The strongest soldier

Chapter 1485 Trading Conflict

Its daybreak.

The first ray of sunlight broke through the horizon and dispersed the dark fog. The vast sky soon became bright. The sunlight fell on the desolate plateau rift valley. When it came to the Campbell Valley, it slipped in through the window and landed in a wooden house. Zheng looked out the window quietly and felt solemn. A night's conversation with Gui Shou made Luo Zheng understand why Gui Shou didn't talk about his girlfriend or go home. The reason why he fought so hard on the battlefield was because he had regrets hidden in his heart and didn't dare to go home. When I went home to face my relatives and friends, I didn't want to talk anymore. I wished I could die on the battlefield and be completely free.

Guishou's love and righteousness made Luo Zheng secretly swear that he must save him from his heart. At dawn, it was time for the show to begin. The two of them freshened up and came to the door, stretched their waists, and looked at the surrounding guards casually. Basking in the sun, I felt that my stiff body muscles relaxed a lot. I looked further away and saw many patrols.

We had known for a long time that Hariri would be more vigilant. Otherwise, everyone would have looked for an opportunity to escape and save people last night. How could we have waited until now? However, we still underestimated Hariri's caution. There were obviously more than double the number of vigilance personnel compared to yesterday. Fortunately, I didn't try to leave last night, otherwise I would have been in trouble.

Soon, someone brought breakfast, and everyone had something to eat. The person who brought everyone here yesterday appeared and motioned to follow them. Luo Zheng gave Guishou and Madera a knowing look, and the three of them followed each other forward. Go and soon arrived at the place where I met Hariri yesterday.

Hariri sat quietly, watching Luo Zheng and others come in with calm eyes, surrounded by five guards who looked extraordinary. None of the middle-aged people who had roasted lamb together yesterday were missing. Hariri said without changing his expression: "Come on. Are you ready? Sit down and let's talk about business, do you mind?" He went straight to the topic and didn't care about Luo Zheng's condition at all.

"That's fine." Luo Zheng was mentally prepared and sat down at a random spot diagonally across from Hariri. Guishou and Madeira stood behind Luo Zheng, looking around calmly, with their eyes on the guards. It swept over and finally landed on Hariri, looking like a bodyguard.

Hariri clapped his hands, and a woman in black robe came out of the back room, holding a wooden tray with a small bag inside, and slowly came to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng did not move immediately, but looked towards Hariri, Hariri smiled nonchalantly and said, "Open it and take a look."

Luo Zheng did not take the small bag, but carefully opened it directly inside the tray, revealing a hole. He found that the diamonds inside were of various colors. He knew they were colored diamonds. There were ten of them in total. They were not small in size and looked good in quality. Diamonds are very valuable, but I don’t know how to deal with them. I put down my small bag and said, “It’s a good thing, but I need to take pictures for the domestic firm to evaluate the price. Is that convenient?”

"Of course it's convenient, please do it." Seeing that Luo Zheng did have some intention of making a deal, Hariri calmed down and readily agreed. He sat up straight, looked at Luo Zheng closely and continued: "These are just some of them. , there are more, it depends on whether you have such a big appetite to eat them."

"My appetite is small, but the company's appetite is huge. I am here on behalf of the company. I believe you have checked the strength of my company and whether I have the ability to eat your goods. Let's speak based on the facts." Luo Zheng remained calm. said.

"Interesting, I like it." Hariri smiled and said a few words to the person holding the wooden tray. The person placed the wooden tray on the coffee table, poured out the small bag of your diamonds, and placed them among candles and bright lights. Under the illumination, it emits colorful light, which is really beautiful.

Luo Zheng had no research on these things, nor was he interested. He took out his mobile phone and looked at Hariri. Hariri nodded and told Luo Zheng that he could take pictures. Only then did Luo Zheng lean forward and take pictures carefully at close range. The jewelry company really needed To purchase diamonds, Luo Zheng used his identity to perform tasks, and of course he had to fulfill the responsibilities of his identity.

Soon, Luo Zheng finished taking photos of each diamond, looked at Hariri and said, "I have to call the company."

"Please do it." Hariri smiled nonchalantly, his eyes slightly closed, but sparks of vigilance were beating inside.

Luo Zheng dialed the jewelry company's phone number in front of Hariri, and after waiting for the answer, he said, "It's Yu Zheng. I've already taken a look and will send the pictures to you immediately. Please check them and restore them as soon as possible." The number is It had been agreed long ago that someone would keep an eye on it 24 hours a day.

"Understood." The other party agreed quickly.

Luo Zheng sent the picture to an email address, and then looked at Hariri. Hariri glanced at the person next to him. The other person came to Luo Zheng knowingly and stretched out his hand to ask for the phone. Luo Zheng had long expected that the other party would check it, but Still pretending to be a little annoyed, he looked at Hariri and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, just taking a look." Hariri said calmly.

"Do you doubt me?" Luo Zheng pretended to be annoyed and handed the phone to the other party. The other party took it and opened it a few times. After dialing the number several times, he gave it back to Luo Zheng, then took out the satellite phone and chatted.

The wooden house quickly became quiet. Everyone was waiting for something and no one spoke. A few minutes later, the satellite phone rang. The other party connected and listened for a while, then nodded to Hariri. Hariri suddenly beamed and said with a satisfied smile: " Very good, it seems you are really sincere."

"Are you looking for someone to investigate my phone number?" Luo Zheng asked knowingly.

"It's not called an investigation. It's better to be careful after all, what do you think?" Hariri didn't feel embarrassed at all, but smiled naturally: "Dear friend, it seems that you have indeed brought me wealth. For my friends , we will give you a warm reception, and I’ll treat you to roast lamb later.”

"Forget it, I can't bear to eat your food." Luo Zheng said with a pretended look of helplessness.

"That's right. I forgot about this. I'll get you something light later." Hariri smiled nonchalantly.

At this time, Luo Zheng's phone also rang. After answering the call, he listened for a while, then turned it off and said to Hariri: "Our company has appraised this batch of goods and estimated it at 10 million rice gold. This is the lowest price. We all know the rules, don’t bargain, if you think it’s suitable we’ll make a deal.”

"Ten million? It's a bit small. Your company doesn't do things grandly. However, I'm looking forward to your future purchases. Let's do this. I'll sell this batch of goods to you at this price. You can stay here first and I'll give it to you in three days. The second batch of goods." Hariri said with a distressed look on his face, as if he had lost a lot.

"Thank you for your warm hospitality. However, I'd better leave first. I'll come back in three days. The company is waiting for this batch of goods to be used urgently. I have to arrange to send them back." Luo Zheng said politely, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart. Being under house arrest means being in danger at any time. Only when you leave can you have a chance to take action.

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