The strongest soldier

Chapter 1160 Border Murder

The next morning, the conference room of the Fourth Squadron of the National Security Agency Secret Service.

This is a formal summary meeting after everyone returns from their first mission. The meeting includes all members of the squadron, as well as Wu Jin, the director of the Secret Service. The two deputy directors are the former captain of the intelligence brigade and the captain of the equipment brigade. Mr. Li is also rare. participated in this summary meeting, which shows the importance attached to the Fourth Squadron.

As the captain of the Fourth Squadron, Hongmeihua first welcomed Mr. Li and others to join the meeting on behalf of everyone. Then she analyzed the lessons learned and shortcomings of the mission, and gave all the credit to everyone. The analysis was very in place, and the approach of not being greedy for credit was also Everyone was in awe, and everyone responded with warm applause.

After that, Mr. Li gave a speech, affirming the contribution of the Fourth Squadron and putting forward some encouraging words. The director and the three deputy directors also spoke one by one. Finally, Lan Xue and Luo Zheng also said a few words. The summary meeting was considered as It was over, Mr. Li and the three directors left.

As soon as several senior officials left, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became lively, and everyone felt a lot more free. Hong Meihua signaled to close the door and said: "Brothers, now behind closed doors, we can talk about our own business. The first task was successfully completed, and the superiors gave full recognition." , this is a good thing, but there is also a problem, that is, we have completely become enemies with the Eight-Nation Allied Forces. After discussions between the two squadron leaders and I, we will definitely fight back one by one and take revenge. The first target is the Japanese pirates. Are you willing to kill the Japanese with us? ?"

"Yes." Everyone stood up and shouted, their blood boiling and their eyes brightened by Hong Meihua's words. Killing others may not be very motivated, but killing Japanese is different. The hatred of ancestors, the hatred of sacrificing brothers, and the conflicts between nations, It cannot be done in a day or two, and only blood can wash away all of it.

"Everyone, be quiet." After Hong Meihua signaled everyone to be quiet, she glanced at Luo Zheng and Lan Xue, and continued: "This is our second mission, to destroy the Juhua Club. The superiors have submitted approval to allow us to act, but we need a specific plan. , today is just a briefing, I hope everyone will not leak it, otherwise, it will be punished with treason."

"Yes." Everyone is a very disciplined person, so they naturally know the dangers of leaking secrets, so they agreed.

"I just received news that in the past month, ninjas have repeatedly appeared on the country's western border. They have joined drug trafficking organizations, either three to five people, or more than a dozen people, to assist drug trafficking organizations in smuggling across the border and massacring our anti-drug armed police officers. Their methods are ruthless and shocking. People's hair points, let's see." Red Plum Blossom said and gave Blue Star a look.

Blue Star knowingly projected the pictures one by one on the big screen. Everyone could clearly see the soldiers and policemen who were massacred. Some had their heads chopped off, some had their hands and feet chopped off, and some even turned blue all over. It was obvious that they had been killed. The scene was very tragic as a result of the forceful infusion of drugs. Everyone's anger was immediately ignited and they began to curse angrily. It was so arrogant.

It was also the first time for Luo Zheng to see these pictures. He was not so angry that he lost his mind. He calmly pondered, why have there been more ninjas on the western border this month? Is it revenge? Last time we killed a lot of Japanese pirates in the primeval forest. This time we also ambushed several times in the country and killed a lot of ninjas. With the country tightening security, the ninjas couldn't find an opportunity to strike. Could it be that they went to the border to cause trouble?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but froze, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he stared at the screen. A video was playing on the screen. An armed police special service was ambushing a drug-trafficking force. At this time, the armed police rushed up from behind. More armed drug dealers and a dozen people dressed as ninjas surrounded them from all sides. This armed police force had no choice but to die for its country.

At the end of the video, everyone was silent, with cold faces, and invisible murderous intent brewing in their hearts. As a soldier, this is a shame, and it can only be washed away with the blood of the enemy. Everyone looked at the red plum blossoms, and the red plum blossoms looked at Luo Zheng, He signaled Luo Zheng to say a few words.

Luo Zheng nodded knowingly, stood up, and said coldly: "Brothers."

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng with stern eyes, their faces livid and their ears pricked up.

"This is a premeditated massacre and a premeditated counterattack by ninjas. Don't you think it's strange? When did we have so many ninjas on our western border? Also, those drug dealers look well-trained, from their running postures and Judging from the way he holds the gun, he looks more like a soldier, which means that this is a premeditated revenge against our country, and it may be directed at us." Luo Zhenghan said coldly.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being shocked and stared at the screen. The scene frozen on the screen was the scene of drug dealers charging. After Luo Zheng's reminder, everyone found that these drug dealers were indeed different and looked like soldiers. Everyone's expressions suddenly changed. Seriously, drug dealers and soldiers are two different concepts. If they are really soldiers, it means a larger military operation, a war between countries.

Hongmeihua nodded appreciatively to Luo Zheng, and finally said: "Yes, these people are indeed soldiers, and their identities have been verified. They are a retaliatory counterattack by the Yue Kingdom and Japanese pirates against us. They suffered a loss in the virgin forest. To seek revenge from us, what I mean above is that it would be best if we could teach these yellow-skinned monkeys a lesson, but we cannot and must destroy the headquarters of the Juhua Club."

"Okay, I agree. These yellow-skinned monkeys like to jump around so much that they really think they are the gods of war. Give them an order." Ghost Hand said coldly.

"Yes, give the order." Everyone's anger was ignited, and they all agreed, looking at the red plum blossoms with burning eyes, eager to jump into the battlefield and fight the enemy immediately.

Hong Meihua looked at Luo Zheng, and Luo Zheng said knowingly: "Don't worry, everyone, listen to me, revenge must be avenged. The higher-ups must also know the conspiracy behind this matter, so they let us take action. This is for us. Trust is also a test for us, so we cannot be impulsive, let alone act blindly.”

Everyone fell silent and looked at Luo Zheng with their ears raised.

Luo Zheng continued: "The mission above is to destroy the headquarters of the Juhua Society. It is at the foot of Fushan Mountain in the Japanese Kingdom. The monkeys of the Yue Kingdom are in the west. They are not the same place. I have an idea. To attack the east and west, we attack the Yue Kingdom first. The ninjas of the Juhua Society will definitely They will come to help, and when the time comes we suddenly attack their headquarters, what do you think?"

After everyone heard this, they began to think deeply. Lan Xue secretly nodded to Hong Meihua as usual and supported Luo Zheng unreservedly. Hong Meihua thought for a moment and nodded secretly, but did not express her position. Such a big battle plan cannot be easily voted on in public. , needs to be kept secret, even if the conference room is full of brothers who live and die together.

Hong Meihua immediately announced the adjournment of the meeting, leaving behind officers such as Luo Zheng, Lan Xing, Gui Shou, Shan Diao and Snow Leopard. After everyone else left, Hong Meihua said seriously: "The combat policy can be formulated according to attacking in the east and attacking in the west, but the specific plan needs to be After consultation, we will discuss it first and make sure it is ready for submission."

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