The strongest soldier

Chapter 1411 Fierce Shadow

Half an hour later, the two came to a dense forest on the opposite mountain peak. They hid under a big tree and calmly observed the front. Their cold eyes were filled with endless fighting spirit. Shadow pulled out his military dagger and gave it to the man next to him. Luo Zheng made a wait signal, kicked his feet hard, and rushed forward like a discharged cannonball.

After running forward for more than twenty meters, the shadow body suddenly rushed forward and flew forward, like a hunting eagle, and suddenly landed on the bushes, overwhelming the bushes and snow. Luo Zheng was surprised. I don’t understand what Shadow is doing? Looking closely, he found that Shadow stood up from the bushes and was gesturing to himself.

Luo Zheng ran forward in surprise, and soon came to the shadow. He found a corpse lying in the bushes, his throat wiped out, and blood was still pouring out. He couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect that there was something hidden here. A secret whistle quickly squatted down and looked around vigilantly.

"No need to look, this is the only one here. I was almost discovered last time I came here. Let's go." Shadow whispered, exuding a strong confident murderous aura.

Luo Zheng glanced at Shadow in surprise, couldn't help but smile, and said: "It seems that you have not been here in vain these two months. You have figured out the situation. The enemy deserves to be unlucky. Let's go." Waiting for Shadow to get up Walking forward, Luo Zheng followed behind, enjoying himself. In the shadows, Luo Zheng found that he didn't need to take action at all.

The two of them continued to move forward under the cover of the surrounding trees, and unknowingly arrived at the top of the mountain. Shadow jumped on the ground like a tiger, watching the front vigilantly. Luo Zheng was also lurking under a bush, looking sharply ahead, pulling out Take out the pistol and put on the silencer just in case.

At this time, Shadow made a gesture to signal Luo Zheng to press forward. He held the military dagger behind his back and rushed forward. His movements were as fast as a cheetah running at high speed. In a blink of an eye, he reached the boulder on the top of the mountain and took cover with his back against the boulder. He pricked up his ears and listened, with a resolute face and sharp eyes.

Not long after, the shadow walked forward along the boulder. Luo Zheng stared ahead vigilantly, raising his pistol and aiming at it. Suddenly, he saw the shadow's body leaping forward dexterously, as if it had pounced on someone. Luo Zheng was so surprised. Shocked, he quickly rushed to support, and soon found a corpse lying on the ground with his throat cut and blood pouring out. Shadow squatted at the underground entrance next to him, turned on the safety of the two grenades, and calmly threw them away. He fell down and his body quickly rolled to one side.

Luo Zheng also hurriedly took cover next to the boulder. He heard two dull explosions below, mixed with screams. Smoke filled the air from the entrance and exit, carrying a terrifying smell of death, but it was quickly blown away by the wind. Shadow rushed forward quickly and jumped directly below.

"Be careful." Luo Zheng warned in surprise, and chased after him, jumping down without hesitation.

The cave was not deep. When Luo Zheng landed, he saw that the cave was not small, about seven or eight square meters. The ground was covered with dry firewood and bedding, and a bonfire was burning. However, it had been completely destroyed by the explosion, and six corpses were scattered everywhere. Lying on the ground, blood was pouring out from his body, and he was completely dead.

Shadow was checking the body, and he made a stab at it worriedly. Luo Zheng glanced around briefly, picked up the satellite phone on the ground, looked at it, and threw it aside. Lao Maozi couldn't understand what he said, and he couldn't understand the satellite phone. I was able to eavesdrop and saw roasted meat and bread beside me. I was immediately overjoyed. I picked up the bread and meat and ate it. I gave some to Shadow. Shadow was not polite and said while eating: "Do you want to hide the weapons and ammunition?" spare?"

"Okay, let's wait for a while. We'll start again when we're full. We're not in a hurry." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly.

The two of them ate and drank enough, took out all the weapons and ammunition from the observation point, dug a snow pit nearby and hid it, made a disguise, took note of the surrounding terrain, and left, heading towards the next stronghold. The two of them stopped and walked. Stop, with Shadow, a person who is already familiar with the surrounding terrain, Luo Zheng saves a lot of worry.

After walking for about an hour, a hillside appeared in front of them. There was a patrol team in the woods on the hillside, with wolf dogs on patrol. There were ten people in total. The two quickly found a place to squat down and take cover, and calmly observed the team. Luo Zheng He planned to wait for the other party to leave before talking, but found that Shadow had already touched up. He was shocked. This guy was really talented and bold, so he quickly chased after him.

Shadow was in front, walking and stopping, constantly using the trees along the way to catch up, and soon he was only about ten meters away from the last enemy. Shadow suddenly kicked hard, splashing a large pool of snowflakes, and his body was like an arrow. , rushed forward with a swish, held the saber in his hand behind his back, and covered the opponent's mouth directly from behind. The saber in his other hand slashed towards the opponent's neck like lightning, setting off a bloody arrow that flew out and landed on the snow, immediately covering the ground. Dyeing red, it looks extremely weird in the sunlight.

After the sneak attack was successful, Shadow did not give up. He ignored the enemy's body that collapsed and continued to rush forward. As if a gun suddenly stabbed out, the military dagger in his hand once again pierced the temple of the enemy in front of him. , stir it up, and pull it out suddenly.

At this time, the enemies in front were already alert and turned around one after another. They looked at Shadow with shock on their faces. They raised their guns and were about to shoot. Shadow suddenly exerted force and smashed the corpse in his hand against one person. He took a big step diagonally and bent. His waist dexterously avoided the muzzle of an enemy's aiming gun, and the military dagger in his hand smeared on the opponent's throat like a poisonous snake.

The knife rose, blood spattered, and the person arrived. His movements were clean and agile, as fast as lightning. Shadow didn't give up after he got it. He reached out with his big hand, grabbed the gun in the hand of another enemy and pulled it hard, causing the opponent's body to move uncontrollably. The opponent rushed forward, and the saber in Shadow's hand drew a dark black light, and instantly cut the opponent's throat, and blood spurted out. The opponent quickly put down the gun, covered his neck tightly, and shouted something with horror on his face, Unfortunately, nothing could be seen, and the body fell back.

Seeing how fierce Shadow was, Luo Zheng was not to be outdone. He raised his hand and fired a few bursts, biting the flesh with his gun, knocking down three enemies in an instant. When he looked again, Shadow quickly knocked down two more, and the other two enemies were bigger. Horrified, he turned around and ran away, but the wolf dog barked manically.

"Puff!" Luo Zheng raised his hand and fired two shots, hitting the wolf dog in the head. The wolf dog fell to the ground and whimpered. At this time, the shadow suddenly ran forward, like a tiger coming out of the gate, directly killing a scared man. The frightened enemy flew far away and hit his head heavily against a tree. His neck crooked and his body fell down without any movement.

The other enemy spread his legs and ran wildly in horror, too frightened to look back, while shouting something.

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