The strongest soldier

Chapter 1637 Night Attack Tactics

Warfare is a technical job that requires careful planning, rigorous deployment and excellent execution. Hook was worried that his troops were not professional enough and missed a great opportunity. He anxiously asked about the sneak attack plan, but Luo Zheng smiled and said: "The big tree in the valley." They have all been chopped off, and the field of vision is relatively wide, so a sneak attack is absolutely impossible. You can pounce on them from all directions like hungry wolves, attack at the fastest speed, catch the enemy by surprise, and then act according to the opportunity."

"Wolf pack tactics? We are good at this." Hook agreed with a smile.

"The enemy's defense must be very strong. There are infrared detectors around. Our people will be discovered as soon as they go up, so we simply let go and give full play to our strength advantage. The wolf pack tactic is the best in this environment. A good tactic is to pounce like a hungry wolf, fast, accurate and ruthless, then run away after hitting, like a tornado, destroying all the enemy's defenses and supplies." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Not grabbing points?" Hook said unwillingly.

Luo Zheng laughed when he heard this and said, "You, you always think about getting rich."

"You don't have to live with your family. Firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive." Hook defended.

"Yes, such a big place will have to grow and develop in the future. It really can't do it without material equipment. So, it depends on everyone's ability how smoothly they can attack. If you have too many things, you can't take them away. Once the enemy catches up, That will be very troublesome. After we attack this place, we must retreat overnight, and the speed must be fast. Do you think we can run fast with materials?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Yes, it's a pity." Hook said helplessly.

"You don't have to worry. Since my country has promised assistance, it will definitely provide strong support. Within five days at most, our country will airdrop a batch of supplies to you, which is enough for you to equip a thousand people, as well as a large amount of ammunition and two hundred special forces. Dropping in for support, isn’t it fun enough?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Really?" Hook was startled and looked at Luo Zheng closely. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't look like he was lying, he was immediately ecstatic and danced excitedly. He said with a bit of high spirits: "As long as we have enough ammunition, Especially grenades, landmines and the like, plus a thousand guns, I can immediately recruit a thousand troops.”

"Conscription?" Luo Zheng looked at Hook in surprise and asked.

"Yes, conscription." Hook added confidently. Seeing Luo Zheng's confused look, he reacted and explained: "You may not know that there are many tribes within a thousand miles, and their development is not endless. As expected, many young men and women are looking for a way out. They either join the drug traffickers' armed forces or join the local government as guerrillas. They are all cannon fodder. No one is willing to do so. As long as I recruit troops, I will definitely respond."

"That's good. When the time comes, you can let people reveal some news about the founding of the nation. Once they hear that they are expected to become the heroes of the founding of the nation, they will definitely be more enthusiastic, and even other tribes will join them. Of course, you can't say it in public, at least until the war is won. You can't say it, otherwise it will attract restraint and suppression from surrounding countries." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

When Hook heard this, his eyes lit up. After thinking for a moment, he nodded heavily and said, "Yes, you're right. Just do it. Someone with a gun is the king in this primitive forest and can better protect the tribe." People, make everyone’s life better.”

Luo Zheng saw that Hu Ke had not forgotten the tribe and had no inflated and lost nature. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. He looked at Hu Ke Gao for a few times. This guy really has a heroic demeanor, is worthy of support, and is also helpful to the national interests. After thinking for a while, he said: "The team attacked from eight directions during the sneak attack. There were one hundred people in each direction, and two hundred people were left as a reserve team." As he spoke, he squatted down, drew a map on the ground with his saber.

"Eight directions?" Hook squatted down in surprise and looked at the map carefully. Luo Zheng drew a rough topographic map and drew eight directions. It looked like gossip. Hook understood and smiled. , attacking at the same time from these eight directions, there will be fewer blind spots in the enemy's camp, making it easier to fight. It can create pressure on the enemy to focus on one thing at the expense of another, and the chance of winning will be a little better, which makes me very happy.

Luo Zheng explained a few words, and finally added: "Infiltrate as an attack team, lurk one kilometer away from the enemy's camp, wait for the frontal attack to start, and then rush forward, interspersed with fierce attacks, the speed must be fast, and the attack must be fierce. Disrupt the enemy's position as quickly as possible. The frontal attack troops will only feint at the beginning to avoid too much loss. Once the troops from other directions rush up, they will attack immediately." As he spoke, General Luo Zheng stuck his dagger in the middle of the map, his eyes Flashing with strong fighting spirit, he added: "The team rushed into the enemy camp and set fire to it, destroying the camp."

Hook was very excited when he heard this, and he agreed. He immediately called his officers and explained Luo Zheng's strategic thoughts and plans in local dialect in detail on the map. Everyone's eyes lit up after hearing this, and they all nodded and went down to prepare.

Next, Luo Zheng found a place to sit down and rest, closed his eyes and rested his mind. He marched continuously for two days and two nights. Even Luo Zheng's strong body could not bear it anymore. He used the breathing method passed down from his family to adjust his breath. An hour later, The sky was gray, and the visibility in the virgin forest was very low. Luo Zheng opened his eyes, and a ray of light burst out.

Everyone was ready. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng eagerly, waiting for the final order. Luo Zheng looked up at the sky. The moon had risen, the sky was gray, and the virgin forest floor was much darker. The visibility was no more than five degrees. Mi couldn't help but his face darkened. He glanced at everyone calmly and said to Hook: "This battle is very important. You must not be careless. Everyone must reach the predetermined position within ten minutes and cannot be exposed."

"Don't worry, my people can do it." Hook believed in his brothers. We have lived in this virgin forest since childhood and are more familiar with this jungle than the enemy. It is definitely not a problem to get up quietly.

"Be sure to pay attention to the hidden whistles and infrared detectors around you. You don't have electronic equipment on your body, so you don't have to worry about the enemy's electronic detectors, but you have to beware of infrared detectors. If you find metal objects, you are not allowed to get close. You must go around. Can the sneak attack be successful? It depends on whether everyone can reach the planned attack position without alerting the enemy." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

Hook nodded solemnly and said something to the officer standing behind him. Everyone nodded tacitly, waved their hands, and quickly disappeared into the vast dense forest with their respective teams, silently, ghostly, and dense. Soon there were only 300 troops left.

Two hundred of these three hundred people were reserve teams, and one hundred were responsible for the frontal attack. Luo Zheng glanced at the gray night sky, and looked at Lan Xue with a solemn expression. Lan Xue nodded. Luo Zheng looked at Hook in tacit understanding and said: "This battle is very important. We must not be careless. Let's go."

"Understood." Hook agreed excitedly and gave the order to his troops.

The team rushed forward quickly, and the figures rushed forward one after another, like hungry wolves foraging for food in the woods. They were extremely fast and fast, and disappeared into the vast night in the blink of an eye. The solemn murderous aura filled the entire night sky.

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