The strongest soldier

Chapter 1670 Erase the Ming Sentence

In the dark dense forest, under an unexpected sneak attack by Mountain Eagle and Zhou Gang, two secret sentries were killed on the spot. The secret sentry in front looked at Luo Zheng with a shocked face, pointed his finger forward at Luo Zheng, and fell straight back. Go, Zhou Gang stepped forward and dragged the body that fell to the ground. The whistle on the treetop fell down, and the mountain eagle quickly stepped forward and caught the fallen body.

"Take the opponent's equipment and let's go." Luo Zheng said coldly. A silent murderous aura broke out and spread in the surrounding dark forest. Everyone followed Luo Zheng and trotted forward, like prey in the night. Cheetah quietly approaches its prey.

Unknowingly, everyone saw many people appearing in front of them, sitting together in small and small groups, with sentries patrolling around them, guns in hand, quietly and a bit strangely, Luo Zheng quickly When he raised his hand, the opponent behind him immediately stopped moving and hid on the spot, alertly raising his weapon to search the surrounding area.

Luo Zheng observed vigilantly for a while. The enemy was only three hundred meters away from him. There were about a dozen clear sentry posts in front of him. About a hundred meters past the clear sentry posts, there were troops resting silently. They were densely packed and he didn't know how many. Luo Zheng's face became serious. , quickly made a gesture to disperse, and everyone quickly moved silently to both sides, looking for a place to hide.

"Where is the drunkard?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice.

"Five hundred meters behind you." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset. The members of the National Blade all wore beacons. Blue Star could lock everyone's position through global positioning without using radar at all. As long as the beacon was not turned off, the position would not be known. Throw it, and it's very accurate.

"Drunkard, come closer to me immediately, Blue Star, show the drunkard the route." Luo Zheng shouted quickly in a low voice.

"Understood." Blue Star and Drunkard replied almost at the same time.

"Shadow, Snow Fox, bring your people as close to the enemy as possible. Wait until I take action here before you attack. Remember, each of you can get a prisoner for me and then evacuate quickly. Don't let us fight." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and continued to instruct. , it is not a big problem to take one prisoner. With night vision goggles, the enemy cannot catch up, but it is difficult to retreat with two.

"Understood." Shadow and Snow Fox lowered their voices.

After the call ended, the radio waves remained silent. Everyone lurked in the dark woods and waited, controlling their breathing so as not to alert the enemy. Their eyes flashed with murderous intent in the dark night, especially bright, like hungry wolves staring at their prey, waiting for the final call. The best time to attack.

Time passed minute by minute, and the dark woods were quiet, with only the footsteps of distant patrols and the snoring of sleeping people. After a while, Luo Zheng heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind, Turning around, I saw several people appearing in the night vision goggles, holding guns and rushing forward vigilantly. The leader was the drunkard.

When Luo Zheng saw Jiu Gui's men arriving, he felt reassured and immediately lowered his voice through the headset and said: "Jiu Gui, your people spread out quickly and prepare to outflank them."

"Understood." The drunkard agreed, directing his people to disperse through the headset. Everyone was wearing night vision goggles, so they could see each other clearly. In this dark forest, it was not much different from daytime. The mountain eagle team's The man appeared and made a gesture to avoid misunderstanding.

Soon, the drunkard came to Luo Zheng, squatted down and stared ahead vigilantly, and lowered his voice and said, "How are we going to fight this battle?"

"My people will go in and kill the enemy patrol, and your people will infiltrate and capture the prisoners, fighting silently. Is there any problem?" Luo Zheng looked at the drunkard and asked in a low voice.

"No problem." The drunkard said nonchalantly. Touching the sentry is a technical job, but it is easy for the well-trained elite soldiers. As long as he kills the patrol in front and does not disturb the resting enemies, the drunkard is sure to lead his brothers. They arrested many people and withdrew them.

"Mountain Eagle Team, touch them, fight silently, kill the enemy and pretend to be a patrol, enter!" Luo Zheng saw that Jiu Gui was fine, so he immediately gave the battle order, and Jiu Gui also prepared his own people through the headset.

"Yes." The mountain eagle team agreed in a low voice.

Soon, the mountain eagle team moved forward. Each one of them was agile and moved like the wind. They used the cover of the trees in front to advance quickly. When the enemy patrol came over, they quickly lay down and hid. Their ghillie suits were the best camouflage. , after confirming that the enemy patrol turned around and left, everyone quickly stood up and continued to sneak up quietly.

The surrounding trees were tall and formed natural shelters. The mountain eagle team advanced vigilantly, one by one, tiptoeing like civet cats. Luo Zheng saw that everyone was getting closer and closer to the enemy, but the enemy was not alert at all. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Like a drunkard.

The drunkard nodded knowingly and said in a low voice through the headset: "Brothers, disperse and infiltrate, come on!"

Soon, the drunkards also moved forward like ghosts, moving like wind, but silently. In the blink of an eye, they were nearly a hundred meters away. They hid themselves to observe. After making sure that they were not discovered, they hunched over and continued forward. Infiltration, this was the first time for Luo Zheng to cooperate with drunkards. Seeing everyone's skillful and superb tactics, he couldn't help but feel reassured.

The mountain eagle team pushed forward and unknowingly approached the enemy about ten meters away. At this distance, there was no suspense for a sneak attack. However, the mountain eagle still did not issue an attack order. Instead, it gestured for everyone to continue moving forward and outflank them. There are trees blocking the front. If anything happens, as long as one person hides behind the trees and is not shot dead immediately, the action will be exposed. The mountain eagle knows the importance of this action and does not dare to be careless.

Seeing that the mountain eagle team that was already in front did not take action, everyone hid and observed in surprise, not daring to move. Luo Zheng also looked at the mountain eagle in surprise, suddenly understood, smiled, and did not interfere with the mountain eagle's decision, patiently After waiting, it didn't take long to see the mountain eagle suddenly burst into flames. It pounced on the last enemy patrol like a cheetah. It covered the enemy's big mouth with its big hand, and the tiger-tooth saber drew a strange arc in the dark void, directly wiping it. Drop the target's throat and hold the target in his arms to prevent him from falling to the ground.

The rest of the mountain eagle team also pounced on them, one by one, using silent tactics to deal with the enemy. However, the three people at the front of the enemy patrol still sensed the danger. When they looked back to observe, the brothers who pounced on them fired decisively. Everyone did the same. Be prepared with both hands.

The subtle sound of gunfire did not alarm the enemy a hundred meters away, but the bullet accurately penetrated the enemy's eyebrows, killing him with one shot. Before the body could fall down, someone rushed up to support him, and then gently placed the body on the ground. , disarming the opponent's weapon.

Seeing that his brothers had successfully wiped out the enemy patrol posts, Shandiao quickly made a gesture to the night sky behind him, and then looked towards the resting enemy station in front, his eyes flashing with a strong fighting spirit.

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