The strongest soldier

Chapter 1636 Hook’s Ambition

The two brothers who had lived together through life and death reunited again. They couldn't help but think of all the past events. They were so heroic that they opened their arms and hugged each other in a tacit understanding. They greeted each other with local etiquette, as if they were embracing the upcoming victory. They laughed loudly. They patted each other's backs and shoulders to show respect. The people Hook brought also smiled knowingly, showing a strong sense of confidence, as if the enemy's pressure was no longer a problem.

After some simple greetings, Hook asked straight to the point: "Old friend, what gift did you bring me? I can't wait. Just tell me what you need me to do. The old rules are yours to command."

"Then you're welcome." Luo Zheng smiled gratefully. Hook handed over the command as soon as he came up. There was great trust and support, but also strong responsibility and pressure, but for the sake of friends, for To rescue the brothers, Luo Zheng did not flinch or refuse. He took over the command without hesitation. With a solemn expression, he pointed in one direction seriously and said: "There is a valley about ten kilometers over there, which is the enemy's logistics base. , there are enough supplies and equipment, and about three hundred people are guarding it.”

"Is there such a good thing?" When Hook heard this, he was overjoyed and laughed. He couldn't wait to look at Luo Zheng. Regarding Luo Zheng's news, Hook didn't have the slightest doubt and quickly asked: "Great, I'll bring you They are the tribe’s strongest troops, a thousand men, they are enough to eat, what do you think we should do?”

"It's not necessarily possible to eat them, but it is still possible to defeat them and blow up the supplies. Three hundred regular troops are not easy to deal with, and the regular army is still guarding a large amount of supplies. There are endless weapons and ammunition. A hard attack will cause too many casualties. It fits our style." Luo Zheng smiled.

"Yes, I'll listen to you." Seeing that Luo Zheng had considered the issue of casualties, Hook couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and said firmly: "This base must be destroyed. The enemy will withdraw their troops after hearing the news, and our rear will be safe."

"How can your team endure a three-hour emergency march?" Luo Zheng asked worriedly.

"It's absolutely fine for everyone to hear this good news. It's just that your body can't bear it if you run over and you can't fight." Hook said with a solemn face. Although the fighter plane is good, it still needs the ability to grasp it. The troops marched for three consecutive times. After an hour, they were already exhausted. If they marched in a hurry for another hour, they would not be able to fight without rest.

Luo Zheng was also aware of this problem. He thought about it and said, "In this way, the troops will march for half an hour and rest on a hillside three kilometers away from the enemy. We have already walked the route, so there will be no problem."

"Okay, it's up to you." Hook agreed, turned to look at his troops, and excitedly told Luo Zheng's information. Upon hearing this, everyone laughed excitedly, and their tiredness disappeared. , every one of them was as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they wanted to rush forward immediately.

Fighters are rare and can save the tribe's urgent needs. More importantly, the target is a big piece of meat. If half of the supplies and equipment can be captured, it will definitely be an exciting and exciting thing. Everyone is full of enthusiasm and can't wait. appearance.

Luo Zheng was relieved when he saw that the army was ready. He gave the order and the team rushed forward. At the same time, he asked his three brothers to take the lead in investigating and turned on the signal transmitter. He and Lan Xue passed with the large army and recalled the story of Japan with Hook. When the news of the war came, his blood boiled and his fighting spirit became even higher.

The team marched forward in a hurry. Luo Zheng found that the armed members of the Huk tribe were all of good quality and were familiar with jungle marching. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and said: "Old friend, your team's combat effectiveness is much stronger than before."

"Where, these are the best warriors selected by the entire army. The tribe now has five thousand armed personnel. I deliberately control this number and do not dare to expand the army easily. If necessary, adding one or two thousand more is not a problem. The five thousand people are divided into five branches. Brigade, each group has a thousand people, I will lead one army, Xiongbi, Leopard, Langsen and Viper will each lead one army, what do you think of this arrangement?" Hook explained modestly.

"As for the organization issue, we will talk about it later when we have time. It is not a big problem to arrange your army this way now, but it will not work in the future, especially when the team grows. I suggest you organize it according to the regular army method. The first choice is to have a name, such as what Army? Then the specific number." Luo Zheng smiled.

"That's a national establishment." Hu Ke said in surprise, looking at Luo Zheng with a more curious look.

"Don't you want to form your own country?" Luo Zheng asked.

"I think so, but is the time right now?" Hook said frankly without reservation in front of Luo Zheng.

"If we win this battle, the time will be ripe." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"How do you say that?" Hook was overjoyed and asked. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't want to talk any more, he thought that it was really not appropriate to talk about this issue now. It was important to march in a hurry, so he suppressed his curiosity and followed Luo Zheng as he marched forward, thinking at the same time. When the founding of the country came about, my heart was filled with ambition.

Half an hour later, everyone came to a hill and hid in the dense forest. The people of the Huk tribe have lived in this virgin forest since they were young. They know how to hide themselves. Needless to say, they hid in silence one by one. Like a pack of hungry wolves waiting to move, they silently checked their weapons.

Luo Zheng led Huk to the commanding heights of the mountain, pointed in the direction ahead and said: "Following the canyon is the valley. The valley is wide and has been built by the enemy into a simple logistics base. I guess the former enemy headquarters is also there. There, I have seen individual radars and electronic reconnaissance devices, as well as a ground mobile radar system, built with iron frames and five meters high."

"Wait a minute." Hook interrupted Luo Zheng and said seriously: "Old friend, I don't understand what you are talking about. High-tech information warfare is completely unfamiliar to us. Just tell us how to fight it. , wait until you have the opportunity to popularize this knowledge to me in the future, time is running out.”

"That's fine." Luo Zheng said with a helpless smile. He looked up at the sky. It was already dusk. The setting sun was like blood, dyeing the western sky red. The glow gradually dimmed. Luo Zheng looked up at his watch. It was almost six o'clock. , it would get dark in an hour at most, and he said: "The team will rest here for an hour, and after an hour, they will make a sneak attack and catch the enemy by surprise."

"Okay." Hook agreed wholeheartedly, and gave some instructions in local dialect to the officers around him. Everyone dispersed and conveyed the order. Hook continued: "Sneak attacks at night are a good idea, but how do you attack them specifically? Tell me first, otherwise you won’t feel at ease and won’t be able to calm down and rest. Do you want to prepare in advance?”

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