The strongest soldier

Chapter 110 Obtaining information

Soon, out of the corner of his eye, Luo Zheng spotted a high-power walkie-talkie on the table next to him. He couldn't help but feel happy. He quickly put it away, opened the drawer and saw that it was empty. He looked at other items, but there was still nothing. There was no satisfactory harvest. Luo Zheng I looked around depressedly and was about to leave when I saw a leather bag hanging behind the door.

Luo Zheng rushed forward in surprise, opened his bag and took a look. Inside was a map with place names marked in foreign characters. Some thick arrows were drawn on the map. Luo Zheng saw that the thick arrows were centered on one place and spread around. It should be this group. He didn't have time to study his tactical deployment in detail, so he put the map away close to his body.

There were footsteps outside and someone knocked on the door. Luo Zheng was startled and hid behind the door. Thinking of a way to escape, he saw a window next to the bed. The second floor was not too high. He could jump down. Luo Zheng Just as he was about to take action, the door was pushed open and a bearded middle-aged man walked in, shouting something and looking anxious.

Fortunately, there was no follower behind this person. When Luo Zheng saw the other person entering the door, he ran straight to the bed. He did not find that the person on the bed was dead. Luo Zheng quickly closed the door and rushed forward, locking the other person's neck and holding his hands behind his back. With one stroke of his dagger, his throat was cut directly.

After killing this person, Luo Zheng searched the other person's body and found nothing, so he pulled off the nameplate from the other person's neck, then took off the nameplate from the neck of the murdered person on the bed and put it away, opened the window, and put his head in. When he saw that there was no one on the village road below, Luo Zheng was so happy that he turned over and jumped down.

After landing, Luo Zheng felt someone coming, so he turned the corner and rushed into the room diagonally opposite. He was shocked to find that there were people in the room. Two women, one old and one young, were cooking. When they saw Luo Zheng come in, they all jumped. Stunned, Luo Zheng secretly thought something was wrong. He rushed forward with two swords and chopped the two women unconscious. Although he knew that these people had a close relationship with the East Turkestan Movement, Luo Zheng still could not kill him. .

After leaving the two of them behind, Luo Zheng quickly came to the door, opened a crack in the door and looked outside. There were about a dozen armed men running over in a hurry, not knowing what they were doing. After the group of people passed, Luo Zheng quickly went out and came towards Shi Fang ran wildly, and soon discovered that there was a huge crowd not far away and a fire was rising into the sky. Many people were putting out the fire. It was the room where he set fire for the second time.

The fire created chaos. Luo Zheng secretly rejoiced. He rushed over and blended in with the crowd. Everyone was busy putting out the fire. The monstrous fire spread to all directions. The villagers and militants were extremely anxious. No one paid attention to Luo Zheng who had mixed into the crowd. Luo Zheng took the opportunity to evacuate quickly.

Not long after, there was chaos again in front, and many people were putting out the fire. It was the room where I set the first fire. It was completely burned. The fire was devouring everything around it fiercely. There was no way to stop it. Some people were trying to grab it. He cried bitterly and wanted to rush into the room. Several people nearby tried to persuade him, and more people were helping to evacuate the crowd and trying to isolate the fire. A basin of water would not do the trick.

Luo Zheng hid in the crowd and evacuated secretly. He found a direction to leave the village and came to the river. The chaotic village completely lost its command and everyone went to put out the fire. The grenades planted were no longer needed. Luo Zheng simply picked up the grenades and put them away. Feeling that there was someone in the bushes not far away, I couldn't help but be startled. I ducked and hid, and started to observe vigilantly.

"Are they Brother Luo Zheng?" a voice shouted softly.

When Luo Zheng heard that it was familiar, he couldn't help but smile after thinking about it again, and responded softly: "Is it the captain?"

"It's me." A man emerged from the bushes, it was the scholar. Luo Zheng ran up to him in surprise and said, "Why are you here? Is everyone okay?"

"I'm here to pick you up. Everyone is fine. But you, why are you in this state? If I weren't familiar with your figure, I almost didn't recognize you. This is not the place to talk. Let's retreat first." The scholar whispered.

Luo Zheng agreed and retreated quickly, running about 500 meters. The two stopped to rest behind a slope. The scholar asked in surprise: "Brother, you set the fire, right? Create chaos and evacuate. It’s a great idea, by the way, what’s going on inside?”

"Hey, it's a joke, take a look at this." Luo Zheng said happily. He had gained a lot of information during this infiltration, especially the map. He finally had some clues and was in a good mood. He took out the map and handed it to the scholar.

The scholar opened the map and looked at it for a while, his face became serious. Luo Zheng also stared at the map. He was in danger before and had no time to take a closer look. After being out of danger, his mood was different. He looked extra carefully and soon discovered something unusual. Where he was, his face became solemn.

"Brother, you are right. With this map, we don't have to bump into each other like headless flies. Also, judging from the thick lines drawn on the map, this village may be a temporary headquarters, commanding interceptions and killings. Our base camp is unexpectedly unexpected, but you are lucky." The scholar said seriously.

"No, the captain is being humble. Judging from the lines above, these people set up a big net. We were lucky enough to come through the gap in the net, avoid the three interception lines, and hit the last line head-on. We fought a battle and then came to the enemy's headquarters. Speaking of which, we are really lucky, but other participating teams may not have such good luck and may still be fighting the enemy on the outside." Luo Zheng said politely.

"What you said makes sense. In this case, let's go back and meet everyone first, and then discuss the next action. Let's go." The scholar said, after putting the drawings away, he bent down and ran over quickly. Luo Zheng waited for a while, and saw if If there is any danger, follow him quickly.

Not long after, everyone gathered together. The gardener who collected herbs had returned and applied medicine to the farmer. The scholar took out the map. Luo Zheng briefly talked about what he had discovered in the village. Everyone heard that the villagers and the militants were a group. Yes, the village is the headquarters, and everyone is very angry. They have a higher opinion of Luo Zheng's judgment. At first, Luo Zheng did not agree to enter the village, and everyone did not take it seriously. As a result, they were ambushed. If Luo Zheng hadn't cut off the rear, now Maybe everyone has already sacrificed their lives for the country. Death is not terrible. Soldiers have the consciousness to die on the battlefield, but it still depends on how they die, right?

Everyone studied the map for a while and exchanged opinions. Finally, the scholar said seriously: "Brothers, according to the situation detected by Brother Luo Zheng, the enemy leader has been killed and the command system has been lost. This command headquarters exists in name only. This big network It may not work. What should we do next? Should we leave or stay? How should we leave? How should we stay? Let’s talk about it and brainstorm ideas.”

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