The strongest soldier

Chapter 1668 Adjusting Tactics

The team moved at high speed, perfecting the defenses according to Luo Zheng's requirements. Captain Li and Hook were responsible for the main affairs. Luo Zheng became an idler. He came to the open area outside the valley and looked up at the surrounding towering mountains and steep cliffs. , thinking that this is a dead place with only one entrance. As long as a defensive point is built, it will not be easy for the enemy to break in easily. The rest is the top of the mountain.

"Do you think the enemy will infiltrate from the top of the mountain?" Luo Zheng asked softly to Lan Xue, who had been by his side, while deep in thought.

"It is entirely possible. For the special forces, only a rope is enough. Even if they are discovered, they are not afraid. As long as the armed helicopters provide cover, this is also a flaw. It must be strengthened. Firepower points can be built on the mountainside. Each point You don’t need too many people, the main focus is air defense, and secondly, shoot the enemies who climb down. The main focus of fire is the cave. It is not difficult to dig this cave, just blow it up with bombs." Lan Xue suggested.

"It makes sense." Luo Zheng said seriously. At this time, the scholar and the farmer hurried over with their people to report. They all looked exhausted, but their fighting spirit was high. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone, many of them, and secretly felt relieved. He pointed at the surrounding mountainside and said Lan Xue's proposal, and finally added: "The cliff is steep, but we have to guard against it. This task will be left to you. You can decide where to choose the firepower point."

"Understood." The scholar and the farmer exchanged looks, saluted seriously and agreed, then looked around and discussed in a low voice. This kind of thing may be difficult for the Huk tribe, but it is no problem for the scholar and the farmer. There are ropes for climbing, grenades for blasting caves, and engineering shovels for digging. You also know how to dig and deploy firepower points.

Luo Zheng handed over the task to the scholar and farmer with confidence. There were people on hand, and they were all well-trained special forces. The deployment was much easier. At least he didn't have to worry about everyone doing a good job. He saw the monk and the gardener rushing over. , many people's clothes were covered with blood stains, and they didn't know whose clothes they belonged to, so they hurriedly greeted them with Lan Xue.

"Is everything okay?" Luo Zheng shouted with concern from afar.

"It's okay. A few of them were bitten by shrapnel and had abrasions. They have been treated. The problem is not serious. They will be fine after just two days of rest." The gardener felt warm in his heart and quickly saluted and replied.

Luo Zheng walked up uneasy and carefully checked the injured brothers. Although they didn't know each other, they were all members of the same family, brothers who lived and died together, and comrades who carried out orders without compromise. Fortunately, none of them were seriously injured. , secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It's no big problem. Those who are injured should have a good rest. Others have new tasks. Can you still handle it?"

"No problem, brothers are busy. It doesn't matter what we look at. Let's give orders." The monk said seriously.

"Well done, I'll give you a task. Build some caves for hiding soldiers near the cliffs around the valley, and blow them up directly with explosives. We don't have much time, and we can't even worry about losing some explosives. Once the enemy attacks from the air, The people in the hidden soldier cave can counterattack the enemy. Each hidden soldier cave can hide twenty people, so be sure to prepare well tonight." Luo Zheng solemnly warned, the firepower point on the cliff was not flexible enough, and Luo Zheng was worried that he would not be able to defend himself. It will be easier to deal with the enemy if we have underground caves to hide soldiers.

"Understood." The monk and the gardener realized the importance of this task and agreed.

"Go." Luo Zheng shouted with some excitement. With the help of these brothers, this battle may not be unwinnable. Even if he dies, he will break some of Sam's big teeth.

The two gardeners agreed to salute and went to discuss the deployment with the troops. When to dig a hole to hide soldiers is a big question. It must be easy to dig and be able to hide soldiers. Luo Zheng believes that everyone can do these tasks well. He took Lan Xue away with peace of mind.

"Would you like to go to the canyon passage and have a look?" Lan Xue reminded.

"No, wait a minute." Luo Zheng's eyes flashed with wisdom, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "The enemy must know that there are massive fortifications being built here. We must do something to distract the enemy's attention."

"You want to move overnight?" Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked.

"Yes, you think it's inappropriate?" Luo Zheng asked.

"No, attacking the enemy at night is beneficial to us, but what is your purpose of fighting?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"Capture the prisoners and exchange hostages." Luo Zheng's face turned cold and he said coldly. Thinking that Guishou and the other brothers were still suffering, Luo Zheng's face turned cold and he added: "When the battle starts next, we may not have time. , there is no chance to capture prisoners, so I want to capture as many prisoners as possible overnight to exchange for brothers, do you think it is feasible?"

"The idea is very good. As long as there are enough prisoners in hand, the enemy will be passive and have to exchange hostages. Otherwise, the enemy will not be able to withstand the pressure. But, where are we going to capture so many prisoners? How should we act specifically?" Lan Xue was surprised. asked.

"Don't forget that we still have a lot of brothers outside. The two of us will take the mountain eagle team, plus the brothers such as Shadow, Snow Fox and Drunkard outside. We will gather the troops first and then decide how to act. What do you think?" Luo Zheng He said with a serious face.

"Okay, anyway, we are idle here. We just go out for activities and can attract the attention of the enemy. If we capture enough prisoners, we will announce the matter to the outside world in the name of Aladdin terrorists and ask for the exchange of hostages. , Anyway, Guishou and the others are also Aladdin terrorists now. As long as there are enough prisoners, the enemy will definitely compromise, which is even better. However, will this affect your original strategy?"

"It's not a big problem. I'm worried that something might happen over time. The dark prison is not a place for people. We must rescue the brothers as soon as possible. Once the enemy army encircles us, the outcome will be unpredictable. The situation of the battle has changed, and our plan has also changed. It needs to be adjusted appropriately, what do you think?" Luo Zheng asked solemnly.

Lan Xue thought for a while and said: "Okay, it's enough for our National Blade people to dispatch. Everyone has night vision devices, which makes it easy to move. There is no need for people from the Hook tribe to hinder them, and the speed is much faster. No one can catch two people." One prisoner is about a hundred people, enough to replace the brothers."

"Yes, it's what I thought, so let's do it." Luo Zheng said murderously. The two nodded in agreement, with strong fighting intent in their eyes.

"Mountain Eagle!" Luo Zheng shouted through the headset.

"Here we are." The mountain eagle standing guard not far away quickly agreed. He turned around and looked over. When he saw Luo Zheng waving, he quickly ran up and asked in surprise: "Is something wrong?"

"Put on the enemy's Jarhead equipment and come with me." Luo Zheng warned, going through the battle plan.

When the mountain eagle heard about kidnapping hostages and rescuing people, he nodded and agreed without hesitation, with a strong fighting spirit on his face.

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