The strongest soldier

Chapter 1483 Luo Zheng pretends to be sick

When Guishou heard that the other party was using a blunt international language, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "My companion is sick. It may be food poisoning. Is there a doctor? Can you help find a doctor? If something happens, it will be delayed." Transaction, you’d better reflect this situation, and be quick.”

"Wait." The other party quickly agreed.

After Guishou watched the other party leave, he turned around and came to the room, pushed Luo Zheng into the back room and said: "Brother, please give me a hard time. You can pretend to be sick or have food poisoning. It's best to be unconscious. I'll deal with the situation." , see if they have a doctor.”

"Why me?" Luo Zheng smiled bitterly.

"Because you are the leader of this negotiation. When I am sick, others will send me out at most. But it is different when you are sick. If they want to trade, they must find someone to treat you. Thank you for your hard work. I will beg you once as a brother. , If we don’t know where the medical team is, we will go back in vain and become errands for the jewelry company." Guishou quickly explained.

"You're a smart kid. You thought the same as me. However, I was just pretending to have a stomachache. Do you want to start such a big battle?" Luo Zheng said with a bitter smile.

"Yes, it must be necessary, otherwise it won't be enough to attract their attention. There are many ways to treat stomach pain. If they just give you some earthwork, it will be troublesome. You can only pretend to be serious. It is best to have other syndromes caused by food poisoning. It requires a skilled doctor to treat it well." Guishou said quickly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Luo Zheng agreed helplessly: "You deal with the situation, I'll go inside and lie down and pretend to be sick." After saying that, he walked towards the inner room, lay on the bed, covered himself with a quilt, holding his breath, and soon his face turned pale. His face turned red, as if he had a high fever. Luo Zheng slowed down his breathing and artificially created hypoxia. Soon he felt dizzy, had a headache, his eyes were blurry, and his limbs were weak.

After a while, Luo Zheng felt nauseous and wanted to vomit. His breathing was shallow, fast and weak, and his heartbeat was fast and weak. Knowing that he was almost done, he continued to maintain the speed and depth of breathing to keep his body in a hypoxic state. He vaguely felt that someone was coming. , quickly closed his eyes and left everything to ghost hands.

Guishou came in with a group of people, and the leader was Hariri. He used a flashlight, and the flashlight shone on Luo Zheng's pale face. Guishou was startled, and he quickly came up and touched his forehead. It was very hot, and he couldn't help but feel nervous. Surprised, he secretly thought that he was really sick, right? He looked at Hariri with a solemn face and said in international common language: "This is what happened after eating the food you provided. He is really sensitive to your food. I told you before, what should I do?"

Hariri glanced at Guishou calmly, then gave a look to the person next to him. The other person hurried forward to check, checked his heartbeat, rolled his eyelids, and his face became serious. After a while, this person said something to Hariri. What, it was in local dialect. Guishou couldn’t understand a word, so he waited patiently.

After a while, Hariri looked at Ghost Hand and said in international language: "If he falls ill, which one of you will be in charge of the transaction?"

"I'm sorry, no one can make any decisions for him. The headquarters learned that he suddenly fell ill and will cancel this transaction until the cause of the illness is understood or he himself comes out to explain." Guishou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was embarrassed. All escape routes were blocked.

Hariri frowned slightly, took a deep look at Ghost Hand, and said, "I will arrange for a doctor to come over as soon as possible. Don't worry, just wait here." After saying that, he turned and left, and the others followed him out in a swarm, noisily. The room suddenly became quiet again.

After Guishou gave these people a hard time, he made sure that they would not come again, and quickly returned to the back room. Just as Madeira woke up, everyone came to the room where Luo Zheng was lying. Luo Zheng gasped for air and absorbed oxygen for a while. After regaining his composure, Guishou said worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just thought it was creating a lack of oxygen." Luo Zheng said.

Guishou felt warm in his heart and said gratefully: "Brother, I'm sorry for you. I owe you a favor. When I rescue Yu Xin, if possible, let my son call you godfather."

"You're a very good kid. Your godfather still has to give you a betrothal gift, right? Then I won't do it." Luo Zheng smiled, nodded to Madeira, briefly explained the plan of pretending to be ill, and finally added: "You We can't sleep, and someone must stand guard. Once you find someone coming, notify me immediately so that I can be prepared."

"Okay, I can't sleep anyway." Madeira agreed, pointing outside. Seeing Luo Zheng nodding knowingly, he turned around and left, going to stand guard at the door.

After waiting for about an hour, there was a noise outside and the flashlight beam flashed. Luo Zheng guessed that the doctor was coming, so he quickly continued to pretend to be sick. Guishou hurried to the living room outside and opened the door. Sure enough, he saw a group of armed men. People hurried over and surrounded a doctor in a white coat. The doctor was white.

When Guishou saw this scene, his heart suddenly sank, and his face was full of disappointment. But the matter had reached this point, so he had no choice but to continue acting. The armed men rushed in escorting the doctor. No, Quasi-Ghosthand and Madeira followed, which made the two of them worried.

The room was very small, and not all the armed men went in. They only followed a few people to watch the diagnosis and treatment. The doctor carefully checked Luo Zheng's symptoms, his face became serious, and his eyes flashed with doubts. After thinking for a while, he used the international language on one of the armed men. Common Language said: "He needs a well-ventilated environment. Also, I need to test his food to see if it is poisoned. This process is a bit long and the equipment I bring is not enough."

"Tell me what else you need, and I'll arrange for someone to get it." The other party also suspected poisoning when he saw the doctor, but he still said with an unkind expression, using harsh international lingua franca that he could barely understand.

The doctor talked about a bunch of equipment. The armed man immediately called a few people and explained a few words in the local dialect. The other party agreed to leave quickly. The doctor looked at this scene calmly, his eyes falling on Luo Zheng with a bit of doubt. He curiously said: "Open the window, or give him a spacious, energetic and well-ventilated room."

The ghost hand outside heard what the doctor in the back room said, and suddenly became confused. He secretly exchanged glances with Madeira, and began to think deeply. He vaguely felt that the doctor had discovered something. Standing on his side, he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. He looked forward to seeing a doctor. With the cooperation of this group of people, they can't tell whether it is true or not. It depends on how things develop next.

"What's going on?" Hariri hurried over and stared at the doctor with an unkind expression.

The doctor turned away with some fear, looked at Luo Zheng who was pretending to be sick with a complicated expression, and said bravely: "Initially, it is suspected that food poisoning caused complications. I don't know this person's medical history, so it's difficult to prescribe the right medicine. I It needs to be inspected, but the equipment is not enough and someone has already gone to get it.”

"Is it serious?" Hariri didn't care about Luo Zheng's illness, he only cared about whether he could trade normally.

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