The strongest soldier

Chapter 1635 Brothers reunited

Two hours later, in a dense canyon, tall and towering trees blocked the sun, and bright light fell from the gaps between the leaves. It was colorful and charming. Looking up, the green leaves were dancing in the wind, and various songs sounded not far away. An unknown bird and animal screamed happily, creating a lively scene. Under the big tree, the vines were exposed, dead leaves were all over the ground, and it was extremely humid. Perhaps because the sunlight was blocked, there were no weeds on the ground.

It was difficult for the wind to blow in in the woods, and the humid air rose with a bit of sultry heat, like a huge steamer. Several people sat quietly on the exposed roots of the big tree to rest, sweating heavily on their backs, and their faces were covered with sweat. , each one gasping for air, looking like they were running fast.

One of them had starry eyes and sharp eyebrows, and a sunny face with a bit of resoluteness. He was frowning and thinking about something. He was wearing a camouflage combat uniform and a bunny hat. This wide round-brimmed hat blocked the sun very well and also It can effectively prevent flying insects from entering the collar, which is very suitable for this tropical rainforest area. A pair of tactical sunglasses is placed on the tall and thick bridge of the nose, and he is watching the surroundings calmly.

The person next to him was also wearing a camouflage combat uniform. She was dressed almost the same, but she was a woman. Her hair was tied up in a hat and a camouflage square scarf was wrapped around her neck. The large camouflage combat uniform could not hide her proud figure. There was a faint smile on her face. Leng Yi, also wearing tactical sunglasses, stood quietly beside the man, exuding a heroic aura.

These two people were Luo Zheng and Lan Xue who came from Sam Country, and those sitting behind them were the other three brothers. Five days ago, everyone left Sam Country and took a speedboat to the high seas. The nuclear submarine used the cover of night to emerge from the water. Then everyone left and landed a day later. After two days of exploring the virgin forest, running almost day and night, we finally arrived at the Huk tribe in time.

Lan Xue looked up at the sky and said with a stern face, "It will get dark in a few hours. I don't know how long it will take for Hook to arrive. Will your plan succeed? There are hundreds of people stationed at the target. Can it be captured?" "

"It shouldn't be a problem. You have to fight even if you can't win. As long as you hit hard enough and resolutely enough, there is no chance of winning. Even if there is no chance of winning, you can still scare the country of Sam. Quickly withdraw your troops and return reinforcements. Don't be too arrogant. This Helping the bastards who need to be dealt with is too arrogant. They simply don't take the Huk tribe seriously. Such an important strategic target is guarded by less than 300 people, and there are many wounded who are not accustomed to the environment. This battle must be fought. It’s better to be more cautious in the future and not dare to mess around with Sam Country.” Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, but isn't it easier to deal with domineering enemies who sell stolen goods? Why do you want Sam Country to become cautious?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

Luo Zheng did not answer immediately, but looked up at the direction of the tree crown. The sunlight shone through the gaps between the leaves and passed through the water mist on the ground, forming a colorful glow. It was very beautiful. A leaf monkey was shouting curiously on the treetop. Looking around, Luo Zheng took a deep breath and said, "The more cautious the enemy is, the less likely they will launch an attack. We won't be forced to rush. If we have enough time to respond calmly, we will be able to find greater opportunities."

"It makes sense." Lan Xue agreed in a deep voice.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows and looked warily at the dense forest next to him. He pulled out his gun and gestured to Lan Xue. Lan Xue nodded knowingly. The two of them kicked their feet hard and nimbly dodged behind the big tree. After leaving, the other three brothers who were resting saw the hidden gesture from Luo Zheng. They rolled up and hid behind the big tree, raised the guns in their hands, and became alert with stern eyes.

After a while, there was a slight sound in the surrounding woods, as if some animal was approaching. It was very faint. If everyone hadn't had amazing hearing and rich experience in jungle combat, they would never have been able to detect it. Everyone held their breath. Breathing, his murderous intent was restrained, and he calmly looked in the direction of the sound.

The dense woods are full of trees, which obstructs the view and makes it impossible to see very far. There is also the sound of rustling leaves in the wind, and the chirping of birds and animals interferes with hearing. It is difficult to tell whether there is danger approaching. Everyone is calm and calm. It won't be long. , a militant wearing camouflage clothing woven from branches and green grass appeared in everyone's sight. He had a dark head and didn't even wear shoes. He only had a pair of large pants cut out of camouflage pants.

The person who came was extremely alert. He hid after walking a short distance and continued to advance after making sure that there was no danger. He held an M4 in his hand, his eyes were cold and his movements were quick. Luo Zheng couldn't help but let out a sigh when he saw the person, and raised his hand to look at his watch. , smiled, the people from the Huk tribe arrived in less than three hours, not bad.

Lan Xue also smiled when she saw the person coming. He was dressed in a standard Huk tribe armed uniform. He looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng nodded, put away his gun and showed up on his own initiative. He shouted hello and the Huk tribe could communicate with each other. There was only Hook, and it was useless to say anything to the others.

The visitor was startled when he heard the sound, and quickly hid behind a big tree. When he looked around, he recognized Luo Zheng. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and howled a few times. Someone in the distance immediately responded, and the other person started excitedly. He came out from behind the big tree and ran up, shouting something.

Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and made a shooting gesture to the other three brothers individually to avoid misunderstanding. At this time, the visitor quickly said something in surprise. Perhaps he suddenly realized that Luo Zheng did not understand his words, so he smiled helplessly. With a sound, he made a gesture.

Not long after, Luo Zheng saw more figures coming from the depths of the jungle. They rushed towards them one by one, moving very fast, as if they were hungry wolves hunting in the jungle. He saw that they were elite veterans and couldn't help but smile. It's not bad to let people like this be the vanguard. At least they won't suffer any disadvantage when encountering the enemy.

Everyone gathered around and talked excitedly, but unfortunately they couldn't understand each other. Someone handed over a water bottle and food. Luo Zheng was not polite and signaled the other three brothers hidden behind him to come out. Everyone took the food and ate it, and spent two days in the primitive state. In the forest, there was no time to get food, so they were indeed hungry.

Not long after, a burst of excited shouts came from the depths of the jungle: "Hahaha, old friend, it's finally here."

Luo Zheng knew it was Huk as soon as he heard the voice. The only one in the entire Huk tribe who could speak the international language was Huk. Thinking of Huk's strong support during the last war with Japan, Luo Zheng felt grateful. The righteous man is indeed a good friend, and he couldn't help shouting excitedly: "It's better to come late than to come by chance. I will give you a big gift when we meet. It depends on whether you dare to accept it."

"Is there anything I dare not accept? As long as it is your gift, I will risk my life not to accept it." Hook shouted excitedly, trotting up from the dense forest, his face was covered with sweat and his clothes were all wet. He was soaked and tired, and he was breathing heavily. When he saw Luo Zheng, he almost rushed up to him.

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