized a team to go.

"Let's operate in small groups. Even if the enemy's radar detects it, it will only think it's one of our own. After all, there are too many small groups here. You are right, acting together can easily arouse suspicion, but you don't let everyone come over to discuss A plan?" Lan Xue asked in a low voice in surprise.

"The enemy's situation is unclear and the plan is difficult to determine. It's better to act according to the situation. We are just capturing prisoners, not fighting. If you have the opportunity, take action. If you don't have the opportunity, look for another opportunity. Let's go up and have a look first." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Two minutes later, the troops took action again. There was no problem in marching with night vision goggles, but it was difficult to walk quickly due to the high mountains and dense forests. After about an hour, everyone came to a stop in a dense forest, and each one quietly hid under the surrounding trees. , Luo Zheng calmly stared at the valley ahead, lowered his voice and said: "Every unit reports the situation."

"Let me tell you." Blue Star said first: "The Shadow is about one thousand meters to your left, the Snow Fox is about two thousand meters to the right, and the Drunkard is about one thousand meters behind you. Follow us, and the enemy is on your side. We were resting in the dense forest about two thousand meters ahead. There was no movement, no fire, and the whistle was unknown."

"Shadow, Drunkard, and Snow Fox, let all the brothers disperse. In groups of two, move closer to the enemy camp. Be careful of the secret sentry. Mountain Eagle, let's go up too." Luo Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw that the brothers were all moving up. After making a decision, he looked at the dense forest ahead with stern eyes, stood up, and strode forward.

Lan Xue followed closely, and the mountain eagle also followed with the team. In the dark night, one by one, they were silent, like hungry wolves looking for food, quietly leaning towards the prey, with night vision goggles to see the road, and there was no movement. No problem, the team advanced about a thousand meters without realizing it, and entered the warning zone further forward.

Normally, the secret whistle would be released two kilometers away. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and stopped in a forest. He held his hand on the big tree and looked forward vigilantly. Although it was too dark in the dense forest and the moonlight was blocked by the dense canopy. The visibility was very poor and we couldn't see far at all. However, everyone wore helmet-style night vision goggles that were the enemy's trophies. The powerful thermal imaging function allowed them to see normally in complete darkness.

Soon, everyone discovered that there was a person hiding on the treetops in front of them, hiding on the branches of the tree like an ape. There was also a person hiding in the bushes under the tree. It was clearly visible under the thermal imaging function. Luo Zheng snorted coldly and looked towards the mountain. Eagle, Mountain Eagle nodded knowingly, took out the finger-type laser friend-or-foe identifier, turned it on, and irradiated the laser towards the opponent.

This kind of identifier can emit light pulses, and at the same time, it can also receive light pulses emitted by others, convert these light signals into numbers, and then use a calculator to verify the string of numbers, just like Windows verifies the serial number. They are friendly forces, and those who cannot collect numbers or fail verification are unknown persons.

Everyone waited patiently and did not take action immediately. Luo Zheng watched the secret whistle lurking in front of him with vigilance and prepared for a strong attack. Soon, the secret whistle lurking in the bushes came out and gestured to the secret whistle in front of the tree. They came up to meet them. They had obviously verified the signals of Luo Zheng and others, and came up to do the final inspection. In addition to weapons, Sam's country's strong combat power also has a rare tradition of caution and unity on the battlefield.

"Everyone, go up, Shan Diao, Zhou Gang, silent pistols, wait for my order to kill these two people." Luo Zheng said in a low voice, and walked forward. Shan Diao and Zhou Gang agreed, took out the pistols, hit the silencer and followed He climbed up, stared at the secret whistle on the canopy, and prepared for battle.

"Who are you?" The enemy called out from behind, looking at Luo Zheng and others with vigilance.

Luo Zheng and others took a few steps forward and saw that the other party was also wearing individual night vision goggles, looking at him as if facing a formidable enemy. If it hadn't been for the signal emitted by the recognizer just now, I'm afraid the other party would have fired. Luo Zheng was cold. He snorted and said: "Mountain Eagle, the one on the tree, Zhou Gang, the one on the opposite side, kill!"

"Puff!" There were two gunshots. Two pistols equipped with silencers fired almost at the same time. The bullets made a slight sound, which was undetectable in the dense forest, and instantly penetrated the target's vital parts.

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