The strongest soldier

Chapter 1482 The situation is not good

"What's weird?" Luo Zheng looked at Madeira in surprise and asked, carefully recalling what happened just now, not missing any detail, but found nothing unusual. This result made Luo Zheng even more curious, and he stared closely. Looking at Madeira, she asked: "Tell me, what abnormality did you find?"

"It's not unusual. One thing is strange. This kind of top-quality diamonds are not easy to get, let alone such a large amount of purchase. Where can they find so many? Secondly, isn't it said that there has been a war here recently? I didn't find anything along the way. Abnormal, could it be that they have ended the war and robbed other tribes of jewelry, so they are rich enough to agree to you?" Madeira whispered quickly.

"These are not important. Is there anything abnormal?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Calm, too calm. There is only one possibility. The war has ended. They should be one of the participants, and they may even be the victors. The strange thing is that the victors will get many prisoners as slaves. This is also known to everyone. , It’s just that it’s so peaceful here, where are the prisoners?” Madeira continued in surprise.

"You mean they still have a stronghold?" Guishou asked in surprise.

"It's entirely possible that this is just a stronghold. There were so many people sitting together just now. According to the custom here, they only gather like this when discussing important matters. I'm afraid they have a big move. There are too few clues. It's not good. Assessment, but one thing is for sure, the person we are looking for is not here,” Madera said.

"Huh? Why do you say that? What's the reason?" Luo Zheng asked quickly in surprise.

"I just noticed that the people here live very peacefully, and there are no clues that outsiders live there. Besides, they will not expose the person I am looking for publicly, and the person you are looking for will probably not leave it alone. There must be someone. Custody, you saw it just now, do you think there are any of our people here?" Madeira explained.

Luo Zheng and Gui Shou exchanged a look and said: "Although your reason is very far-fetched, it has to be said that it makes some sense. If the person we are looking for is not here, then where are they hiding? Also, should we look for it? Right place? If they are not the people we are looking for, then this will be great fun." He said and looked at Madeira.

"Don't worry, it must be them. The person who negotiated the deal with you is named Hariri, nicknamed Viper. He once worked as a mercenary. He is a ruthless character and well-informed. After he came back, he integrated the tribe and led the tribesmen to fight several wars. , made a name for himself, and later successfully took over the position of tribal leader. I have told this person that he was the one who led the team that ambushed us last time. It is correct." After Madera said, his expression became ferocious, revealing Pain and anger.

Luo Zheng patted Madera's shoulder with understanding and said softly: "It's easy for them to handle. There is always a way. If it doesn't work, I kidnap the person named Hariri as a blackmail."

"No, this won't work." Madeira said quickly. Seeing the surprised looks cast by Luo Zheng and Guishou, she thought for a while and explained seriously: "First of all, Hariri, this poisonous snake, is very cunning, and there is no chance at all. , Secondly, even if the kidnapping is successful, their tribe will not hesitate to give up Hariri for the sake of profit. This is their law of survival. Everything is based on profit. If necessary, the second-in-command of the tribe's armed forces will personally shoot and kill Hariri. , become the new leader.”

"So ruthless, he is indeed a lunatic." Guishou said bitterly.

"Every place has its own rules of survival. The rules here are unity and interests first. In the face of tribal interests, personal life and death are nothing. They will massacre other tribes for profit, and they will not care if they commit genocide. , when someone threatens the interests of the tribe, he must be killed, even if he gives up Hariri as the leader, he will still hunt us down, and we will hunt him until death." Madrid said quickly.

"It's a bit interesting, almost like a pack of wolves." Luo Zheng pondered for a moment and continued: "Can we do some reconnaissance at night? It's not easy to come here, and we don't know what the outcome will be tomorrow. If we are kicked out of the tribe, then we It’s even more difficult to handle.”

"It's best not to go out tonight. Once discovered, they will be chased and killed without any reason. This is the way these people do things. There are people watching outside to prevent our investigation." Madrid said quickly.

"Forget it, let nature take its course. We'll see what happens tomorrow. At least one thing has been proven. This is the place we're looking for. As for the rescue, there's always a way." Luo Zheng whispered angrily.

At this time, people came in from outside. Some were holding fire pots, some were carrying a skinned and cleaned fat sheep, and some were carrying other tableware and food. These people put down their things and left, and everyone had to barbecue by themselves. He got up and talked in a low voice about the rescue method, but the information was insufficient and he had no clue. Instead, the fat sheep was roasted.

Everyone had enough to eat and drink, and rested for a while. It was getting dark, and there was nothing to do. So they simply went to sleep in turns. There were two beds, three people, and one person happened to be keeping watch. Who knows if these people might have evil intentions and do evil things? ? In the middle of the night, Luo Zheng couldn't sleep, so he got up and replaced Madeira, sitting in the living room by himself.

The moonlight was like water, falling from the window, adding a bit of brightness to the dark room. Luo Zheng simply opened the door and let the moonlight in. The room was bright. Luo Zheng came to the door, took a deep breath, and looked up at Jiaojie. In the moonlight, his eyes passed over the guards on duty in front, and fell on the surrounding buildings in deep thought.

If the medical team is not here, where will it be detained? It has been three years, and it is impossible to imprison him for three years. There must be people here who are willing to capture the medical team, and the medical team will treat patients. Could it be that they kidnapped the medical team to solve the problem of medical treatment for the tribe?

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure it out. Luo Zheng's eyes fell on a guard in front and shouted: "Hi! I have a stomachache after eating your mutton. Do you have any painkillers? Can you find a doctor to take a look at it?"

The guard glanced at Luo Zheng warily, snorted dissatisfied, did not move, and ignored him. Luo Zheng guessed that the other party could not understand his words. When he heard someone coming, he turned around and saw that it was Guishou. Guishou was low. He said in a loud voice: "Give me a hundred meters of gold cash and I will try it."

"Do you know my intention?" Luo Zheng smiled, nodded with ghost hands, quickly took out a hundred-yuan cash note from his pocket and handed it over, and said softly: "Can you do this job?"

"Don't worry, I'm good at bribery." Guishou chuckled, took the cash and walked over.

A guard came up to stop him. As if facing a formidable enemy, the others took aim with their guns. With a smile on his face, he handed the hundred-yuan cash to the man who came up. The man quickly put it away and hid it, and looked around cautiously. , after making sure that no one around him saw it, he said: "What are you going to do?"

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