The strongest soldier

Chapter 1412 Continuous Killings

"Whoosh!" A black light passed through the void and shot forward with a terrifying sonic boom. Luo Zheng looked up in surprise and saw that the saber was completely immersed in the back of the opponent's neck, and the tip of the knife emerged from the enemy's throat. Come, the enemy fell to the ground, and there was no movement. Shadow strode forward, drew his saber and came to the enemy who hit the tree, and wiped off the opponent's neck with another knife.

Luo Zheng knew that Shadow liked to kill enemies with a saber, and his fighting ability was very powerful, much better than his own. Seeing Shadow take action again, with sharp attack skills and terrifying attack speed, was dazzling. This method was no longer a simple fight. It's more like an art.

In Luo Zheng's impression, there is only one person who can raise the killing skills to the level of art, and that is the Tiger King. Luo Zheng can feel that Shadow's fighting skills have also improved, and he has the demeanor of the Tiger King, and he can't help but envy him. When I got up and thought about myself again, I felt a little ashamed. It seemed that the gap between myself was still quite big.

By coincidence, Shadow forgot about the past, but his strength increased greatly, which was a kind of compensation from God. When Luo Zheng saw that Shadow was collecting weapons and ammunition, he quickly stepped forward to help. The two of them found a place to bury the weapons and ammunition, and did After marking, continue on your way.

On the way, Luo Zheng said with admiration: "Brother Shadow, your fighting strength has become much stronger."

"Really, I don't know, maybe, how strong was I before?" Shadow asked in a low voice in surprise.

Luo Zheng was startled and wanted to slap himself. He mentioned this even though he knew that Shadow had forgotten the past. Didn't this make Shadow suffer? He couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "I was very strong before. There are only a handful of us national swordsmen who can beat you in fighting. Anyway, I am not your opponent. Now I feel stronger. Except Tiger King, I am afraid no one can defeat you." ,congratulations."

"You said before that you were better at sniping than me. I believe it after seeing what you did just now. You can fire a pistol to create a continuous fire effect. Three shots can be completed in one second. Your marksmanship is so accurate. You are better than me." Shadow said sincerely. .

"Why, you're not happy?" Luo Zheng said with a smile. Seeing the dissatisfied expression on Yin Ying's face, he smiled bitterly and said: "You have to let me surpass you, right? Why are you better than me? Will you let me live?"

"I want to be the strongest soldier king." Shadow suddenly stopped and looked at Luo Zheng seriously and said.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed and looked at Shadow and asked, "What did you remember?"

"No." Shadow shook his head in pain and continued after pondering for a moment: "I feel that the strongest soldier king is my pursuit, and you are my biggest competitor, right?"

"That's right, finally you still remember something. With your current strength, I am no match for you." Luo Zheng said with a smile, not daring to stimulate Shadow too much. He glanced at the surrounding snowy mountains and forests, busy with Bai Xue, and his expression changed. Shen continued: "Brother, we have to speed up."

"Don't worry, I know what's going on. Let's go." Shadow agreed, glanced at the front, and strode forward. Luo Zheng followed closely. The two of them marched in tandem, one behind the other, vigilantly.

About an hour later, Shadow took Luo Zheng to hide near another stronghold. He carefully observed the front. Shadow pointed under a big tree. Luo Zheng nodded knowingly. The two of them surrounded him, one on the left and the other on the right. It was quiet, only the cold wind blew gently, and from time to time the snow on the tree crowns was blown off, making a dull sound when it fell on the ground. There was no sign of life around, not even a flying bird.

Suddenly, Shadow made a gesture to stop advancing. Luo Zheng stopped knowingly. Shadow put away his military dagger, picked up an Akm rifle, aimed vigilantly at the front, and walked forward sideways. Shadow brought All the equipment was gone, except for a saber, which fortunately could be seized everywhere.

Luo Zheng knew that Shadow was about to take action, so he hurried forward and saw a hole behind the big tree. Someone crawled out of the hole. Before Shadow could shoot, Luo Zheng took action first. The pistol was equipped with a silencer, and the sound It's light and won't attract patrols around.

The man who crawled out of the cave fell to the ground and blocked the entrance of the cave. Shadow rushed forward, kicked him back into the cave with a flying kick, threw the two grenades down, turned around and ran away, Luo Zheng also hurriedly He ran away, feeling helpless at Shadow's actions. He could obviously resolve the battle silently, but he was not afraid of the enemy coming if he made such a big noise?

After the explosion, Shadow rushed forward and jumped directly into the cave. Luo Zheng did not move and waited outside. Not long after, Shadow took out a large number of weapons and ammunition from inside. The two of them found a place to bury them quickly and continued. On the way, Luo Zheng couldn't help but ask: "Brother, aren't you afraid of attracting enemies?"

"How is that possible?" Shadow looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked. Seeing Luo Zheng's confused look, he explained: "There is no one else within a ten-kilometer radius here. You are not afraid even if you shoot. Besides, it is not good to attract enemies." Better? Anyway, the enemy will find out sooner or later that the observation point has been destroyed, so it would be just right for them to mobilize a large number of troops."

"That said, are you not afraid of the enemy's blanket search? What will happen when we have nowhere to hide?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"I know the way, just avoid them." Shadow said nonchalantly.

"That's right, forget about this and let's go." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Follow me." Shadow looked ahead and thought for a while, then waved his hand and led the way.

Luo Zheng followed closely. The two of them hurried on vigilantly, one after the other. They climbed over several mountains and unknowingly came to a hill. The shadow leading the way suddenly fell down. Luo Zheng also quickly lay down. Seeing the shadow hitting him, Luo Zheng followed closely. He made a gesture of coming up, then hunched forward and trotted a few steps forward, came to the shadow and lay down to take a look. In front of him was the valley where the Snow Bear's base camp was located. It had a strange aura under the night, like a wild beast.

The interior of the Snow Bear Base Camp is brightly lit, and there are many patrols outside. There are many light bulbs hanging on the barbed wire fence, lighting up the surroundings like daylight. This was not found during the day. Many brothers were tied to wooden stakes, and they were all low. With his head down, he didn't know whether to live or die.

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, his anger instantly ignited, and his lungs were about to explode. These damn bastards actually abused the prisoners in this way. It was inhumane. Luo Zheng looked at Shadow, who observed for a while and said: "Look, save first." Who is suitable? I look friendly to the people below, but I don’t recognize them anymore.”

"Wait a minute." Luo Zheng quickly raised the sniper scope and observed. This angle was much easier than the last time he observed on the tree. He could see almost all the captured brothers. He roughly counted them, twenty-eight of them. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. , looking at them one by one, they found that there were people from the first squadron and the third squadron, and Xuehu was among them.

At this time, a large number of enemy troops began to gather. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly moved his sniper scope to look over.

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