The strongest soldier

Chapter 14 Secret love arises

Luo Zheng thanked him gratefully. He sounded serious. These are all means of saving lives on the battlefield. It is said that only special forces can learn skills. It is a rare opportunity. Of course, Luo Zheng will not miss it. He starts to learn it seriously. After half an hour, Lan Xue was so tired that she couldn't speak. Luo Zheng gratefully tried to dissuade her: "Have a rest for a while. The food is almost cooked. Unfortunately, there are no condiments. You just have to eat some." After that, he started the bonfire and put some food on the ground. He dug out the pheasant, broke open the soil outside, tore off a chicken leg and handed it over.

Lan Xue took it and ate it without any pretense. After a while, only the skeleton of the fat pheasant was left. The two of them were half full after eating and were very thirsty. Luo Zheng planned to find some water to drink, but there was nothing around. There was no water. At this time, Lan Xue suddenly said: "I'm tired. I'll tell you how to find water later. Have you seen those grape vines? The water in them is rich in vitamins. Just go get a few of them." "

"Okay." Luo Zheng saw Teng Man entangled in a big tree not far away. He agreed, pulled out the Type 65 army dagger and walked over. He climbed up the tree and chopped a few vines. After a look, there was indeed a lot of water flowing out of it. Come, taste it, it's a bit sweet, I couldn't help but be overjoyed, I cut several branches and jumped off the tree, ran to Lan Xue and handed them over.

Lan Xue saw that Luo Zheng didn't drink it first, but just tasted it and gave it to her first. The soft place under the strong appearance seemed to have been touched by someone, and a strange feeling came up, and her face turned red with embarrassment. Lowering his head, Luo Zheng didn't pay attention. After handing all the grapevines to Lan Xue, he turned back and had a drink on the tree. He looked far away, looking at the endless forest. His face became solemn and he jumped down from the tree. Said: "Are you feeling better? Let's rest for a while and then hurry up?"

"No problem." Lan Xue regained her composure and said calmly. She looked up at the sky, frowned slightly, and whispered, "It seems like it's going to rain tonight, so we have to drive a while."

Luo Zheng looked up at the sky. The sky was clear and there was no sign of rain. However, thinking that Lan Xue might be an omnipotent special soldier, Luo Zheng said convincingly: "If this is the case, it will be troublesome. Are you sick?"

"No problem." Lan Xue regained her cold and arrogant expression and walked forward with the help of a walking stick. Luo Zheng hesitated to speak and chased after her.

Along the way, Lan Xue continued to teach Luo Zheng military sign language. When he saw wild fruits, Luo Zheng picked a few and gave them to Lan Xue. People who were recovering from serious illness needed vitamin supplements. When he saw the prey, he killed it for food at night. Lan Xue picked the herbs she needed, chewed them up, and applied them to the wound. She changed the dressing on the sensitive area. Lan Xue didn't want to pretend to be Luo Zheng. The two of them stopped asking each other's identity, and their trust deepened unknowingly.

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was night. I didn't encounter any danger, but I found traces left by the enemy, a pile of burned out bonfires. The bonfires were not cleaned up. Maybe the enemy thought that Luo Zheng and the two would not be able to fight. I don’t want to bother trying to catch up again.

Luo Zheng saw that it was getting late, so he simply lit a fire at the campfire left by the enemy, and left the job of roasting food to Lan Xue. Luo Zheng used a machete to look at the trees to build a rain shelter. Although it didn't rain, it Lan Xue said it would rain, but Luo Zheng didn't dare to be careless. People who had just recovered from a fever should not get exposed to the rain.

The rain shelter is not big. It is built under a big tree. Four tree stumps are placed horizontally with tree sticks. Thick branches and broad leaves are spread on them, followed by a layer of soil. Then a layer of broad branches and leaves are spread on them, followed by a layer of soil. , it took more than an hour of tinkering to get it done, and led the bonfire under the awning, and quickly got a lot of dry firewood for the evening.

After eating and drinking, the two of them sat on the dry firewood under the awning and continued to learn combat skills. Seeing Lan Xue, who had taught him so much, so charming under the firelight, Luo Zheng felt nothing but gratitude in his heart. By the end of the day, Lan Xue had basically learned military sign language, and started teaching how to use a gun.

"Luo Zheng, you said you played with trolls since you were a kid. I've also played with that thing. The maximum range is 100 meters. The effective range of a general sniper rifle is between 800 meters and 1,000 meters. It's completely different from trolls. , snipers cannot be mastered quickly, but you have the foundation, first use the sniper rifle as a troll, don’t worry, the first thing you need to learn is counter-sniping. Only by knowing counter-sniping can you save your life, and only by living can you take revenge." Lan Xue. After saying that, his face turned livid.

"I understand, the owner of this gun is your companion?" Luo Zheng asked, pointing to the gun in Lan Xue's arms.

"This QUB88 sniper rifle is a small-caliber sniper rifle independently developed in China. Its advent marks that our country's development and research of sniper weapons has entered the world's advanced ranks. It has excellent performance, high precision, high power, and high reliability. , safe to use, concealed, good serviceability and adaptability, etc." Lan Xue explained while disassembling the gun.

Under the firelight, the unparalleled Lan Xue carefully explained the performance and usage of the QUB88 sniper rifle. It had a unique charm. Luo Zheng couldn't help but be fascinated by it. He didn't listen to anything he said. How powerful Lan Xue's perception was. He immediately Realizing something was wrong, he glared at Luo Zheng, his face turned red, and he said angrily: "Assemble the gun."

"Uh, ah?" Luo Zheng became embarrassed, quickly put aside his distracting thoughts, and humbly asked for advice: "Can you say it again? It was the first time I came into contact with such a high-level weapon, and I didn't remember it. I won't dare to do it next time."

Lan Xue withdrew her cold gaze, but felt funny for no reason in her heart. It was a strange feeling. The cold expression on her face remained unchanged, and she continued: "As the world's first QUB88 sniper rifle that uses a small caliber of 5.8 mm for a sniper rifle, it is unparalleled. It has a butt, no handle, and no cheek pad structure. This is very different from similar foreign firearms. It is not long, that is, 920mm. The barrel is about 620mm long. It has ten bullets. It uses a 3x-9x white light sight and is equipped with a mechanical Sight┅┅”

Time was lost in Lan Xue's endless explanation. It was not until the raindrops fell that the two of them noticed that Luo Zheng found that Lan Xue looked very weak. He wanted to give himself a slap and said quickly: "You should rest first. You have just recovered from a serious illness." , Don't be too tired, I'll just keep watch." As he said that, he filled some dry wood into the bonfire.

"Okay, I just talked about identifying the enemy sniper's position by listening to the sound, determining the smoke, the situation of the sniper's possible hiding area, the angle of bullet entry, the range of the rifle, and the suspicious terrain and features around the current situation. Method, there are a lot of things, please digest it." After Lan Xue finished speaking, she closed her eyes and rested.

Looking at Lan Xue who was resting, Luo Zheng swore in his heart that even if he died, he would protect Lan Xue. He burned two more bonfires, went to cut down some branches nearby and dried them by the bonfire for later use. Afterwards, I sat by the campfire and thought about my thoughts.

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