The strongest soldier

Chapter 109 Creating Chaos

After crossing the one-meter-wide river and crossing about five meters of open space, there is a residential building. Luo Zheng waited calmly for a while. After making sure that he was not discovered, a relaxed smile appeared on his tense face, and he quickly put on all the clothes on his body. He took out three grenades, observed the surrounding terrain, and quickly selected three places. He hung the grenades on the branches and arranged them into traps. As long as they touched the branches, the grenades would explode if they fell. Can you do it later? It's hard to say whether it will be used when withdrawing. It's always good to be prepared.

After doing all this, Luo Zheng jumped across the river, walked a few steps, and approached a house. He squatted in the corner and listened quietly for a while. After making sure that there was no danger, he groped up carefully. After a while, he came to a window. The window was not open. It is large and is covered with a film to block the wind. Poor villages cannot afford to install glass. The film can block the wind without blocking the sun, which is very practical.

Luo Zheng leaned forward and looked inside. There was no one in the room. There was a bed and some simple furniture. It was a rare opportunity. Luo Zheng pulled out the captured knife, quickly cut open the film, climbed in, and after landing, Luo Zheng Zheng carried the AK47 on his back and held the knife behind his back. He came to the door cautiously and listened for a while, but there was no movement. He saw a wardrobe next to him. He opened it and saw there were clothes inside, so he picked up a black robe and put it on. , thought about it, put a white hat on his head, wiped his hands on the ground a few times, and wiped the dust on his face.

After a simple disguise, Luo Zheng decisively opened the door and went to the living room next door. There was a door leading out of the living room, which led to the village corridor. There were people walking outside. Luo Zheng groped to the door and saw several local villagers and armed men with guns. While chatting, there were many women and children among them. They couldn't help but be startled, and soon realized that this was the home of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. The villagers had a close relationship with the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. All the previous incidents were all pretended by the villagers for the purpose of deceiving. Everyone.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng became furious. After taking a deep breath and forcing himself to calm down, he carefully observed the surroundings and found that there were militants everywhere. Since the villagers had a close relationship with the militants, his face was intimidating to everyone. They are all strangers, so if you go out rashly, you will definitely be seen through, and there is no way you can get away with it.

There were enemies all around and he couldn't get out. The only way to complete the mission was to create chaos. Luo Zheng carefully came to the opposite room, which was the kitchen. He saw a pile of dry firewood. The villagers couldn't afford natural gas or gas, so they had to use There was dry firewood, and there was some gasoline next to it. Luo Zheng had an idea and sprinkled all the gasoline on the dry firewood. He found the lighter, returned to the door and listened for a while, but was not found. Luo Zheng lit the lighter and threw it decisively, and then He quickly ran behind the living room door.

The door is a wooden door. When it is opened, it touches the wall, forming an angle in the middle, which is just enough to hide a person. Luo Zheng waited for a while, and then heard someone rushing in in panic from outside, and went straight to the kitchen. No one was there. Watch out for someone hiding behind the door.

The dry firewood burned with gasoline. The fire was so fierce that it was impossible to extinguish it. Soon, everything that could be burned in the kitchen was burning. The roof was not high, and hay was piled up. In addition, the kitchen had fires for cooking all year round, and the smoke Under the fire, grease forms on it, which usually protects it from heat and water, but when it encounters fire, it ignites instantly.

The fire started to rise as soon as the wind blew, and the people who rushed into the room to put out the fire were completely confused. Luo Zheng took the opportunity to come out from behind the door. He lowered his head and dressed up like the people around him, so no one noticed. After leaving the room, Luo Zheng saw Many people were rushing over, so they quietly got out of the way and walked down the alley towards the center of the village.

Luo Zheng had observed before coming here that the building in the center of the village was relatively tall and imposing. If there were big people there, they would definitely be there. Not long after, a group of people from the front rushed over, holding various tools in their hands, shouting, "Luo Zheng" Zheng didn't understand, so when he saw the other person handing over a washbasin, he couldn't help but was startled. He immediately understood that he was asking him to help fetch water and put out the fire, so he quickly took it and followed the team forward.

Luo Zheng walked very slowly. The team rushed to put out the fire in a hurry. No one paid attention. Luo Zheng took the opportunity to fall behind the team. When no one was paying attention, he ducked into another alley and glanced at the face in his hand. Pen smiled bitterly, feeling that holding this thing could better disguise his identity, so he ran towards the center of the village without throwing it away.

Seeing that they were approaching the central area, a large group of armed men rushed over. Luo Zheng's expression changed. He saw that the door next to him was open and people left. The room was empty. The owner of the house must have gone to put out the fire. Luo Zheng ducked in. There were no armed men. Pay attention to Luo Zheng and pass quickly.

After all the armed men left, Luo Zheng carefully stuck his head out. After making sure that there was no danger, he thought about it and set a fire in this room. Then he quickly slipped out and soon came to a taller building. Nearby, I hid in the corner and took a look. I saw that the tall building looked like a sacrificial place. There was a small square at the door, and some guarding soldiers stood there. It had a round arched door, columns, two stories high, a flat roof, and no one on it.

It was definitely not possible to go in directly, as it would alert the guards at the door. Looking around, Luo Zheng smiled. He saw tall buildings with residential buildings on both sides, separated only by an alley. The alley was only one meter wide, and the residential buildings were one-story high. You can jump onto the roof of this tall building. Luo Zheng quickly made a detour, jumped onto the roof with a running start, sprinted along the roof for a few steps, jumped hard with his feet, jumped directly onto the tall building, twisted his body, and turned over.

The roof of this building is very flat and there is nothing there. Luo Zheng walked a few steps with his waist and came to the entrance and exit leading to the roof. When he opened the door, he saw that there was no one in the corridor. The second floor was quiet, but there were quite a few people on the first floor. Luo Zheng went down to the second floor and leaned against the wall at the entrance of the stairs. He saw that the corridor on the second floor was longer and there were five or six small rooms. The doors were open and someone was faintly talking. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth, pulled out a short knife, and tiptoed. When he came to the door of a room, it was empty. Luo Zheng quickly checked the other two rooms. No one was there. He soon came to a room with a slightly closed door. He quickly opened it and saw that there was a person lying down inside. Resting in bed, snoring and apparently asleep.

Luo Zheng dodged into the room, closed the door smoothly, rushed forward, covered the opponent's mouth, slashed his throat with a short knife, and the opponent struggled and screamed, but Luo Zheng held him down, and soon he was gone. There was movement, and Luo Zheng looked around the room.

The room was very simple, with no furniture. There were some clothes piled next to it, which should have belonged to the deceased. After a search, there was nothing, but there was a pistol. Only officers could be equipped with pistols. Luo Zheng looked at it carefully.

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