The strongest soldier

Chapter 111 Gunshots in the middle of the night

"There's nothing to say, just retreat. There are more than a hundred militants in the village. It makes no sense for us to stay here. We might as well leave quickly while they are putting out the fire and jump out of the encirclement. Judging from the map, we should be here. There are three lines of defense to the east, and I suggest breaking through them as soon as possible." The monk suggested first, while pointing to a place name on the map.

The gardener and farmer also agreed. The scholar looked at Luo Zheng, and seeing Luo Zheng's thoughtful expression, he couldn't help but ask: "Brother Luo Zheng, what's your opinion?"

"Have you ever thought about a question?" Luo Zheng did not answer directly, but put forward another point of view: "This encirclement is very large, with many lines of defense, almost blocking all the passages. We were lucky enough to pass through several lines of defense. , but crashed into the net. Since we are in the net, should we do something? Secondly, there are seven other participating teams on the periphery. It is unknown what their situation is. Since we have the general information, should we do something? What?"

"What to do?" Everyone pondered. After a while, the farmer asked: "Do you mean to stay and kill the enemies of the village?"

"Does it make sense?" the gardener asked: "Since you killed their officers, you also destroyed the command system. It doesn't mean much whether you kill those militants. It's better to take the opportunity to evacuate and save us first. As for We don’t know the situation of the other participating team members in the periphery. Even if we kill the militants in the village, it may not be beneficial to other participating team members. After all, the enemy is not a fool, and there is no way he will not have countermeasures."

Just as he was talking, the intercom suddenly made a rustling sound, and soon someone spoke. Everyone was stunned. Seeing Luo Zheng take out the intercom from his pocket, their eyes lit up. After listening carefully, they couldn't understand a word. Luo Zheng was distressed. Turning off the intercom, the monk said: "They are probably communicating with someone. The circumstances of the officer's murder will be exposed soon. Let's take the opportunity to leave early."

"It's easy to leave, but there are more than a hundred nameplates in the village. If you leave, they will be gone. Without the officers, the group of militants will be easy to deal with. Besides, what if I kill someone other than the highest officer?" Luo Zheng asked. .

Everyone was startled and looked at the scholar in silence. The final decision was still up to the scholar. The scholar valued Luo Zheng's opinion this time, but he would not ignore the risk of staying and fighting. After thinking about it, he said: " If it is not the top officer who is killed, our whereabouts will be exposed, and the enemy will definitely retaliate wildly. If it is the top officer who is killed, the enemy will also know the situation, close the encirclement, and retaliate madly. No matter what, the enemy will retaliate. In this case, It’s better to evacuate the encirclement as soon as possible. With this map, we won’t be headless flies.”

"Agree." The monk said first. The others thought for a while and nodded in agreement. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and said that the minority obeyed the majority and said nothing more. However, he had a more comprehensive understanding of the scholar's command ability. That is, the level of tactical offense and defense is very high, but the strategic judgment is lacking. As a general, you cannot be a handsome man.

There is one thing Luo Zheng did not say, that is, when the village is burned down by fire, it is the best opportunity to kill the village militants. Once the enemies of the village are killed, they will definitely be completely angered, and more armed forces will be dispatched to attack and completely defeat them. Disrupting the enemy's original deployment can not only help other competing teams on the periphery, but everyone can also escape when the enemy is unclear about the true situation and their command is chaotic.

However, everyone was focused on evacuating, and there was no need to say these words. According to the map, everyone chose a direction and route to evacuate quickly. Luo Zheng followed closely behind the team and continued to take charge of the evacuation. There was no danger along the way. At dusk, We all came to a forest and found a place with leeward wind to stop. It was already dark and it was not suitable to walk any further. We had to camp to rest and regain our strength.

Covered by woods, there was no need to worry about being discovered. Everyone worked together to dig a field camp stove and lit a fire. Sparse green smoke came out of the ground along the passage, and dissipated before it took off. It was impossible to find it outside. , a lot was seized last time, including dry food and water, and everyone shared it.

Luo Zheng saw the scholar studying the map carefully, the gardener going out to investigate, the farmer checking his wounds and changing herbs for the wounds. The herbs were collected along the way. The monk gathered more dry firewood around and lay down by the campfire. He used a thicker piece of wood as a pillow and said to the scholar, "I'll sleep for a while. Wake me up at night to watch the night watch."

The scholar agreed and continued to study the map. He was really tired after walking for a day. Luo Zheng fell asleep quickly. When he woke up, it was already late at night. Luo Zheng looked at the monk who woke him up, and then looked at Everyone else around him was asleep, so he said, "Watch the night, right? Leave it to me."

The monk nodded, and after Luo Zheng got up and left, he lay down where Luo Zheng had just been lying. It was not far from the bonfire, the temperature was higher, and the dew was heavier late at night, so he had to be careful. Luo Zheng checked the gun in his hand. , looked around, and found the tallest tree nearby. I wanted to hide there, but then I thought, it was too eye-catching and not an ideal location. However, there was a bush not far away, and the view there was relatively wide. The key is that it is inconspicuous, it is the best lurking spot, and it is also good for sentry.

After confirming that there were no poisonous snakes in the bushes, Luo Zheng dug into the bushes, lay down on the ground, straightened the fallen bushes around him, and after a simple disguise, he quietly observed the surrounding situation, not daring to make any mistakes. Carelessly, not long after, a beautiful figure gradually appeared in my mind, and I didn't know what she was doing? What's going on now?

Thinking of Lan Xue, a gentle smile appeared on Luo Zheng's resolute face. Suddenly, a burst of dense gunfire was faintly heard. Luo Zheng was startled and listened carefully. It was to the south, some distance away. Luo Zheng remembered the drawing on the map. It was very clear that there was a small road running from west to east more than ten kilometers to the south, and there were scattered small villages. One section was a key defensive area for the enemy. I couldn't help but be surprised: Could it be that one of the participating teams was ambushed?

The distance was too far, so the sound of gunshots was not very obvious. If Luo Zheng hadn't listened carefully, it would have been difficult to detect, so that other sleeping people were not alerted. Luo Zheng thought that if there was a gunshot there, even if there were enemies, they would be there. In the past, we would not come here to search. Everyone is safe. Moreover, the distance is too far and the situation is unclear. There is no way to rush over to help, so it is better to take the opportunity to sleep a little longer.

After a while, the gunshots became sparse. Luo Zheng thought that the participating teams might be evacuating. With the physical fitness and military quality of the participating team members, it would be difficult for the ETIM people to catch up. There would be no danger. Luo Zheng quietly Lying down in the bushes, he looked warily at the dark jungle around him. His cold eyes were beating with a maturity and calmness that transcended his age, just like the twinkling stars in the night sky, until a black shadow appeared.

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