The strongest soldier

Chapter 1162 Practicing sword skills

The next morning at the training hall, Luo Zheng and others stood in stone rows, calmly staring at King Tiger standing proudly in front of him. He had been back for a while, and his good mood and good nutrition had made King Tiger gain a lot of weight. , but even more powerful. Wearing a decent training uniform, his whole body exudes an aura of looking down on the world, which is heart-breaking.

The Tiger King glanced at Luo Zheng with satisfaction, glanced at the whole audience, and shouted: "Everyone, I have heard about your situation. Because you are going to kill the Japanese, I am standing here to open a small stove for you. If I hear about you, If you slip up at the critical moment, have diarrhea, or talk nonsense, you'd better not come back, otherwise, I will definitely beat your butts, do you understand?"

"Yes." Everyone shouted, a feverish blood surged up, and the fighting spirit was high.

"Very good, I won't say any more nonsense, please listen to me." Tiger King looked solemn and shouted: "The Moon Stick, the Nian Dao, the Lifelong Spear, and the Treasure Sword are all about the mastery of these four weapons. Difficulty, it takes at least one year to practice swordsmanship, and it is still a small success. If you want to achieve great success, it takes three years for those with extraordinary talents, and five years for those with ordinary talents. You have studied for a while, and now you only have one month reserved for me. It will take one month. It is impossible to learn the sword in a short period of time, I will try my best to teach you, and you should also learn from me, otherwise, don’t blame me for falling out."

"Yes." Everyone said with high emotions. As long as the Tiger King is willing to teach the life-saving tricks with all his heart, if you don't learn, you will be a fool, and no one will make fun of their own lives.

"Listen up, I will only say what I said once." Tiger King continued to shout with satisfaction: "Since ancient times, sword moves have been heavy and fierce. Compared with swords, sword skills have wide opening and closing, and there are fewer changes but the power is not reduced. A single sword looks at the hand, and a double sword looks at the movement. The hand holding the sword and the footwork are extremely important in swordsmanship. As for the moves, there are no more than eight methods: sweeping, chopping, poking, cutting, plundering, killing, cutting, and sudden. Even the Japanese pirates Even your sword skills cannot escape this category."

It was the first time for everyone to hear this summative experience, and they felt novel. Each of them pricked up their ears, for fear of missing a word. You must know that these are all words of experience. They can save lives on the battlefield. Of course, how much can you understand? It all depends on the individual's talent. This is what the so-called master leads the individual to practice.

Luo Zheng also listened carefully, while thinking about the key, wondering if the sword skill and his own fatal nail were combined, would it be more powerful? One-handed swords and one-handed deadly nails are theoretically possible, but mastering them requires multitasking. This is a bit difficult. Luo Zheng plans to go back and find an opportunity to ask the Tiger King for advice.

At this time, the Tiger King continued: "My invisible sword technique draws on the experience of the ancients, and at the same time it jumps out of this category. The avenue is invisible, but it can conceive the world. The same is true for the sword technique. If it is invisible, there will be no trace. If you don't stick to one pattern, it will evolve into all shapes, without being restricted by any material, thinking or other factors. You must remember that the biggest shape is no shape, and the best move is no move. Just like Lao Tzu said, do nothing and do everything. ."

Philosophy is a theoretical system about the nature of the world, the fundamental laws of development, and the fundamental relationship between human thinking and existence. In other words, the highest state of development of any thing is philosophy, and the same is true for martial arts. Everyone seems to understand but not understand. , but vaguely felt that a wonderful door to martial arts had opened. For fear of missing a word, they held their breath and stared at the Tiger King, not daring to be distracted at all.

Tiger King did not explain too much and continued: "The invisible sword technique originated from Laozi's thought of inaction. The way of nature is inaction. If you insist on inaction, there will be action. To put it simply, all things in the world are in conflict with each other, and the moves are the same. There are traces to follow. In front of masters, you will be restrained and it will be difficult to exert your combat effectiveness. If you don't even have any moves, how can the opponent defeat you? So, forget about those pitiful moves, even if the army you have learned will kill you with one hit. Killing techniques are also traceable moves."

Everyone's expressions became surprised. You must know that the army's one-hit kill technique is a magic weapon that everyone relies on for survival. If they forget it, what will happen on the battlefield? Everyone couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng, only to find that Luo Zheng was meditating on something with his eyes closed, as if he had a higher level of enlightenment. They couldn't help but be startled, and they immediately realized that the so-called forgetting does not mean not using it, but using an invisible way. Express.

When King Tiger said this, he stopped and gave everyone time to think. Seeing everyone thinking silently and with solemn expressions, he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as everyone can think and think, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle. Wait. After a while, King Tiger couldn't help but smile when he saw the expressions of surprise on some people's faces, obviously gaining something.

After a while, everyone's eyes gradually became eager. King Tiger saw this scene and said with satisfaction: "Yes, it seems you have thought of something. The invisible sword technique focuses on the invisible, but there is a set of footwork and mental techniques to coordinate. The footwork allows you to avoid the opponent's attacks, and the mind method allows you to control your breathing as you wish and maximize your strength. When a person's breathing is blocked or bifurcated, his strength will be weakened, which is what we usually say. If you can’t lift it up in one breath, and you can’t breathe properly, how can you fight?”

Everyone understood this and laughed. King Tiger began to teach footwork and mental skills. The two need to be used in conjunction, so they were taught together and demonstrated on the spot. Footwork and mental skills are the core things. Children who are not directly passed on will not be taught. If we look back on ancient times, there is a saying that it is passed down from within but not to outsiders.

Tiger King spared no effort in teaching everyone, which made everyone feel grateful. Each and every one of them studied seriously. They are all well-trained elite warriors. This kind of fighting skills can be understood at a glance. In addition, Tiger King, a master of swordsmanship, provides one-on-one guidance and teaches students in accordance with their aptitude. Press, you learn quickly.

In the following days, except for the extreme training of military skills in the morning, everyone practiced martial arts in the training hall at other times. Until late at night, they used the long knives of the Japanese pirates, which have been renamed Dragon Ya. Luo Zheng and others used them. The ones used by others were captured, and the ones used by the others were specially made by the equipment brigade.

Luo Zheng privately communicated with the Tiger King about the idea of ​​combining sword skills with the deadly nails. After the Tiger King tested Luo Zheng's deadly nails, he immediately formulated a targeted training method for Luo Zheng and trained him personally. , Luo Zheng's sword skills improved very quickly, and he seemed to have the demeanor of a master, which made the Tiger King very happy.

A month later, everyone's sword skills have improved a lot. King Tiger left, and everyone gathered in the conference room to hold a mobilization meeting before the mission. All three action teams participated. The mission was even heavier, and no one could Young Master, Hong Meihua saw that everyone had been practicing hard day and night for a month, and their energy and spirit had changed. It was obvious that they had gained a lot. She was secretly happy for everyone, and also happy that the fourth squadron's combat effectiveness had improved. She said: "Brothers, all Thank you for your hard work, it’s time to attack, are you all ready?”

"Ready." Everyone shouted in unison, with fighting spirit rising.

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