The strongest soldier

Chapter 13 Teaching Combat Skills

"You must remain calm at all times. This is the most important point for survival in the wild. It doesn't matter if you don't remember the road. One way is to analyze the mountain direction and geographical landforms to determine the path that wild animals may take. Sometimes the thinking of animals and Just like people, they instinctively look for a path in the deep mountains and woods. If you find the 'beast' path, you will find the path you have walked. Can you look for the traces of the wild beasts?" Lan Hai said coldly.

Luo Zheng heard that it made sense. Animals would not run around after entering the dense forest, but would instinctively walk in a safe direction. The same goes for people. In terms of this instinct, there is no difference between humans and beasts. If you find the path that the beast has walked, you can Being able to know the route a person has taken may not be 100% accurate, but it makes sense.

It is not too difficult for Luo Zheng to find the route that the beast passes by. The trampled grass, broken branches, feces, etc. are all clues. Lan Xue's cold voice is heard again: "Whether it is in In the mountain forest covered by trees, or on a hillside covered with grass, if you lower your head and look closely, you can't find any trace of the road at all. Only from a distance, dozens of meters away, can you vaguely see a slightly slanting grass branch and blades of grass. The traces of slight tilt and slight turning on the back of the leaves, and then from far to near, from near to far, and after comparing the far and near, you can tell the way."

Luo Zheng realized that Lan Xue was teaching him skills and took note of them carefully.

The two taught while walking, and before they knew it, at noon, they arrived at the place where they fought last time. Lan Xue picked some herbs on the way and applied them to the wound. The bleeding in the wound stopped and the inflammation was also contained. This made Luo Zheng feel relieved. He was able to find it successfully. Luo Zheng was very happy. This showed that the method taught by Lan Xue was effective. He quickly searched around and found no marching bag. It was probably taken away by the enemy, but the machete Still there, Luo Zheng asked Lan Xue to find a place to sit down and rest, and then he fiddled with a pheasant he had hunted along the way.

There was no water around, so I couldn't wash off the skin, and I couldn't make a fire. I couldn't help but think about it. In the past, I would put tinder on my body when hunting, so I didn't have to worry about lighting a fire. Lan Xue, not far away, seemed to have seen through the embarrassed Luo Zheng's thoughts, and said lightly : "Now I will teach you the second trick to survive in the wild, which is to make a fire out of nothing."

"Oh, okay." Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He had long been interested in the fire Lan Xue burned last time, but he couldn't ask more questions due to privacy concerns. He didn't expect Lan Xue to take the initiative to teach and listen seriously.

"First of all, you need to find flammable fire starters. Such as dead grass, dry leaves, birch bark, pine needles, rosin, twigs, paper, cotton, etc." Lan Xue said lightly, looking towards the unknown distance. Knowing what he was thinking, he continued with chapped lips: "The second thing is to pick up firewood. For dry firewood, choose dry, undecayed trunks or branches, and try to choose pine, oak, oak, birch, locust, mountain. Hardwoods such as cherries and apricots have a long burning time, strong fires and a lot of charcoal. Do not pick up firewood close to the ground. Firewood close to the ground has high humidity, is not easy to burn, and smokes a lot."

Luo Zheng saw that Lan Xue was not teaching skills to solve current problems, but more comprehensive wilderness survival skills, which could be used in the present, so he quickly took note of them.

"The next step is to drill wood to make fire. First find a dry tree stump, use a knife to dig a small hole, and put the fire starter into the small hole. There should not be too many, preferably pine needles, tree down, etc., and then find Hard wood, clamp it with your palms and rotate it." Lan Xue glanced at Luo Zheng lightly, and saw Luo Zheng sitting down and listening carefully. She was not impatient at all, and got to know Luo Zheng more deeply. She changed the topic and asked: "Everyone remember?"

"Yes." Luo Zheng nodded and agreed with confidence.

Lan Xue had no doubts. Until now, she was very curious about Luo Zheng's various performances, especially Luo Zheng's ability to secretly shoot the wild wolf mercenaries. Lan Xue didn't know how Luo Zheng did it, and didn't ask. But I knew very well in my heart that this Luo Zheng was very familiar with survival in the wild jungle and had very high potential. After thinking about it, he suddenly said: "You are very suitable to be a sniper."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue in surprise. He was just a border guard, not even a scout. He was far away from the sniper, the most mysterious existence of the special forces. He smiled bitterly and said: "I hope, hardwood rotates at high speed to generate heat energy. When the heat energy reaches the boiling point, the tinder will burn, but the tinder is too small after all. If the wind is strong, it will be easily blown out. What should I do next?"

"You are right." Seeing that Luo Zheng was very aware of the problem, Lan Xue continued: "The next step is to clear out an open space that is sheltered from the wind, flat, away from dead grass and dry firewood, and lightly place thin pine branches on it. , thin dry firewood, etc., then set up larger and longer firewood, then place the lighted kindling in the middle and blow it gently."

Luo Zheng nodded, and Lan Xue continued: "The setting of the fire should be adapted to local conditions. It can be designed in a cone shape, a star shape, a side-by-side shape, a roof shape, a pasture shape, etc. You can also use stones to support dry firewood or place it on the ground. Under the rock wall, lean the dry firewood against the rock wall, place fire starters underneath and light it. Generally, dig a pit about 1 meter in diameter and 30 centimeters deep in a sheltered area. If the ground is hard and cannot be dug, You can also find some stones to form a circle in the pit. The size of the circle depends on the size of the fire. Then place the kindling in the middle of the circle, put some dry firewood on top, and then light the kindling to ignite the dry firewood to form a bonfire. If the dry wood has not ignited when the kindling is about to burn out, you should continue to add kindling from the gaps in the dry wood until the dry wood is burning, rather than re-lighting the fire."

"I'll give it a try, you take a rest." Luo Zheng saw Lan Xue start coughing and immediately dissuaded him. The fever had just subsided and he was still very weak. After walking for half a day, it was not easy to persevere, so he followed Lan Xue's instructions. The method is to find some stones and soil to form a circle, then find kindling and dry firewood, and finally drill wood to make a fire, ignite the kindling, gently blow the fire up and put it inside the dried vegetables. The fire will soon become strong.

Looking at the lit bonfire, Luo Zheng smiled happily. He could make a fire without any trouble, so he would not have to worry about surviving in the wild in the future. He gratefully said to Lan Xue: "Thank you."

Lan Xue nodded noncommittally and closed her eyes to rest. Luo Zheng found soft mud and wrapped the pheasant outside, then dug a hole in the ground, placed the pheasant in the hole, put a thin layer of soil on top, and then put the pheasant in the pit. A bonfire was brought over and burned on top of the pheasant.

After finishing all this, Luo Zheng also sat down to rest, and heard Lan Xue suddenly say: "Next, I will teach you the third move, silent communication, which is military sign language."

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