The strongest soldier

Chapter 1410 Brothers join forces

In the white snowfield valley, several wild wolves were swimming around vigilantly. From time to time, they looked back at Luo Zheng and Shadow on the mountainside. Luo Zheng turned off the signal and looked around with a solemn face. The valley was not big, and the surrounding hillsides had an empty view. For a long time, It was easy to be exposed outside, so he pulled Shadow into the cave. The two sat down on the hay. Luo Zheng looked at Shadow with a painful expression and asked, "Did you remember something?"

"Some fragmented pictures cannot be connected, but I can feel that you are a trustworthy person. Is the prisoner over there really my brother?" Shadow asked in surprise.

"Not only are you brothers, but you are also your subordinates. Two months ago, you were ordered to perform a mission here. You were ambushed by nearly ten thousand enemy troops. There was no news after that. Later, the organization sent Xue Hu to lead the third squadron to rescue you. The intelligence was also ambushed, does Xue Hu remember it?" Luo Zheng explained with some heartache, how painful it was for a generation of strong men to lose their memory, but luckily he found it.

Shadow tilted his head and thought for a long time, patted it occasionally, and said with a wry smile: "The name is a bit familiar, but I can't remember it at all."

"It's good if you can remember the name. Take your time and let's discuss some serious matters." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Are you saving people?" Shadow asked.

"It is necessary to save people, but you cannot act recklessly. We are outnumbered and the enemy is outnumbered. It is definitely not possible to attack rashly. You have lived here for two months and the surrounding terrain must be familiar to me. Is it possible to infiltrate the enemy's base and rescue someone? I We need to know what happened." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Headquarters? Are they from that valley?" Shadow asked in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng nod, he began to think deeply, his bright eyes flashing. After a while, Shadow said: "This is not difficult, I will infiltrate alone and save It’s okay if you come out alone, but you need to cover us. Since we are in the same army, seeing as you are still carrying a weapon, you should be able to shoot, right?”

"What do you think?" Luo Zheng asked angrily. Seeing Shadow's embarrassed forced smile, Luo Zheng felt a pain in his heart and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I forgot that you don't remember the past. I am a sniper. There is no problem with my marksmanship, we have competed in marksmanship, you are a little worse than me, maybe you have forgotten?"

"I really forgot, but since you are stronger than me, it won't be a problem. When the time comes, you only need to ambush at the commanding heights and snipe to cover my retreat. Leave the rest to me. After rescuing people, the enemy will definitely go crazy. Chasing, there are still wolves and dogs, go back and get some herbs to take with you, so the wolves and dogs can't smell us." Shadow said.

Luo Zheng saw that Shadow still retained his previous shrewdness and was not stupid. He was completely relieved and said with a smile: "No problem, but how do we get out? Are we coming back here?"

"Don't go back here. I know a crack in the ground, about three hundred meters deep and more than ten kilometers long. The ground is thick with bushes and highly hidden. It is surrounded by woods. There are underground rivers, hot springs, and intricate underground caves below. Suitable for hiding." Shadow said with a serious face.

"Oh? There is such a good place, okay, there are no observation posts around?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"There is one. I'll touch him later. When will I do it?" Shadow said nonchalantly, the aura of a strong man erupted from his body, and his eyes became sharp.

"Let's go to night. I'm very sleepy. I've been traveling all day and night, and I even had a fight with you. I have to have a good sleep. Wake me up when it gets dark." Luo Zheng thought for a while and said, putting his backpack aside. , took out the sleeping bag from inside, took out dry food and ate some, then got into the sleeping bag and fell asleep.

Shadow glanced at Luo Zheng with a complicated expression, and patted his head in pain, hating himself for forgetting the past. At the same time, he was a little glad that Luo Zheng had found this place. Shadow came to the entrance of the cave and sat cross-legged, calmly Staring outside, acting as a guard.

Time passed unknowingly, and the sky became dark. Luo Zheng woke up automatically without Shadow calling, slapped his face to wake himself up, took out dry food and gave it to Shadow. After the two of them ate half full, they put on their military bags and brought them with them. Loading weapons and setting off, the wolves in the valley quickly dispersed when they saw the shadow coming out.

Luo Zheng was curious and asked: "Why are these wolves afraid of you?"

"I killed most of them, and the rest are useless things. I'm too lazy to kill them." Shadow said indifferently, with an understatement, but full of confidence.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at Shadow in surprise. After thinking about it, he decided not to ask any more questions.

The two walked forward for a while. After leaving the valley, Shadow led the way. As they walked, they asked Luo Zheng about his past affairs. Luo Zheng also asked Shadow how he had survived in the past two months. The two stopped and walked. , unknowingly came to a hill and stopped next to a big tree.

Shadow pointed at the mountain opposite and said: "Did you see the commanding heights of the mountain opposite? There is a big rock. There is a crooked-neck pine tree next to the rock. A hole was dug on the top of the mountain, and a class member was hidden inside. There was an observation opening on the side of the mountainside. You can see the canyon ahead just by hiding inside."

"Oh? Have you been there?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Well, I went for a walk one night, got some dry food and left." Shadow said nonchalantly.

"You are awesome, what should we do?" Luo Zheng said sincerely. Only Shadow could come and go freely while treating the enemy's observation point as his own home. He couldn't help but ask.

"It's about an hour away from the enemy's base camp. The enemy at the observation post reports the situation every hour. If we take action, the enemy may think that we will come here. There is an observation point about half an hour away over there. I propose to kill it along the way. , cut off several of their observation points in a row, muddying the water, making them confused about our true purpose. When the time comes, troops will definitely be sent out to investigate, and we will take the opportunity to reach the base to rescue people, what do you think?" Shadow pondered. suggested.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, his eyes became firm, and he nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it. Do you know where their observation points are?"

"Of course, there are many observation points, but I basically know that I didn't know they were enemies before. I went in to get some dry food, weapons, etc., but I didn't kill anyone. It's different this time. I'm going to go on a killing spree. Don't fight with me. Help me." I'll hold the line and be on guard." Shadow said confidently, with a strong murderous aura.

"No problem." Luo Zheng said with an understanding smile. Shadow, who knew the truth, was full of hatred for the enemy. This hatred only needed to be vented. Naturally, Luo Zheng would not object to Shadow seeking to settle accounts with the enemy.

"Let's go and go around." Shadow said murderously as he looked at the hilltop opposite, his eyes as sharp as a knife.

"Let's go teach these beasts a lesson and avenge our brothers." Luo Zheng also became more fighting-minded and shouted in a low voice.

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