The strongest soldier

Chapter 1413 Shadow saves people

The Snow Bear Base Camp, bright as day, quickly gathered a large number of troops and formed many square formations. The officers went up to lecture, and the wolf dogs seemed to feel the tense atmosphere. They barked one by one, and the sound broke the silence of the wilderness valley. Countless searchlights Shooting started everywhere, and more troops were gathering.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng was sure that the enemy had discovered the lost observation point and was going to send troops to investigate. Suddenly, Luo Zheng was attracted by the back of a person. To be precise, it was a woman. She was somewhat familiar. Luo Zheng was surprised and suspicious. He looked over with his mobile sniper scope, and happened to see the opponent stop and turn around, and saw clearly that it was Tang Tian.

Enemies are particularly discerning when they meet each other. When Luo Zheng saw Tang Tian, ​​all the past events immediately appeared in his mind, and a surge of anger rose in his heart. Especially the time when he was almost drowned in the river, Luo Zheng was very worried. Seeing Tang Tian again, Luo Zheng's face darkened, his steel teeth clenched, his tiger eyes beating with murderous intent, and he continued to observe the front.

Not long after, Luo Zheng saw several troops with special equipment coming out of the facade of the building. He estimated that they were mercenaries. He didn't recognize any of them. Luo Zheng put down his sniper scope and looked at the shadow with a cold face, and whispered sincerely: "Enemies They are about to launch a search for us. Your method is good. You can erase the enemy's observation points and move the tiger away from the mountain. However, there are nearly ten thousand troops in the base camp, and only a thousand people have left. There are still a large number of troops, how can we save people?"

"There's no rush. If we could remove a few more observation points, they would dispatch more troops. Unfortunately, we don't have enough manpower." Shadow said coldly, taking off the sniper scope from his sniper rifle and observing calmly. After a while, he said: "Wait until they leave and the valley returns to quiet before we take action. It's a good opportunity to recover some strength. You stand guard while I take a rest."

"Okay." Luo Zheng promised. After a while, the shadow will penetrate to rescue people. Now it's good to take a rest and restore some strength. Luo Zheng watched the surroundings vigilantly and waited patiently. While planning the rescue plan, the shadow went down. We can only save one person, but not all of them.

The base camp has strong troops. Even if all the fourth squadron comes over, there is no way to storm in and save people. They can only outsmart them. The strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain is of little use. The enemy has too many troops and cannot be mobilized no matter how hard they are mobilized. What should I do? After thinking for a while, I couldn't figure it out. I clenched my fists in distress and widened my eyes on guard.

Time passed unknowingly, and Luo Zheng didn't think of a good solution. The valley below gradually returned to quiet. Although the patrol team was still patrolling, the searchlights were still shooting, and the base camp was as bright as day, the alert was still relaxed a little. At this time, the shadow He opened his slightly closed eyes, looked down calmly for a while and said, "It's time to go out. You can snipe and cover me here."

"No problem, just be careful." Luo Zheng agreed.

Shadow put down his weapon and only carried a military dagger. Luo Zheng was worried and handed his pistol to Shadow. The pistol was equipped with a silencer. It might come in handy at a critical moment. Shadow did not refuse and took it and put it away. Climb over the hill and climb down.

Climbing down the mountainside is not easy to expose, but the speed is slow. Luo Zheng also thought of this method, but found that the shadow was crawling very fast, like a giant python moving forward dexterously, with a white cloak surrounding its body. , at first glance I thought it was a snowball or a stone.

In the blink of an eye, the shadow crawled down for more than ten meters. Luo Zheng waited patiently, watching the period vigilantly to prevent enemies from sneaking up. After a while, the shadow went down for a long distance. At this time, a searchlight hit Come over and land on Shadow.

The shadow lay motionless on the snow, looking like an irregular stone. Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw that the searchlight was not moving. He thought he had been discovered. He quickly moved his sniper rifle to aim at it, but found that the searchlight had moved away. Luo Zheng He took a long breath, and when he looked at the shadow again, he was crawling quickly.

"It's so bold." Luo Zheng secretly praised him sincerely, and he tightened his grip on the sniper rifle and continued to observe. He saw the shadow quickly crawling to the valley, and then the surrounding terrain continued to crawl forward. The crawling speed was much slower, and it quickly got closer. The barbed wire fence lurked under a tree stump, quickly dug up the underground snow, formed a pit, and then hid itself under the snow.

A patrol came over and passed by about three meters away from the shadow. They did not find the shadow lurking in the snow. Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw it. He was hesitating whether to fire a shot to attract the enemy's attention and provide cover for the shadow. , they found that Shadow directly used his hands to dig up the snowflakes on the ground and got under the barbed wire fence.

After passing through the barbed wire fence, Shadow did not run forward immediately. Instead, he lurked in the snow and continued to observe the surroundings. When the patrols around him turned around, he suddenly rushed forward, using his hands and feet together, like a cheetah running at high speed, rushing forward in the blink of an eye. Arriving under the shadow of a building, a few rabbits and falcons came to the area where the prisoners of war were tied up.

In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng clearly saw Shadow killing two hidden sentries and three sentries in succession. In the dark night, he looked like a deadly war god. With clean movements, he quickly rushed into the tree stump and killed the three enemies guarding the outside. He cut his throat directly and squatted on the ground to watch his surroundings vigilantly, like a hungry wolf.

There were no more enemies guarding around. Shadow quickly found Xue Hu. With his sword in hand, he untied the rope that bound Xue Hu. Luo Zheng had determined Xue Hu's identity and location before he came, and told Shadow that Xue Hu While he was sleeping in a daze, he felt something was wrong. He couldn't help but open his eyes and was surprised to see the shadow. It was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was. He couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Who are you?"

"Are you Snow Fox?" Shadow asked in a low voice.

"Who are you?" Xuehu asked in surprise, but hearing the familiar Mandarin, he became less wary.

Shadow knew that now was not the time to speak, so he glanced around vigilantly and whispered: "I can only save you first, and the other brothers will talk later. The ghost is waiting outside. Come, I will carry you."

"Ghost?" Xuehu was startled, then overjoyed. Knowing his physical condition, he didn't show any pretense. He lay on Shadow's back, glanced at the brothers around him, and closed his eyes guiltily.

Shadow carried Snow Fox on his back and quickly evacuated along the way. The surrounding sentries had been killed, so there was nothing to worry about. After leaving the building, there was a blank area with no obstruction. Shadow took a deep breath and rushed over with Snow Fox on his back. There was no need to take cover anymore, and there was no way to cover with someone on his back, so he had to fight with all his speed.

On the hill in the distance, Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw Shadow carrying someone on his back. He fired without hesitation. With a hiss, the sniper bullet cut through the night, carrying a terrifying aura of death and instantly shattering the searchlight. The kinetic energy of the bullet Without losing any force, knock an enemy behind the searchlight away.

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