The strongest soldier

Chapter 1414 Rescue Snow Fox

Under the dark night, the quiet Snow Bear Base Camp's alarm blared loudly. Countless people rushed out of the building, each holding a gun and looking around with murderous intent. Various searchlights were fired everywhere, but they were quickly crushed and noisy. The base camp added a bit of terror. Everyone looked for a place to hide and looked for the direction of the attacker.

After Luo Zheng calmly fired and smashed several searchlights, he glanced at the running shadow and rushed to the barbed wire fence. He suddenly flew up and kicked hard on the wooden stakes tied to the barbed wire fence. The wooden stakes were hugged by one person. Flying away with a crash, forming a large gap, Shadow dexterously lay on the ground with Snow Fox on his back, quickly walked out along the gap, and ran away.

"Da da da!" Someone discovered the running shadow, shouted and kept shooting. More people rushed over. Luo Zheng knew that the crisis moment had arrived, and quickly aimed at it, specifically targeting the people with flashlights. Without bright lighting, the enemy's accuracy plummeted.

"Boohoo!" Luo Zheng kept firing, shooting one of the targets away. His calm face was full of worry. When he saw someone trying to come up from the other side, Luo Zheng ignored him and continued to aim at the person holding the flashlight. Open fire and cover the evacuation of the shadows.

Shadow also knew that the situation was critical. He ran hard with the snow fox on his back, constantly using the surrounding trees for cover, and ran a classic bullet avoidance step. With his intuition of the dangers of the battlefield, he almost avoided the bullets that were fired at him. The hillside As if walking on flat ground, he ran very fast and quickly opened the distance between him and the enemy.

The enemies holding flashlights were sniped one by one. Without the flashlight illumination, and the searchlight was shattered, the enemies soon lost sight of the shadow's figure, and could only fire randomly based on their feelings. More people came after them, Luo Zheng. Shen Jing kept firing, and after killing a few enemies with heavy firepower, he found that Shadow had rushed up. He couldn't help but be shocked. Isn't this guy's speed too terrifying? He was running so fast even though he was carrying someone on his back uphill. He was immediately overjoyed and continued to fire to stop the enemy.

After a while, Shadow rushed up the hillside with Snow Fox on his back, and shouted without looking back: "I'll retreat first, and you can follow me later. Seize the opportunity yourself, and remember, you will be lost." As he said that, he rushed towards the hill, looking for He ran wildly in a certain direction, like a hungry wolf chasing his prey in the mountains, fierce and swift.

"Don't worry." Luo Zheng said casually, and continued to shoot at the enemies who were chasing him. There were too many enemies, and the sniper rifle was not enough. Luo Zheng put the sniper rifle on his back, loaded the bullet with the AK-74m, his expression was grim. He looked at the charging enemies coldly, his eyes full of anger.

"Ta-ta-ta!" Luo Zheng opened fire. Bullets rushed out of the barrel one after another and rushed towards the target. With Luo Zheng's endless anger and murderous intent, they drew a line of terrifying death breath in the night sky.

"Asshole, come on." Luo Zheng roared angrily, with endless hatred and the miserable situation of the captured brothers welling up in his mind. He kept firing, venting his hatred to his heart's content. The bullets fired were like heavy machine gun fire. In an instant, He knocked down dozens of enemies rushing in front. There were too many enemies and they were too dense. He could hit them no matter how hard he hit them. There was no need to worry about accuracy.

A magazine was quickly emptied. Luo Zheng turned around and ran, chasing the direction of the shadow. While running, Luo Zheng quickly changed the magazine and looked up. The shadow had run several hundred meters away. He quickly speeded up to catch up, feeling in his heart I secretly admired him. This guy could carry people faster than himself. It was a blessing and a curse. He lost his memory but gained extraordinary strength.

After charging wildly for a while, Luo Zheng saw that the enemy was chasing after him, but the distance was getting farther and farther. The bullets fired at random had no deterrent effect on him, so he was too lazy to pay attention and focused on running wildly. The enemy would definitely not give up after making such a big noise. , the best way to kill them is to get rid of them.

The shadow running in front rushed down the hillside with people on its back, as fierce as a human tank. Luo Zheng hurriedly followed and rushed down the hillside. He continued running along the canyon, dragging some branches with him to clear the traces of his passage. Sweeping, there were weeds brought by Shadow on his body, exuding a strange smell. Shadow said that it could avoid the pursuit of wild wolves, but Luo Zheng was not sure whether it would be effective.

After running for a while, Shadow stopped to catch his breath on a hillside. Luo Zheng quickly glanced around, immediately rushed to the commanding heights and lurked, setting up a sniper rifle. He soon discovered that the enemy was chasing him, and the distance was quite far away. Luo Zheng did not fire. He pressed the bullet into the magazine and waited.

After a while, the enemy caught up with him. Perhaps he found that there were no traces and was searching around aimlessly. However, he quickly pursued him in his direction. Luo Zheng waited for a while and immediately aimed at the enemy when he saw that they were within shooting range. He saw an officer in the crowd through his sniper scope, quickly locked onto it, and opened fire.

"Whoops!" The sniper bullet whizzed away, drawing a strange arc in the night. It penetrated into the target's heart and exploded into a large pile of blood. The target fell to the ground. Some soldiers gathered around it and looked up warily. More The people dispersed and surrounded them in a roundabout way.

Luo Zheng secretly exclaimed that it was a pity that incendiary bombs were best used when the enemies were gathered together. Unfortunately, there were no sniper incendiary bombs among the weapons seized. They were all ordinary sniper bombs. Luo Zheng looked at the outflanking enemies with a cold face, and then looked at the distance. Shadow, who had been resting for a while, was already on his way carrying Snow Fox on his back.

"Huh!" Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. As long as there was no problem with the shadow, he continued to lock on the enemy and shoot to block the enemy's pursuit. However, there were too many enemies, so he still managed to rush up and fired back. The dense bullets hit Luo Zheng. Zheng couldn't raise his head, and had no way to fight back. In desperation, Luo Zheng had no choice but to put away his weapon and retreat, rushing towards the shadow, while observing the surroundings vigilantly, in case there were any enemies catching up.

The pursuers were pulled away again, but they still pursued closely. As he ran, Luo Zheng looked worriedly at the shadow leading the way. He didn't know if the opponent could persist. Running like this would definitely not work in the end. He couldn't help but look at the surrounding terrain and think about it. Coming up with a countermeasure, there are mountains and woods all around, and there is no place to hide. What should I do?

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure it out. Luo Zheng angrily ran after Shadow and shouted: "Brothers, you retreat first, I will lure the enemy away and meet back at Wolf Valley."

"No need to bother, come with me." Shadow shouted, his thick eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he rushed forward with all his strength.

Luo Zheng was startled, but seeing that Shadow was confident, he didn't ask any more questions, and followed closely. While running, Luo Zheng glanced at Xue Hu, who was already unconscious, and couldn't help being shocked, but the enemy was chasing after him. It was an emergency. Not caring much, Luo Zheng looked back angrily, gritted his steel teeth angrily, and followed the shadow with a cold face.

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