The strongest soldier

Chapter 1484 Got the news

The doctor is also a person who is good at observing people's words. He keenly discovered that Hariri attaches great importance to the patient. After thinking about the patient's condition, he guessed that there was something complicated here and decided to defend Luo Zheng, who was pretending to be ill. He quickly said: "If we can't do it in time, Treatment may be life-threatening. The specific situation needs to be examined before it can be determined. Judging from the current situation, there are signs of deterioration. There are too many people here, which is not conducive to his recovery."

Hariri stared at the doctor with a stern expression for a full minute, like a poisonous snake staring at its prey. The doctor was so frightened that he almost collapsed. At this time, Hariri suddenly said: "We must treat him no matter what." ." He said a few words in local dialect to the people around him.

After a while, all the armed men withdrew, and Hariri also left. Only the doctor and one armed man were left in the room. This man was left by Hariri to monitor the situation. The doctor glanced at the other man, and his eyes fell on Luo Zheng again. He pretended to check his body and said in international common language: "Can you hear me? If you can, take a deep breath and relax your body. Don't worry, it will be fine."

Luo Zheng breathed a little louder. After his body had a certain amount of oxygen, his complexion became a little better. Seeing this scene, the doctor became more convinced of his guess, but there was someone next to him who didn't want to say much. He waited patiently. Nothing happened, so he sat down on the edge of the bed, and suddenly felt his hand being grabbed.

The doctor's face changed slightly. He lowered his head and saw that it was Luo Zheng. He immediately looked at the guard watching next to him and found that the other party was not suspicious. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly he felt Luo Zheng making a cross on his palm. He couldn't help but move and looked at the guard and said : "Hey, I'm thirsty. Is there any water to drink?"

The other party just glared at the doctor coldly and did not move. The doctor pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "You are so powerful that you kidnapped us for three years and kept us locked up in a dark cave. How long do you want to lock us up? God, how long do you want to keep us? You will be punished."

"Are you looking for death?" The other party suddenly shouted coldly: "If you say this again, I will kill you. Have you forgotten the rules?"

"It's been three years. Life is worse than death. Come and kill him. Kill me. No one can save him. Anyway, I don't want to live anymore. The cave is nice, the scenery is beautiful, there is a big tree, and the river passes through the entrance of the cave. , only thirty miles to the east, kill me and remember to bury me under that big tree." The doctor said coldly.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he was secretly overjoyed. He wanted to get up and thank the doctor immediately, but he still endured it and slowly let go of the doctor's hand. The doctor glanced at Luo Zheng with a complicated expression, and saw the guard coming up with an angry look on his face. , a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, but he still said forcefully: "Come on, kill me and see who will save him."

The guard pulled the doctor away and came up to check on Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng quickly held his breath and pretended to be unconscious. The guard carefully checked one side uncertainly, thinking that Luo Zheng had not heard what he just said. His face turned cold and he glared at the doctor and shouted: " If you say even half a relevant word, I'll kill you. You know the rules, I will report this matter, and you just wait for the punishment."

"It doesn't matter. Life is worse than death, and it is better to die early." The doctor pretended to be indifferent and said, but he didn't say anything else. He had already said what needed to be said.

Next, the room fell into silence, and time passed in waiting. After a while, someone came over with equipment, and the doctor began to get busy, testing the food, and then hooked up Luo Zheng with a glucose drip, and then asked the responsible person The surveillance person said: "For other symptoms caused by mild food poisoning, just put on an IV and lie down overnight. It is expected to be fine tomorrow morning."

The person in charge of monitoring asked someone to send the doctor away. Seeing that Luo Zheng was still in a coma, he immediately arranged for someone to keep an eye on him and hurried to report. Hariri was waiting in the hall of the room. After hearing that the doctor complained, After asking for details in detail, especially whether Luo Zheng was awake at the time, and knowing that the surveillance person had checked and confirmed that he was in a coma, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to the person in charge of surveillance: "Raise the alert immediately, and keep a secret sentry." Go out thirty kilometers away, just in case something unexpected happens.”

"What if the other party is sent by the enemy?" the person in charge of surveillance reminded in a low voice.

"It's too early to tell whether they were sent by the enemy. Let's wait until tomorrow morning. Give them a batch of goods first. If they pay in real money and behave well, it means they are here to purchase. The doctor is just complaining. Forget it, I will deal with the doctor myself after the incident, and don’t touch him for now,” Hariri warned.

"Yes." The person in charge of monitoring quickly agreed.

"No, send the secret sentry fifty kilometers away to see if there are any enemy ambushes around. You must not be careless. The alert level here has been doubled. It must be carried out secretly. No one must be alerted. Everything must be done without leaving any traces. , everything will wait until the transaction tomorrow." Hariri warned.

"Yes!" The person in charge of surveillance agreed and left.

Luo Zheng, who was lying in bed pretending to be sick, knew that the person in charge of surveillance was very cautious and would definitely go to Gaomi, but it didn't matter. The doctor's words contained too much information. It not only contained the prison address, but also showed that the doctor was a member of the Red Cross. , was kidnapped together with the medical team sent from China and imprisoned together for three years.

This news made Luo Zheng very excited. He breathed in the fresh air and let his body recover as before. The ghost hand outside walked in with a surprised look on his face. He looked at Luo Zheng and whispered: "Madrid is on guard at the door. No one is eavesdropping around. ,Are you OK?"

Luo Zheng opened his eyes and said in surprise: "It's okay, I have news."

"What's the news?" Gui Shou asked casually, and suddenly realized what was happening. He looked at Luo Zheng in shock and asked, "Great, what's the news? How did you do it?"

"It's not that difficult, haha." Luo Zheng smiled happily, explained the situation in detail, and finally added: "It's a good thing to have an address, but you can't rush it. I guess the enemy has already heightened their vigilance and acted rashly. It will only expose them. They must be waiting for tomorrow's transaction. If the transaction goes smoothly, it proves that we are fine and there will be many opportunities to save people in the future, understand?"

"Don't worry, I understand." Guishou said excitedly, with smiles in his eyes. He couldn't help but rub his hands and chuckled: "This doctor is quite alert and interesting. For the sake of his help, I'll turn around." By rescuing him, you can repay him. What are your plans next? Do you want to call for backup?"

"It's not necessary for the time being. It's too late. We'll wait for the transaction tomorrow morning. Don't tell Madeira about this yet to avoid an accident. After all, there is only news about our people now, not the person he is looking for." Luo Zheng lowered his voice. The voice reminded.

"Understood." Guishou nodded seriously and agreed. When he thought about seeing his fiancée after three years of separation, Guishou couldn't help but get excited and secretly vowed to save someone this time no matter what.

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