The strongest soldier

Chapter 15 Catching up with the enemy

What happened in the past two days was so sudden. Luo Zheng felt like he was in a dream. His comrades were massacred, powerful enemies, narrow escapes several times, and now he met Lan Xue, who gave him everything he had. The world has really changed, and he doesn’t know why. It's time to catch up with the enemy. With the enemy's strength, he must have run far away. Why is Lan Xue so sure that he can catch up? There must be something that he doesn't know.

Gradually, Luo Zheng became a little sleepy. He quickly stood up and moved a few times, adding firewood to the bonfire to ensure the surrounding temperature. The heavy rain was still falling. The rainwater fell through the dense canopy and fell on the awning, along with the rain cover. The broad leaves above the shed slid down, but neither the bonfire nor the people under the shelter were affected in any way.

The rain stopped at midnight. Luo Zheng found a place to sit down and adjusted his breathing using the breathing method passed down from his family to quickly recover his physical strength. He soon entered an ethereal state. In this state, if danger approached, I could feel it for the first time, but fortunately, nothing happened overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, Luo Zheng opened his eyes and saw Lan Xue changing his dressing, revealing a large area of ​​fair skin, full of elasticity and youthfulness. Luo Zheng couldn't help but be fascinated, and heard a voice asking: "It looks good. ?"

"It looks good." Luo Zheng said sincerely. Suddenly he realized something was wrong. He turned away awkwardly and said, "Wait a moment. I'll get some food. I'll be back soon."

Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng who left in a panic and couldn't help but smile. The lilies bloomed after the wild rain in the Foshan Mountains. They were pure, beautiful and elegant. The whole forest seemed to be full of life. Thinking of her own life experience, Lan Xue His face turned cold for a moment and returned to a cold expression. The air around him seemed to freeze. He fiddled with the bonfire on the ground that was about to go out, and he fell into deep thought.

I don’t know how long it took, Luo Zheng hurried over and saw that the bonfire was about to be extinguished. Lan Xue was still thinking about something and didn’t pay attention at all. He hurried up, added some dry firewood to the bonfire, and then put the hunted pheasants He buried them under the mud pit and roasted them, then increased the fire a lot.

Lan Xue glanced at Luo Zheng awkwardly, but quickly regained her coolness. She looked up at the sky, then at the watch on her hand, checking her weapon. Luo Zheng didn't ask any more questions. Everyone has their own secrets, although Lan Xue is selfless. Taught combat skills, but not yet familiar enough to share secrets, also inspected weapons.

Half an hour later, the two of them ate some food and hurried on. Lan Xue's wounds had scabbed over, which did not affect their walking much. The two of them speeded up a lot. At noon, Lan Xue saw Luo Zheng preparing to find a place to get something to eat. Suddenly Said: "We must speed up. If you are hungry, eat some wild fruits. Let's talk about dinner."

"That's fine." Luo Zheng didn't ask why and agreed casually. The two of them speeded up a bit again, almost trotting forward in the jungle. Too much time had been wasted. Luo Zheng was worried about the enemy escaping, so it would be better to speed up the march. , if the enemy is allowed to escape and cannot face his comrades who died tragically, Luo Zheng will never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

Along the way, Lan Xue kept observing underground traces and found clues from them, such as a tiny broken branch, a specious footprint, a piece of bark rubbed off by something, etc., from which he judged the direction and route, and combined this The tracking skills were taught to Luo Zheng without reservation. Luo Zheng, who was born as a hunter, learned these things quickly and mastered them after just one lesson. This surprised Lan Xue, but he didn't ask any more questions.

At dusk, the two came to a canyon and found an abandoned camp in a forest. Lan Xue observed it for a while and said with determination: "Look at the traces on the ground, the burned soil, the enemy is camping here." But, the moonlight is pretty tonight, we’ll be traveling all night, is there any problem?”

Luo Zheng looked carefully at the marks left on the ground and said, "No problem."

"That's good. Get some food first. You can't light a fire to make food before you go forward. Roast all the food you hunt and take it with you. Maybe it will be used later. You have to remember that the jungle battle is the most difficult. The key point is to always prepare a retreat for yourself, which includes ammunition, food, etc.," Lan Xue said.

"Remember." Luo Zheng nodded solemnly and agreed, not daring to be careless. Lan Xue's instructions were very important.

The two of them started to cook the food together. After eating and drinking, they roasted the remaining food into dried meat and took it with them. They continued on their way. The moonlight was bright at night and the visibility was high. The two of them marched quickly in the deep forest, like wolves looking for prey. , the movement is swift but silent.

In the middle of the night, Luo Zheng, who hadn't slept for three days, felt that he couldn't hold on any longer. Seeing Lan Xue, who was seriously injured and recovering from a serious illness, he gritted his teeth and persisted. Thinking of his brother who died tragically, he cheered up, gritted his teeth and followed, while using family heirlooms. The breathing method adjusted his breathing. Gradually, Luo Zheng felt that his physical strength was recovering and he was no longer sleepy. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He didn't expect that the breathing method passed down from his family could also work when walking. It was great.

Lan Xue didn't know that Luo Zheng had a breathing method that could speed up the recovery of physical strength and energy. He could survive three days without a good rest. He had a higher understanding of Luo Zheng's potential and had more expectations. Without saying anything, Continuing to move forward at a steady speed, it was early in the morning. The two of them suddenly saw green smoke floating in the woods in front of them and stopped immediately.

"Could it be an enemy?" Luo Zheng asked, breathing heavily. His skill was still not enough.

"Probably." Lan Xue was also very tired, holding on to a big tree to catch her breath. She had just recovered from a serious illness and was injured again. The fact that she could persevere until now shows how strong she is.

"What should we do?" Luo Zheng picked up the M16A4 automatic rifle and loaded the bullet. He looked eager to try. With brotherly hatred, Luo Zheng couldn't wait any longer.

"Do you think you'll be invincible if you learn something?" Lan Xue struck without hesitation, and her cold tone made Luo Zheng calm down immediately. At this time, Lan Xue raised the sniper rifle and looked through the sniper scope. After a while, Lan Xue put down the gun and said with a livid face: "They can't run away. Rest in place for ten minutes."

Luo Zheng wanted to say something, but when he saw Lan Xue's murderous look, he swallowed his words. Lan Xue glanced at Luo Zheng and said: "At any time, only by protecting yourself can you kill the enemy. With what you and I have now In this state, if you go up rashly, you will die, so take out the food."

"Yes." Luo Zheng suddenly realized it, secretly cursing himself for being too reckless, and quickly took out the dried meat to share.

Luo Zheng had the breathing technique, and Lan Xue had a good physique. Ten minutes later, the two of them fully recovered their physical strength. They stood up in tacit agreement and walked forward, checking their weapons as they walked. No one said anything. On a hillside, the two of them I saw a group of people in front of me sharing food around a campfire.

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