The strongest soldier

Chapter 1161 Agreeing on tactics

After determining the combat policy, the next step is to formulate a combat plan. The policy is only a general direction, while the plan is the specific means and a tactical issue. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng, who was in charge of tactics. Seeing Luo Zheng looking at the electronic screen in deep thought, everyone Knowing Luo Zheng's habit of thinking about problems, they all kept quiet. The conference room was quiet, and everyone did not dare to express their anger for fear of interrupting Luo Zheng's train of thought.

After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously: "Impostor, sow discord; create chaos, fish in troubled waters."

"How?" Hong Meihua asked in surprise, and the others pricked up their ears.

"Look." Luo Zheng pointed at the electronic screen and said: "Since the ninjas are mixed with the fake drug dealers of the Vietnamese army, the ninjas are wearing ninja uniforms, only showing a pair of eyes, and there is no discernible appearance. We pretend to be ninjas, Become an imposter, and then hunt down fake drug dealers in Yue Kingdom everywhere. The more ruthless you kill, the more you can harmonize the relationship between ninjas and these fake drug dealers, and achieve the purpose of creating chaos. As for fishing in troubled waters, this depends on the specific effects and timing. Machine decision."

"It makes sense. This way, even if you stand in front of the drug dealers in public, they won't be able to recognize you. It's easier to hide your identity and achieve the purpose of surprise attack. Most of you can speak some Japanese, so it's easy to get through. I think you can , what do you think?" Hong Meihua's eyes lit up and she said in surprise.

"Yes, but you need to lock down the specific location and strength of the fake drug dealers to achieve the effect of a surprise attack. This counterfeiting method can be used once or twice. The enemy is not stupid and is easy to detect. Then it will be difficult to sow discord. If you don't take action, then you will hit their vital points and achieve the purpose of sowing discord." Lan Xue suggested with a serious face.

"There is a question. If we succeed in sowing discord, how can we achieve the combat policy of attacking in the east and attacking in the west?" Snow Leopard suddenly asked.

"Do you want to say that the Ninjas will not send anyone to help when there is a dispute between the Yue Kingdom and the Yue Kingdom?" Luo Zheng looked at Snow Leopard and asked. Seeing Snow Leopard nodding, Luo Zheng smiled and said, "Don't worry about this, there is no relationship between the two countries. Due to personal grudges, Japan cannot give up its alliance with Yue. It will definitely send high-level officials to mediate, explain, gain understanding from Yue, and send more experts to assist in the arrest, because Japan does not know that they are the ones we really want to deal with. ."

"It makes sense. When the time comes, we will find a way to find the senior officials sent by the Japanese country to mediate, pretend to be Vietnamese soldiers and ambush them. This conflict will be even greater, and the water will be muddy. If the two countries conflict, we will sit on the mountain. Watching the tiger fight, if the two countries continue the peace talks, we will make a false shot and kill the Japanese country." Guishou said excitedly.

"That's the truth. Do you have any different opinions or additional opinions?" Hong Meihua said with a smile.

Everyone shook their heads to show that they had no objections, and Hong Meihua smiled and said: "The preliminary tactical arrangements have been finalized. I will work out the details and report them to the organization. Your task is to restore physical condition and combat status as soon as possible. Handle equipment issues and intelligence issues. Let me and Blue Star handle it, what’s the problem?”

Everyone looked at each other, and Luo Zheng saw that everyone had no problem, so he said: "I have a problem. There is no problem with the equipment and language of the fake ninja this time, but there is one problem, and that is the sword skill, the ninja's sword skill. I propose to report it. Headquarters, please ask King Tiger to personally teach us our sword skills. If we can give it a month, everyone will have a greater chance of completing the mission."

"It makes sense, I agree." Lan Xue said.

When others heard this, they also felt that it made sense. Although they all learned the invisible sword technique, it was not very strong. It really needed the guidance of a famous teacher. As the combat effectiveness increased, everyone's survivability also increased, and the chance of walking off the battlefield alive was also low. If it's high, no one will object to this kind of thing.

Hong Meihua thought it made sense, and said, "Okay, I'll take care of this. I just used this opportunity to invite the Tiger King over. Do you have any questions?"

"No." everyone said in unison.

"Okay, let's break up the meeting." Hong Meihua said.

Everyone got up, walked outside, returned to the dormitory, put on training clothes, and started high-intensity training. They rested for almost two months. Although they did a lot of restorative training in the second month, their physical condition was not very good. , this needs to be stimulated through high-intensity training and even extreme training to reach the peak state. Only then can everyone display their true combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

Hong Meihua returned to her office, sorted out a briefing and printed it out. She knocked on Wu Jin's office and saluted after entering. "Director, we have formulated a rough battle plan. Please take a look."

"Huh? So fast?" Wu Jin took it in surprise and motioned Hong Meihua to sit down on the sofa to talk. He also sat down and read the plan. The plan was just a briefing, not long. The key points were listed. Wu Jin looked at it. It was very fast, and I started to think deeply after reading it.

After a while, Wu Jin suddenly opened his eyes, and a light flashed. Wu Jin said happily: "This plan is feasible. I agree in principle. You can quickly formulate a detailed plan and submit it to the organization for approval. As for King Tiger, he serves as a swordsmanship instructor at the headquarters. I am very busy every day. I will certainly have objections from other brother departments when I open a small stove for you. However, you have found a good reason. King Tiger hates Japanese pirates the most in his life, especially ninjas. I will tell him, I believe he will agree. ."

"Thank you, Director." Hong Meihua said in surprise.

"I still like you to call me head, even if it's captain. This title of director feels a bit awkward." Wu Jin said with a wry smile.

"Just get used to it, it's all the same, just a title." Hong Meihua said with a smile.

"Yes, this is a human life. In the final analysis, it is a matter of mentality. It seems that I have some official-oriented thinking. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Tell your fourth squadron that I will always be everyone's captain, and I am of the same mind as everyone. , feel free to carry out the mission, I will take care of anything." Wu Jin's face became solemn and he warned seriously.

"With these words, our hearts are at ease." Hong Meihua said gratefully.

"In comparison, you have two good assistants. Lan Xue's political acumen, combat effectiveness and organizational ability are very strong. Luo Zheng is a rare tactical genius for us, and his combat effectiveness is also very strong, which just makes up for your shortcomings. The three of you are a perfect match. Coupled with the cohesion of the team, I am full of expectations for your future. I have a hunch that this time you may be a tiger that is released from the gate and will break the sky. But don't worry, even if it is The earthquake shook the sky, and I carried it for you." Wu Jin said sincerely.

"Thank you, head." Hong Meihua also feels this way in her heart. This mission is more like revenge. Who knows what will happen? With Wu Jin's guarantee, Hong Meihua felt a little more at ease.

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